
I found you (1)

In Underground room

It dark in here. With no fresh air and sunlight to brighten this room. Wait a minute.. when see closely, there was a light that's glowing in that room.

A pair of eyes with a grey colour and tender gaze is glowing in that room. It can make someone fallen into her when she/him stare to long at her eyes. This is what called beautiful eyes.

A young girl with a mesy hair can be found in this room. It looks like she thinking something.

She remember that this morning a guard will be send to tidy this room. But she still in here so they must've think that she already die.

Huh.. baka..

They think they can easily kill her. Imprison her in this underground room with no food and sunlight. Only a stink scent of a blood and a dark room. Maybe the previous older miss died because she can't stay longer in here but I'm not a weak.. Now I have a new life and new body.

I will treasure my life so I can't died in their hand. But..

When she moving her hand, the rope is shattered.

Eh? How can that be__

She only move her arm a little bit to loose the rope because her arm is tense. But now..

My hand free😚 let go out from here.. (don't want to think much, now I have to go to the safe place) that what she think.

Before she move..

Kreakk- (door open)

Someone coming.. ah.. where I have to go.. hmm.. (looking everywhere).. hmm..

Never mind.. this room in a square shaped.. don't have a windows. Only have one door and that door was a door that guard entering.

Ugh.. ok, time to make a plan..

One, I can pretend to died and when that guard approaching me. I kill him.

Two, I approaching he first and make him pass out.


Number two is the best choice.. +_×

At the same time..

Yawn~ "Why I have to go to underground room. That room is so creepy. They so meanie, always make me do a job like this. I want to sleep more."


"Ohh, you want to sleep. Ok.. I will grant your wish."

"Have a sweet dream, boy~"


Blood splattered everywhere..

Ughh.. I only want to make he pass out to grant he wish and I only touch he neck a little bit but before I know it he neck is broken and there was a crack in he bone..

"Ahh.. I'm sor- sorry.. I don't intentionally to kill you."

Actually she don't feel anything went she kill him. It look like she already felt this feeling somewhere. It feel so good. But for other reason she feel like only bad people kill a person. I'm good person ya 😉

She thinking this in the same time she cried endlessly.. to make it emotions..

Hello everyone... we meet again in this chapter.. huhuhu.. how are everyone doing this day? I really hope my novel can bring your guys a happiness..

Cakk.. I want to tell your guys that next time I will release 10 chapter. And after that, 2 chapter everyday will be release.. a you happy? Let me know if you happy ya. It will give me are energy if there was someone love my book.

Ok guys.. see you next time. bubye..

syalbiah01creators' thoughts