
I get slapped by a god

Got to say, Life was going well. "was", I was going back home and Found a few stay cats, so like any normal person I walked up to them to give them some food. I didn't notice it at first but later I saw that everything was slow.

and that was when I looked behind me. It's got the classic layout, the lights, big horn and the huge payload, you guessed it,


"A classic" I think as the horn blares and the tires screech. And that was when my surroundings changed, A blinding light surrounding, and a line of wispy blue floating spheres.

"Yup, I'm dead" I mutter, actually can a soul mutter if you don't have a mouth... Stop thinking! There are three gates, one is a deep red, another a yellowish white and the last a green and blue.

Thinking back to my life it wasn't much, just an average 15 year old teenager, the only regret I have is not feeding my fish today. Poor Fred. Even though he was probably dead for a while, since he hadn't moved for a week.

I "look around" And finally see souls go into the gates. There is one disturbing thing and that is a red colored soul in front of me, you don't have to think to know what they did.

As I reach the gates I start hearing voices, some very nice and others surprisingly rude. As I inevitably get closer I start to see what is going on. There is a pair of hands in the sky that will take the souls to their respective door.

I keep looking for red souls and they are surprisingly common, that just tells you how corrupted humanity is. I also see yellow souls and I assume they did a minor sin.

there are also green souls which did good things before they died, and blue souls, like me who never did anything good or bad in my life.

I see a sign then a stand with paper, the sign reads, "put your will here, red souls don't get a will, I decide ;D"

No offence to any gods reading this but, please don't add a wink face at the end, it makes you seem like a person who enjoys punishing people. Actually, Isn't that what gods are for... Eh.

As the saying goes, "Uhh, Don't know don't .. care." - Carlos

As I approach the stand the red soul in front of me shouts, "You think your so powerful, I can do what I want!" "... Hey sir this is a Wendys." I say as a joke.

"Looks like we got a rude one here don't we." the disembodied hands say, "Well off you go!" The hands start speeding at us, "..." wait, IT'S GOING TO HIT ME!!!

I try to move but due to this form I cant, so much for heaven. The hand hits me and the red soul off to the red gate, but we miss ... wait WE MISSED?!

Just a I shout that out in my mind the space around me starts to shake, then a ripping sound comes afterwards, it's a rip in space...

"NOOOOOO" I scream and then it goes black, The hands last words were.



This is the first chapter I hope you liked it! Please comment suggestions for what I should improve on, Thank You!

loaf_catcreators' thoughts