
Vol 8: Ch 673 – Lian Smith and Wong Woona 5

Vol 8: Ch 673 – Lian Smith and Wong Woona 5

One week after that, Lian and Woona make their first appearance as a couple in the Business Showbiz News and both are wearing white and black formal business attire. White blouse and black skirt partnered with high heels for Woona while white long sleeve and black pants with a black shoe for Lian that you can't help but in awe especially they are still on their teens yet they already showing an aura as the future CEO of two companies.

They are both interviewed by the host of the Business Showbiz News and their query got answered by them. Well, the interviews of the Business Fields and Entertainment Fields are quite different yet they have almost the same impact since they've been trending and have been the top news in the Business Fields for 3 months straight.