

"I like you... I like you Sosuke!",exclaimed Yuqi. She was flustered. It took a lot of guts to say this but after she said it, it was like the world had finally collapsed. It was awful. She wanted to dig a hole and die. It seemed the best option right now.

The guy in front of her had frozen. There was no movement whatsoever. Yuqi thought he was suffering from shock, and maybe he was. After a long time of awkward silence, Sosuke finally spoke.

"I am sorry Yuqi but I have never thought of you like that. I thought of you as a very close friend. I am extremely sorry but no. ",he said. His voice sounded clear, sincere and a bit apologetic. It made Yuqi feel sad and embarrassed.

"It's fine. It's absolutely fine. Don't worry.", she almost as in one breath. "We should help the others. Lets go.",she tried to distract both of them and look normal. She may have even successfully fooled Sosuke that she is alright but during home time, she told Sosuke that she was going to Hotaru's house and hence he should not wait for her.

---Hotaru's House---

"I told him. I got rejected but I told him. Wait! Correction! I knew I was going to get rejected but I told him.",tears started to well up when she said this. Even though she knew before confessing that she might be rejected, she thought she was prepared but she was not.

Hotaru lightly patted Yuqi's back to make her feel better and told her she could cry as much as she wants and then did it start. Yuqi's tears could probably amount to a liter.


It was almost 7 o' clock when she came home. Her mother was aware where she was but looking at the time, she asked,"Did you finish your homework?".

"Hmm... I did.",Yuqi replied half-heartedly.

"Something happened at school?",her mother hadn't seen her daughter's face like this in a while.

And the moment her mother's question came to an end, she was in tears.

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