
Gesture of Confusion

The most awaited second day for me 1st May,2013 I had on way to school in a full excited mood. As same, I entered in the class and met my new friends there and I attended the first assembly of the new school all the things were going good before the class starts. Our class teacher entered in the class we all were greet her and she saw me in confusion and asked me," Who are you? Are you a student of this class? And What's your name? I replied,

" Yes Ma'am, I am a student of this class. My name is 'Saisha' and I am a new student here. And I am from 'Green High Convent School'. She was in shocked and said, according to my new admission list you're not a student of my class. She thought, " Why student like me from a good school took an admission there? And in this section especially because this section known for average students and for worst subjects choice. She was in doubt about my admission and started giving us class and at the end of period she said to me, " You better check and ask from the other section teachers about your admission because I am sure that you're not a student of my class". But I was confident about my admission because I enjoyed a lot with my friends and it becomes a best part of my life and I don't want to leave this class. I spent all the day in school and I liked all the teachers and students there. I was enjoyed each and every moment in my new school and it changed my mentality about this school. I leave school in a good mood and on my way to home and I had lot to tell my mom about my school, teachers and new friends. I told everything to my mom and she was happy and gave me warm smile and said," I am happy today that you accept all the things and understand your home's condition and adjust in the atmosphere of new school thank you for everything my girl and I am proud on you". After listening all the things I decided to give my best in every condition and always feels proud my parents on me. I was in a hope of another good day and forgot everything the teacher said to me.