
My Final Breath

Shot by her husband who took everything from her, betrayed by her best friend, Alisha was reborn. This time she had to save everyone she loved, stop the man she once married from taking everything. She had to or else they would all die again. But fate would hold her in its hand, can Alisha fight fate and prevail or will she stumble under the pressure? She found herself at the age of nineteen again, however she wasn't ready to hold all the pressure piled against her. Alisha's own insecurities and past will haunt her until she can't recognize herself and her actions. How long will her sanity hold on?

Coco_Vira · Urban
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

finally back at school (2)

Alisha rolled her eyes at the scene, her classmates were a touch too dramatic. However, she did notice the humor in their eyes, though there was awe, they were just having a good laugh. She knew not to take the clapping seriously, as did her classmates once they had gotten over her first outburst. However, they also loved watching newcomers feel uncomfortable or upset or surprised or humored by the clapping. So many reactions, so little time, is what they usually thought. Most of the people in her class were also part of high society and had been with Alisha for most of her life, thus there was a close bond between them already. Though she was the Ice Princess she was still able to have fun and socialize with her classmates.

"Class, I have an announcement today!" Their professor announced as she strutted into the room. Everyone checked the date and sighed, they knew what the announcement was.

"It's that time of the year indeed, our Uni's Cultural Festival or UCF!" She grinned as she looked at the dead looks of her students. "This year, we're doing the usual International talent showcase, the cultural catwalk, and we, as a class, will be running a Cultural Cafe!" She laughed as everyone's faces dropped.

"Miss, I vote that we put Alisha, Nicole, Oliver and Grant into the catwalk, Sereya, Ning, Jacky and Aba should be in the talent showcase. We can put Alisha in Greek clothes, make her look like a Goddess. Nicole can put on a traditional Japanese Kimono, she'll also look like a Goddess. Oliver can dress in a pleated kilt and a suit. And Grant can dress as a cowboy! Sereya can sing, Ning can dance, Jacky can play the guqin and Aba can also sing. Easy." Astrid, a cute Korean girl put her hand up and said her piece and the entire class immediately agreed with her.

Most other classes were excited for the UCF, however this class knew that there was nothing to look forward to, their class had won every school competition since they had entered university. It had been two years and twelve competitions, they knew that there was no competition left for them. The only competition was between Alisha and Nicole, who would win the Cultural Catwalk, thus far they both had had equal wins and losses and two ties. Alisha grinned at Nicole who stuck her tongue out.

Unfortunately, Mean Eyes had returned and assumed that Nicole hated Alisha as much as she did now. So, she put her hand up and smirked, "I think it should just be Nicole. Alisha doesn't seem to be… the best fit for modelling." Nicole almost choked on her water upon hearing the statement. Alisha wasn't Eliza's sister for nothing, she was an incredible model and was good friends with some of the most famous runway models, all of whom had taught her their skills just for fun.

"So you're saying that I lost to Alisha five times by accident?" Nicole scoffed and rolled her eyes. "We need four people to participate anyways, who would the fourth even be?"

"It could be me.��� Mean Eyes stated confidently making Alisha the one to choke on her drink this time. She swerved around at Mean Eyes, she had a lot of fun on the Cultural Catwalk and with Nicole and the boys. She decided to glare at Mean Eyes.

"What if we had a Walk-off then?" Nicole suggested with an evil smirk, the class caught on quickly and cheered on the idea. Mean Eyes agreed immediately, making Alisha laugh. Their professor was also on board and became the judge alongside Nicole and one of Mean Eyes' friends. Two votes needed to be given in order to win. A coin toss decided who would walk down the stairs of the aisle, Alisha won and therefore chose to go last.

Mean Eyes assumed that this was because Alisha needed some tips, she assumed that Alisha was just doing well because she was pretty. She put in some earphones and began strutting down the stairs, she almost slipped off a step but managed to do well getting down. However, everyone noticed that her posture was bad and that her feet looked awkward. Her strut on flat ground wasn't very good, she used too much hip and her head kept knocking from side to side. Alisha shook her head, what was wrong with this girl? She seemed rather foolish to want to compete with her with such a bad walk.

"Wow. That was something, thank you." No one really knew Mean Eyes' name, Alisha realised that she wasn't the only one and was relieved.

"Hey, Ugly Personality, let me show you how it's done." Alisha flicked her hair and walked effortlessly down the stairs, like an angel descending down the stairway to heaven, and strutted down the catwalk so casually and wonderfully, she posed twice and had even prepared a coat as a prop which she had taken onto her shoulders. She smirked at Mean Eyes and winked at her whilst keeping her posture. All three votes went to Alisha. The unanimity astounded Mean Eyes, she had underestimated Alisha greatly.

She thought that her friend and Nicole would vote for her, mainly for the purpose of defaming Alisha, however Alisha seemed to have good relations with everyone in the class. She began biting the sides of her thumbs nervously, she had been given a week to

Alisha didn't know that Mean Eyes had actually been hired by someone else to distract and fool her. Someone had developed a deep hatred for Alisha, someone she hadn't met in her last life or in this life yet. Yet, they had watched her from the shadows, someone that wanted to be Alisha.

No sane person would randomly shout things at another, though Alisha suspected that Mean Eyes had motives outside of being a b**ch she chose to believe there weren't such motives. It was too sad a way to live if it was in constant paranoia. Unlike her, Bryan had managed to witness the scenes in the classroom as his speech had been delayed for thirty minutes so he decided to go and watch Alisha's class, which he had found from the professor who'd invited him. He stared at 'Mean Eyes', who he had decided to call 'Girl A' because he wasn���t quite as creative, about naming, as Alisha. He was surprised at her cat-walking abilities, he didn't realise that his date was such an amazing model. He knew that she was a touch too short to be a professional runway model, which was part of why Nicole had held advantage over her multiple times. Both girls had a unique charm, however Nicole's height managed to win over Alisha.

Bryan called a man he knew within the largest telecompany in the world and asked him about this girl, he found out her details pretty quickly based on her location and contacts list. He soon hacked into her messages and found that someone wanted to bring down Alisha. He read through the conversation however he couldn't find any indication of why this person wanted this to occur. Bryan, knowing the phone number, quickly managed to trace the other phone number to someone called Savin in the economics department.

Savin Smith was the least popular person in their school due to Alisha, however he had brought it upon himself. A few years ago, Savin had been dating a friend of Alisha's however the two had never had any interaction. Savin hadn't been a brilliant boyfriend to Alisha's friend, so Alisha had told her friend to dump the boy and share her story so that other girls would be weary of what they were getting into. She retweeted her friend and ended up going viral with many girls and boys coming out and sharing their own experiences with the boy. It seemed that her friend wasn't the first to have been hurt by him. However, it was known to everyone that if Alisha hadn't retweeted that statement, no one would have even known what kind of person he was.

Savin lost his mysterious repertoire and began to be known as 'that guy', someone everyone actively avoided. He gradually became crazy and put all the blame for his paranoia onto Alisha. Like most people, he didn't realise that the blame lay within his own actions and couldn't accept their consequences. He decided that he needed to bring Alisha down, however he didn't acknowledge the crazy that fuelled his actions. He had become obsessed with Alisha and had become accustomed to stalking her. Unfortunately, she had no clue about the reasons for his actions, or his actions. Bryan wondered why Savin Smith had done this, however he wasn't able to find out. It seemed that Savin's phone was far more protected than expected, it would take more tech to break into it.

Savin was a greater threat than Alisha would ever expect, especially as she grew older, however in her past life he had died early on because of Bryan's psychopathic protection of Alisha. If this story had a villain, it would be Savin.

In her last life, it was Bryan that had brought forth her ruin, in this one she would have to fight Savin. Savin was crazier than Bryan in some ways, his bloodlust and rage was far greater and his hatred for Alisha was too. Bryan only hated Alisha once, and she didn't breathe once he hated her. Savin wanted to torture Alisha and bring her the pain and paranoia she had brought him. He wanted to make her suffer in ways that were cruel and unfathomable by most. Inhumane. Even wild animals wouldn't torture each other in the ways he planned to hurt her.

Bryan left soon after to talk to the class he had been called for, however he sent a message to Alisha and informed her of his findings. Alisha didn't notice her phone's notification, however Susanna did. Susanna was presented with a choice, she saw the message and had made it a point to know her friend's passcode, she saw what it said too. She had a choice now, should she show Alisha the message, delete it, or pretend she saw nothing? Why would she delete it? Because she felt bitter about the events of the night before, her bitterness hadn't calmed down at all. However, she knew that she couldn't risk her friend's safety. She was bitter, however not enough to hurt Alisha's wellbeing so much.

Alisha smiled gratefully at Susanna upon receiving the phone and thanked her. Susanna grinned back, however she felt guilty for even considering not helping her friend out. They had a lesson together after the debacle and Susanna was filled in with what happened, though she wasn't surprised. However, even she found the reasoning of the other girl rather odd until she saw the message from Bryan. No one remembered who Savin was, so she shrugged the name away, however she would remember his name. Like most siblings had fights, so did friends, however only you could say certain things about your friends. Susanna wouldn't tolerate someone else bullying her friends, she wouldn't bully them herself either.

Alisha stared at Susanna, she wondered what was going on in the cogs of her brain. Susanna noticed the gaping eyes gazing at her and smiled nervously. Alisha stood up and sat closer to her friend, she then asked, "would you sleep with someone I was dating? Or seduce them? Or accept their advances?", shocking Susanna.

Of course, Susanna replied with a shocked, "no!", however then she thought. If someone like Bryan hit on her, even if he were with Alisha, she would accept his advances. She felt a touch of shame at herself.

Sorry for the break! Please comment stuff! I love reading your comments they make me wanna write!

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