
My First Love:

This phrase "First love" is really interesting that it can easily catch up minds of almost every person in this world.

This intimacy / feeling carries the burden of emotions for that one person, but this love is not always necessary to be a girl or boy..

You can fell in love with family, friends and yeah,if i talk about myself

My first love are my parents... I couldn't remember when i first felt that i love them,

But with the passage of time, years passed, i saw growing them old and me young.. Although it was hurting feeling that i saw them losing their energy, their will power, their minds and sometimes even names of their children..

Haha it seems funny that a mother who gave me birth, and she stood with me in every moment whether i asked for her need or not forgot my name.. Anyways i would like to write few words for the..although i know they are never gonna read it but 'Mom Dad' I really love you both ❤️ i can't explain my words out because i am so shy and you guys know that..

My Mother ❤️..

She never expressed her love for me by words or by anything.. But inside this whole caring and support thing i felt that she loved me , she did things for me without asking her for help.. Whenever i was tensed about something she showed me the right way to deal with it...

I can never explain the love in my heart for her because words are not enough for that..

My father ❤️..

For a daughter every father is a king 👑 and i love him from the very first day i started seeing the world.. I was never alone.. I was never underestimated by this cruel world... I was never felt worthless,Whenever i find him by my side... That's my king and i love him from the core of my heart...

My first love are my parents and I'm so lucky for having them. 💕