
Chapter 4 : "Expectations vs Reality"

When she is done picking the foods that she wanted to eat, she sit in the side to side of the cafeteria where the aircon is nearer. When she started to eat she hear some voices all the girls are shouting the name of a guy. Chinnah didn't care a less and continue to eat but a guy suddenly sit front of her. Chinnah is panicking inside she doesn't know what to do because she can't look or talk straight the guy even though she's a genius she has a feeling too she's blushing and struggling to say any words to the man. The man speaks to Scarlet he said are you a transferee here? Then Scarlet replied oh yes! Were struggling emotionally because my mom died when I'm young and my father has been struggling to move on so he make himself busy in our small business therefore I'm all alone. The guy can't stop staring at Scarlet this man is so shocking he makes me smile, he makes me smirk, yes sir! I can't calm myself my fingers are tumbling it doesn't stay in original position.

When the bell started to bell the guy is still there following am I assuming? No way it can't be!... Scarlet confronted the guy and ask Why are you following me??..... And the guy said why should I follow you?.... Are you famous or something?.... When the guy walk in front in Scarlet face the guy entered the same classroom as that man. Scarlet was so shocks and glared, what the fucking hell, that guy was my classmate the guy that I admired so much? My expectations vs reality is really enthusiasm. It freaked me out I dont know what to do. Scarlet also entered tha room with the vivid of scary but dissapointment face. It seems to be destiny Scarlet said I admired that guy why she's like that?...

When Scarlet are in her sit she suddenly thought about asking that guy if he is someone who's good in sport. But when Scarlet are suddenly ask the place was become quiet. And all people in room glared to Scarlet but the guy answered Yes! Its also me why do you ask???..... Scarlet said its nothing maybe I get in touch in a wrong person. The guy said why you say so?... Its actually me!!... the guy who played socceer. But what heppened to your skin and your hair it change. Ahhh this new look! I just wanted to try other things you know Im an adventureous man!. Scarlet really confused and decided to pretend naive. She said I don't really remember you that much!...so Scarlet Divor walk out and go to the ladies room she stared straight through the mirror with dissapoinments in her face. When she go to the toilet to pee, she hear a sound of whistle psssst... Psssst.... Psssst.... Scarlet feel feared and she wash her hands really quick but a guy rob her hand and blinfolded her pretty but small eyes. She is very scared her skin felt the drops of the water in her white but soft neck, even through Scarlet is a genius person she has no idea what to do so she just followed the order of the master well actually she followed the voice that she hears.

When the voice stop Scarlet got goosebumps and her fur stood up. Then suddenly the foot steps sound are gone but the guys is whispering to each other, they talking about me and I heard that they got wrong a person. So suddenly I actually felt grateful I said to myself Oh!.... That's fine!... They can just free me up!!... But the master shouted what the hell are you talking about!.... We wasted our time in that stupid person!.. You all moron!.... How can all of you become so stupid?!!!... The master must be problematic, when the high pitch sound stops, Scarlet got panicked and overthink. What if they kill me what should I do????... Is this the end of life?... It is not!... I must live!!!..... So Scarlet begged for mercy!!!!.... But the master said keep your mouth shout or I will kill you!.....

Scarlet become quiet and when the master open the blindfolded eyes of the wrong person she become quiet for 5seconds. And then after that she shouted so hard, Ahhhhhhh... . Ahhhhhhhhhhh... . Ahhhhhhhhhhh.... . When the master said shout up! He pointed the gun to the forehead of Scarlet and said stay quiet or I'll shot you!.... Then the master ask why the hell are you wearing that freaking dress!!!.... Scarlet answered it because I like it! Why! Why the hell are you doing this I thought your a good guy!..????..... Am I?.... Whaaaa.....

Whaaaa... the guy laugh intensively and after that Scarlet said, If your a really good person get me out of her. And the guy said we can't Hahahahah we're just gonna play with you!. The laugh of the thia man is freaking creepy but when the guy started to touch me, there was a man hiding in a black mask suddenly appear, I thought I was just dreaming but it is true there was a guy who saves me from this bad guys trying to take my virginity.