
My First Hood Love.

Mya Is turning 17 and it's summer break no more stressing over school with her Bestfriend Aaliyah the summer should be lit although she's moving out the hood at the at of the end of the week The two Bestfriends having lived in the Hood they call Cedar Park Projects (A Part of DTW (Down the way) the different Apartments in Cleveland that all are right next to each other ) They knew everybody and then some Crushing on Two boys they grew up with Lamont And Montez Hood dope boys are bound to change their young lives for the better or for the worse

NeeNee_Williams · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 (Ahmad)

Today was moving day for me, my mom and little sister Aaliyah our last day DTW In the hood . Even though we were moving I'll still be popping up in the hood I can't miss out on what I need to feed my family.!Im Up right now but I still hit my licks and plays building my clients bringing in the dough to put up for safe keeping. For every dollar I spend I try and make 20$ more than that I dollar I spent so I'll never be broke.

It was almost 12:00pm I haven't seen Aaliyah little grown ass all day.  I Knew she still had boxes to be packed up in her room so the shit could get put on one of the 5 U-haul trucks I rented to  move our shit  to our new house. I was outside moving shit by myself for real my lazy ass mama Lisa was only moving little shit.  my lil niggas Lamont and Montez was posed to come help me move some of this stuff they said they had some licks to hit on they way down here but they a be here soon .

I was outside no shirt some black basketball ball shoes and my new yellow and white Jordan's that dropped a couple Saturdays ago l. I got so many shoes I be trying to wear every pair at least once even if it is to just move some boxes and shit.

Sitting on the bench outside the spot taking a break I saw Mariah little cute black ass get out her moms car by the store to go in her building. Mariah was like a good 17 or something 4 years younger than me but in my hood they say "If you old enough to talk you old enough to fuck" shit what a motherfucker don't know won't hurt them either. Mariah was a chocolate slim thick little shorty real cute face and she could sing her ass off . I always made it my business to greet her with a "hey pretty " or "good morning beautiful" she would always smile shyly or keep walking I know yo boy was growing on her I was gone work my magic right between them chocolate thighs. When she got to our side of the street I walked toward her meeting her halfway across the parking lot spotting me she looked down smiling shyly." Damn no hi today pretty ?" I asked her walking with her to her building door " I didn't even see you till now " she said in a low voice.

Moving in front of her building door so she couldn't open it I said " I'm waiting " .

" Hiiiii Ahmad" she told me. " Happy now ?" She said.

"Very, Todays we move I'm a miss you tho " I told her.

Blushing then looking up at me she reached out to me for a hug I grabbed her arms putting them around my neck then mines around her waist this was the type of hug that meant something in the hood usually when a female or male liked each other, was fucking low key or were together. Mariah smelled so good like cocoa butter with fruity shit mixed with it placing my lips close to her ear so only we could hear what I said i whispered to her.

" Be Mines Mariah " then I placed a kiss on her neck.

" I - um , idk " she stammered over her words.

" You already mines I been marked you as mines you off limits to any nigga in the hood " I explained to her.

" What ? , who said I wanted to be yours ? I don't like you like that " she said with a attitude .

Licking my lips and laughing at her I moved off the door and walked up in her face . I gently grabbed her face in my hand pulling her towards me my lips inches from hers looking into her eyes. I brushed my lips against hers lightly and she tried to press her lips against mines harder but I pulled away from her.

" If you don't like me why did you just try and kiss me ? I asked her.

"I was , I thought... " she said getting caught up in her words again.

"Exactly what I thought no need to fake pretty " I told her.

Out the corner of my eye I see Montez car pull into the parking lot to a empty parking space and Lamont park his Shit on the side of the store by Burger King. Finally these niggas come to help a nigga I said to myself in my head.

I pulled out my IPhone 12 told Mariah to take a quick picture with me so I could save her number with a contact picture so I could know it's her. Usually I don't save hoes numbers especially if I fucked already they usually get my trap number only family and friends got my main number.

"I'm A hit you up tonight " I told Mariah.

She shyly nodded her head and I moved out her way finally letting her go in the building.

"Ahmad Wasup dude" Montez hollered to me from by the store.

"These boxes nigga" I yelled back pointing to the moving trucks and boxes outside.

" Alright Fool We about to come help yo bitch ass damn" he yelled to me from across the street.

Just as Lamont and Montez crosses the street I see Aaliyah and Mya walking up the walkway to our now old apartment. I instantly frowned when I seen Aaliyah because she should of had her shit ready two fucking weeks ago her little hard head ass don't listen. Aaliyah and Mya both waved as they walked up to me "Where The Fuck You Been Little Girl?" I asked.

Looking at Mya for comfiest because she was finna get in trouble she responded with "I lost track of time and spent the night at Mya's last night I didn't want to walk home in the dark late" She said looking down at her feet.

"Go in the house and get the rest of yo shit ready niggas got other shit to do besides move shit all day " I told her. Walking  into the building while Mya followed behind her. Hearing someone call my sister name I looked up to see Aaliyah and Mya exchange hellos to  both Montez and Lamont as they walked over to where I was.

"What all we got left to load on the truck?" Lamont asked me.

"Shit just these boxes from The Kitchen,bathroom,& Aaliyahs room boxes.

" ok " they both said in unison and began to pick up and place boxes in the remaining u-haul trucks that were outside waiting for us  to finish.

" Damn a nigga need to smoke I'm tired as fuck " I said while we loaded the last two boxes outside on the 3rd u haul truck I closed the door behind me so the driver could pull off taking the stuff to the new house.

" We probably only need one truck for Aaliyah Shit It Ain't really shit else left in here " I told them as they followed me inside the old spot.

"Damn now that all the shit gone I can see how small this Mf really is" Lamont said taking a empty crate and sitting down on it in the kitchen. Tired as fuck I hopped up and sat on the counter and Tez did the same Lamont started to roll up a blunt.

"Man It's finna be dark Aaliyah ass should be done I'm not trying to be driving all night to the house "  I said getting down off the counter to go check on her and Mya.

Walking down the hallway to the end where her room was I stopped outside the door overhearing some of her and Mya's conversation.

" So little miss Shy ass did you and Lamont get freaky or what last night ?" She asked Mya.

" I didn't fuck him if that's what your asking but we did little shit and took a shower together that's all" Mya said .

"Bitchhhhhhh Is it big ?  And girl what u mean Little shit anything sexual you did is Big with yo shy virgin ass " Aaliyah said laughing.

" Too big Its Like a fucking baby arm but he fingered me I was scared at first for real until it felt good, we tongue kissed a lot I stroked his dick for a min and he sucked my titties and bust his nut on my stomach it was hot as fuck too " Mya told her.

Not wanting to hear the rest of they conversation I walked in the room

"You can't knock Ahmad ?" my sister said.

" No , is y'all done or y'all need help girl " I asked her looking around to see what all they had left to do which was nothing because her bed and dresser  were already gone and most of her boxes of clothes all she had was like 6 boxes she and Mya just got done packing up.

"We done as you can see " she told me.

"Bet lets make this one trip both of you grab a box and I'll grab two Lamont and Tez gone get the last two"  I said to them.

Looking at each other raising they eyesbrows  like some kind of signal we all grabbed our boxes to take outside to the truck on our way out Lamont and Tez were done smoking in the kitchen and were standing by the door I told them it was two boxes in Aaliyah's old room to get and that was everything.

Once the last box was on the U-haul truck I told the extra U-haul truck I had rented to leave I didn't need him handing him a 100$ for the inconvenience.

Walking to Stand in front of our old building I told everybody to come take a  picture with me so i can post on IG with the caption "Moving Day ".  After I took a couple pictures I dapped both of my boys up and gave them hugs telling them I'll see them soon and to be safe and careful out here they knew to hit my line about anything I'll be back in the Hood Morning  Anyways.

Aaliyah walked up and Hugged Mya in a tight asss hug squeezing her tight Mya hugged her tightly back Sniffling They pulled apart Both

Crying tears. "Promise to call everyday and that you a come visit soon" Aaliyah told Mya.

"You know It Bestfriends Forever I Love you Aaliyah " Mya Said As My sister got into the front seat of my car yelling I Love you too back to Mya. 

" Bye Lamont And Tez " She said Smiling at Montez .

"Bye Pretty " Montez said back.

" See you later " Lamont replied.

Looking around at my hood one more time before I got in my car shaking my head smiling I got in my car and backed out the parking lot blowing the horn at my niggas and Mya saying good bye to them even tho I'm still gone be down this bitch 24/7 hitting plays .

Taking out my phone " i texted  Mariah asking her could chill one day"

Sitting my  phone on my lap waiting for a reply  Aaliayah scrolled down Instagram.  Turning up "Lucci( Talk Yo Shit ) on my raido i reclined in my seat and headed too our new house.