
Vol 1 : Ch 22 - Rei's brother and family

Vol 1: Ch 22 - Rei's brother and family

Just one hour after Rei left their family home, a family of four arrives at exactly the time when she left and then they notices a doorbell in the corner easily and so one of them presses the bell excitedly while waiting for someone to open the gate for them to enter.

One of the guests talks and asks.

"Dad and Mom, are Mama Grand and Auntie Rei are not around?" a 2 years old little girl asks her parents anxiously.

"I don't know Lynel, but maybe they're here. Well, knowing your Auntie and Grandma who both likes to stay and more prefer at home rather than shopping or going somewhere else other than home, so they must here." Rei's brother replied to his daughter seriously.

"You're right El, but maybe at this time they're not at home since they do not know that we will be coming back here today you know". His wife also explained as matter of fact.

"Yeah, maybe Mom is right, Dad. Both Auntie Rei and Mama Grand are not here." the  other little kid agrees with her mother who's also  a 2 years old little one the same as Lynel since she didn't see anyone opening the gate for them.

"Let's try it again but I'm sure they're here, so stop being impatient Lynel and Ellyn. Same with you, Lyn, My Dear Wife don't be impatient enough and you need to be more patient."

"Geez Dad we're not impatient because we're just excited to see Auntie Rei and Mama Grand for the first time after two years or after we born you know." Lynel and Ellyn said it together.

"You...." Lyn wants to argue to her beloved husband but stop because she got interrupted by the dogs barking from inside the gate. Several minutes passed by, a 60+ old lady open the door and said.

"Rei, did you forgot something?" the old lady inside thought that the one outside is Rei while then the busy barking dogs stop barking when they heard their owner's voice.

"..." the couple fell silent all of sudden because their mother is still healthy and lively as when the couple left her in the care of her sister and sister-in-law Rei two years ago.

"...." meanwhile the two little girls also fell silent all of sudden because and at last, they already meet their grandma for the first time yet they've become speechless at this moment because they didn't know what they're going to say or asks first when in fact they prepare a lot.

"I never taught that there will be a time that you will forget your keys, Rei." She still assumes that it's Rei.

"Grandma" the two kids called her in a very excited loud voice but then corrected themself knowing that they don't like Grandma at all, "Mama Grand"

Rei's mother doesn't know if it's her son or daughter's kids since all her grandchildren almost have the same voice when they are excited. At this moment, she's quite surprise since she heard her grandchildren voice when in fact they are out of town for two years. "Wait..." then slowly walking and approaching the kids to the gate then realize who they are.

"Oh, so it's our little girls. Let's see.... You must be Ellyn and Lynel, right?"

"Yes, Mama Grand, we are Ellyn and Lynel."

"Oh, wait....." looking at the two adults and ask them "when did you arrive?" But once again stop then realized that they're still outside "Ah, sorry guys and come in first" then opening the gate.

"Thank you Ma, and if you wonder when did we arrive? Well, we just got back and arrived today. We didn't tell both you and Rei because we plan to surprise both of you". El said while guides his family members to get in.

"By the way Mama Grand, where's Auntie Rei?" Ellyn asks since she didn't see her Auntie the moment her Mama Grand got out from the house.

"By the way, you are?" She pretending to be confused even though she already knows who is who because they always have a video chat every week but since it's their first time meeting personally she wants to test them, her beloved granddaughters on how they've been raised by their parents.

"I'm Ellyn Mama Grand the oldest twin of Dad and Mom while Lynel  here is the youngest one and my little sister."

"Geez Sis Ellyn, we're the same age and we're twins so it's the same, that means you're not the oldest nor I'm the youngest one."

"Well logically and rationally, I'm the last one who got out, so you're the youngest. Ah, so Mama Grand where is my Auntie Rei?" Didn't forgot to ask again since she didn't get any answer from her Mama Grand.

"Get inside first, all of you must be tired from your travel after all, right?"

"Not at all Mama Grand and that because we've been sleeping for the whole flight" The Twins happily replied in sync.

Right after then, the family gets inside and looking around at the house with excitement and that, it really shows from their expressions and once again the twins react at the same time with the same manner, indeed they are really twins.

"Woah, our home is really wonderful and nice Mama Grand."

"That's right, Mama" followed by Lyn

"Well Rei did the budgeting after all so it's expected and every time your family El and Mei family send money to us, she will buy the important and the necessary ones then the excess of it will be deposited to our family account. By the way, she extended our house and adds another room for your family, Mei, and then a guest room."

"Ha, ha, I see and as expected of Rei, she's really my sister after all. Both I and Mei don't need to worry that Rei will be running away with our money because she's been like since we're young."

"So speaking of Sis Rei, where is she Ma?" Lyn ask right away after hearing Rei's name.

"Rei is still working at this time and since today is Saturday, so after lunch she will be back."

"Ah, so that's why Sis Rei is not around, huh."

"Right, by the way, Ellyn and Lynel, why the two of you become so quiet all of sudden?"

"Because Mama Grand it's Dad's rule not to interrupt the adults conversation and also we can't disturb when adults are talking unless if we got asked from them."

"Ah, you're right. Good, good, so it means the two of you we're really been have a nice upbringing and got raised well by your parents, huh. By the way kids, how's the life in J Country?"

"Nah, it's very nice Mama Grand but a little bit bored because Mama Grand, Auntie Rei, and Auntie Mei's family are not with us, so it's not quite happy for me." Lynel sadly said the fact.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Uh-uh, then, then when Mom and Dad told us that we're going back here, I'm really, really excited because for the first time I will meet Mama Grand and Auntie Rei because Video Chatting was not enough for me but then Auntie Rei is not here, so sad and yet here I am, I'm so excited to see Auntie Rei personally."

"She will be here, though after lunch."


"Of course, and by the way why Ellyn is so quiet now?"

"He, he Sis Ellyn is just shy even though she's not a talkative type like me, she will become more talkative if she's talking to a family member but I guess Sis Ellyn, just don't know what she's going to say, so she's been like that Mama Grand."

"I see and just like your Mother and Auntie Rei, huh."

"Eh, Auntie Rei is also like that?" asked Ellyn and their Mama Grand nodded without hesitation.

"So it's run from the family huh" Lynel commented that cause everyone to laugh.

Aya, Rei's mother name realized that El and his family are bringing a piece of big luggage, so she asked in confuse "are you not planning to go back to J country anymore?"

"We won't Ma, I and Lyn resigned from our work in J Country. Both of us received our separation fee so we plan to have a small business here, Lyn will be the one managing it while I'm going to work, knowing you Ma, don't worry about me because I already applied and got accepted, and so starting Monday I will work as an Electrical Engineering in C Electric Company."

"Oh, I see. Good, good, and what kind of small business you want to open then?"

"Ah, about that one, I'm the one who suggests it Ma and El approved it without asking anything, so I want to try it and pursue my course as a Chef Cook after all that's what I graduated, so we will open a restaurant Ma."

"Is that so?" Both of them nodded then she continue asks "so, where do you plan to open one?"

"That, hehe I'm going to ask Sis Rei about because we've been away for 2 years and I don't know the changes here, so I will ask Sis Rei where we can buy a lot property that has the least sale but most visited one."

"That's right, that's right."

"By the way Ma, it's almost 7 months since you and Rei separated from your previous work and you retired but how come until now we are not yet aware where Rei works?"

"That... I see, so Rei didn't tell it to you, huh and even Mei is also not aware where she works."

"Eh, don't tell me....."

"No worries, Rei didn't work in any underground business, I assure both of you that she's in good hands and she didn't tell you about that one because..." got interrupted by the repeated sounds of doorbell.

"Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong, ding"

"Eh, who is it? Maybe it's Rei and forgot something important" Aya wondering it loud.

"Auntie Rei? Really, yeepee" said an excited Lynel then running outside to see her Auntie.

"Wait...." Ellyn wants to stop her but her sister didn't stop at all instead she continues running outside to see her Auntie.

early release brcause I will be arrived late this night, so no internet connection.

Next Update: Friday around 8pm

Jtw10creators' thoughts