

I am very excited to get in to my new medical university in Hyderabad.I have never thought of getting a seat in No 1 medical college of Hyderabad.It is my first day, Mom is hurry in preparing my food my dad is ready to drop me in college with his bike."Sasi, hurry up u want to be late for the very first day" mom said.I am really excited to meet my new friends and lecturers.Dad came to me in a hurry and said "Beta, i am very sorry i got a call from my office can u please take a bus for this day".I am very dissapointed in a second I became active and took a look towards watch its already 8:45. Actually i need to reach to college at 9.In a hurry i took a bus,I think its my lucky day I reached the college on time.Thanks to god.There is only a less time about to class start.On reaching my class finally i got a seat.A girl with long hair, blue jeans,white shirt,fair look,is beside me.I am an introvert. so i didn't talk to her.First class is anatomy very intresting.After the class "Hey My name is Jahnavi u can call me janu" from the girl beside me.I jntroduced myself to her "Hi, My name is sasi priya u can call me sasi". Only in a short time we became close to each other. we are on way to canteen , A scene took my attention which made me very angry...