

shinuzaki2002 · Teen
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3 Chs


On the last chapter, having a bad expression through his young master even young zu apologize to her.

So.... Let's continue MA people


"am sorry." young zu said while looking down and Cristine said. "(sigh) I should apologize, if you want me to carry that guy I can help u." Cristine said while looking at him. (happy) "really?" he said with a happy smile on his face. "(on Cristine's thought) (sigh) oh well, here goes nothing." -> "just... Let me carry this guy young zu, you don't have to worry about me." she carried the guy guard inside of the mansion and she placed him to the couch.


(sigh) "that was really a good exercise." she said while cracking crak*n her neck. (stooding up) "woah! This place is really beautiful, I've never been into a place like this." she said while looking around like she never seen one of those of those things. "(on young zu's thought) (smirks) interesting, this girl even have a side of curiosity of new things, I like it." he said while acting in front of her. "anyway to be exact to you, young zu, you don't need to act in front of me, so... Why don't we just in person." she said while stopping at the same time taking a peek at him. "(surprised) ahhh? How did she know that? Did she...? That can't be." he said to himself while frowning at the same time a little bit worried. "something wrong young zu?" Cristine ask young zu and he said. (stuttering) "ahh... Well... Am fine..." he said while scratching his head. "oh come, your way too easy to found out that you were just acting she said while walking closer to the couch and sit. "but... How did u found out?" young zu ask her and she said. "that's a secret." she said while smiling at young zu. (on Cristine's thought) hehhehe, I heard them talking about something but seem I cannot understand what they're talking." -> "hey! Are u listening to me?" young zu ask her and she said. "ah? Yes, of course." she said while forcefully smiling at him. "anyway you should ask the maid first." he said while sitting on the couch at the same time closing his eyes. "k, if that's what u want." she said while stooding up at the same time scratching her hair.


"excuse me Ms. Maid may I know who is the head maid in this mansion?" Cristine ask the little maid and she said. "yes, please wait a minute." the little maid said while bowing in front of her and take her leave. "(smirk) that wouldn't be a problem." Cristine walked closer to the couch and sit.

After a few minutes the head maid came in and said. "good day to you young master and to you too lady Cristine, what can i do for you?" the head maid ask them and Cristine said. "I wanna know where's my room." Cristine said while looking at her and the head maid said. "oh? Yes, I already know that." the head maid said while bowing in front of them and she said. "please, follow me lady Cristine." the head maid said while walking closer to the door and Cristine stood up. "(whispered through his master's ear) I'll see you around my master." she said while holding her bag and after that she followed the head maid. "(flushed) ehmmm? (smirks) interesting."



(on Cristine's thought) "this place is really big I don't know if I could live here." she said while looking around and the head maid said. "were here." the head maid stops and she opens the door. "is this my room?" Cristine ask the head maid and she said. "yes, lady Cristine this room will be your room from now on." she said while standing aside. "(coming in) you don't need to be formal just call me Cristine." she said while smiling at her and the head maid said. "I'm sorry but that would be difficult, I'll excuse myself if there is nothing else." the head maid bows in front of her and take her leave while closing the door at the same time. (on Cristine's thought) "that's a surprise, must be really necessary to call me lady, oh well, there's nothing i can do with that." she said while lying on her bed. "okay! Right now there's no need to rest I need to get change myself and get out." she said while stooding up.

After a few minutes of changing she came out and goes to his master's side.



"um... May I ask if can go out there and do some training?" cristine asked master zu and he said. "suit yourself." he said while drinking some tea. "thank you." Cristine walked out and thanked his master.



"your student is really a mysterious one commander major." boss zu said while holding his telephone and commander major said. "that girl is one of a kind isn't she? she even claim herself as a killing machine." commander major said while leaning his arm on his head on his right arm. "yes, she is truly, anyway may I ask, why did you recommend that fellow girl to guard my son?" boss zu ask the commander major and he said. "Hehe... That's the best part of it you wanna know?" -> "well... She is from the poorest village so... She was trying her best to survive." commander major said and boss zu said. "poorest village? What do you mean?" boss zu asked commander major a question and he said. "well... You will know it sooner or later."



"99, 100..! (panting) ha.. Ha! That was really tiring." she said while lying on the ground at the same time panting and suddenly a made came to her and said. "excuse me, lady wang." the maid bows in front of her and Cristine sit up and said. "do you need something from me?" Cristine asked the maid and she said. "yes, infact you have a call from someone." the maid said while looking at her and Cristine stood up. "(stooding up) (frowns) who might be's calling me at this hour." she said while following the maid.



both of them go in, the maid stops and Cristine stops too, the maid pass the phone and Cristine answer the call. "hello? May I know who's calling?" Cristine asked the caller and caller said. "it's me." commander major said and Cristine suddenly stood up straight and salute. "oh, it's you commander major, good evening." she look up straight while saluting and commander major said. "I need you to come over here, we need to discuss something, that's all and I need you to come here tomorrow asap." the commander major said and cristine said. "yes, commander major." (commander major hung up)

Well.... I will continue this story on the next chapter, I hope you will like this story of mine I'm your newly writer, shinuzaki2002