
My Feelings Towards My Childhood Possessive Sweetheart Gradually Rises!

The Shen family was good at doing business, and their assets were boundless. In other words, they were the winner in life, but only the Shen family knew that wasn’t true. They had seven sons, but all they really wanted was a daughter! The Shen family continued to work hard and finally got the girl they wanted! However, they hadn’t had enough of the baby before the third young master of the Xue family secretly stole her home. From then on, the temperament of Xue Chenkong, the Xue family’s third young master who suffered from severe autism and was usually irritable and gloomy, changed. When the baby cried, he quickly coaxed her patiently. When the baby was thirsty, he immediately got water for her. When the baby went to school, he carried her small school bag and followed her, not leaving her a single step. When the baby got into a fight… What?! Someone dared to bully his Baby Ting?! Get that person out of here, right now!***Shen Manting was a twenty-year-old genius doctor. She had her CEO parents who doted on her, and seven older brothers who protected her. In other words, she was a winner in life. The only thing that others pitied her for was the little tail that had been following behind her for twenty years.Shen Manting married Xue Chenkoong when she was twenty, and all the women in the city breathed a sigh of relief. Their fear of Xue Chenkong only grew by the day, and they could only lament and do nothing! It seems that the Shen family’s daughter didn’t manage to shake off the Xue family’s crazy lunatic and even married him in the end!

White Dragon · General
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40 Chs

In Labor Again

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Ah! " In a luxurious private hospital in the capital, a tragic scream pierced the sky.

"If it's not a daughter this time, I'll f*cking divorce you, a divorce! " The Shen family's madam, Qi Yingfang, had a face pale from the pain. She was in a bad mood and clenched her fists as she hit and scolded her husband, not caring about her usual image of a noble lady.

"Okay, okay, okay, darling, conserve your energy! If your hands hurt from hitting me, my heart will ache. " Shen Guangsi carefully wiped his wife's sweat. Then, he looked at the doctor beside him fiercely. "If anything happens to my wife, I'll tear down your hospital! "

"We know! Mr. Shen, don't worry... " As the doctor wiped his sweat, he couldn't help but curse in his heart, "Mrs. Shen's already given birth to seven children, and Mr. Shen's threatened us all seven times. This eighth time's no exception! In the previous seven times, Mrs. Shen gave birth to a baby boy. "

Shen Guangsi was the CEO of Donghai Group which was in the capital. Donghai Group had businesses all over the country and was extremely rich. At the moment, the all-powerful Shen Guangsi was holding his wife, Qi Yingfang's hand, with tear-filled eyes. " Don't be afraid, darling. I'm here for you."

Qi Yingfang, who was about to faint from the pain, widened her eyes in anger when she observed Shen Guangsi's behavior. "You! Get out! "

"No." Shen Guangsi's heart ached as he shook his head. " I want to always be with you. "

"Shen Guangsi, get out! I don't want you to keep me company. If you see my horrible state when giving birth, you'll find another woman outside! " Qi Yingfang glared at Shen Guangsi, refusing to let him accompany her into labor.

Shen Guangsi's mouth twitched when he heard that. However, seeing his wife sweating profusely, he could only go out. Sitting in the corridor outside, he kept praying that their eighth child would be a daughter. Otherwise, his wife would have to give birth again! It would be too torturous.

Not far away, seven little boys who were of different heights and wearing various kinds of suits stood in a row against the wall. Possessing fair skin and handsome features, they stared at the delivery room wide-eyed, full of anticipation and worry. Each of them muttered different lines under their breath.

"If Mommy gives birth to a little sister this time, I'll let my new sister play with all my toys! "

"I'll give all my pocket money to her! "


"Then I-I'll wash her feet for the rest of my life! " A weak voice was heard.

The six brothers who had spoken up earlier looked at their seventh brother in shock, musing "As expected of the youngest. He really has no bottom line, actually wanting to wash his younger sister's feet for the rest of his life? "

"Waah... " Accompanied by the sound of a baby's cry, the doctor walked out smilingly. "Congratulations, Mr. Shen, it's a daughter! This is the most beautiful baby girl I've ever helped give birth to since I started my career. She's fair like an exquisite doll. It's amazing! "

"It's a daughter? " Shen Guangsi's hands were covered in sweat as he carefully took his daughter, crying and laughing at the same time. He finally had a daughter.

When the seven brothers heard that they had a new younger sister, they all rushed over to hug her.

In response, Shen Guangsi rejected, "You're all too young to carry your little sister. What if you drop her? "

His seven sons were speechless.

In the delivery room, the weak-looking Qi Yingfang almost cried when she heard the commotion outside. Each time she gave birth to a son, Shen Guangsi would always come in to check on her first. But now that she had given birth to a daughter, he didn't even come in to look for her. Qi Yingfang felt unhappy.

When Lan Jianqiu, Qi Yingfang's best friend, found out that her best friend had given birth to a daughter, she brought her sons to visit her at the hospital. Upon seeing the little baby girl, Lan Jianqiu felt her heart almost melt. She thought, "Rather than a baby, she's like a porcelain doll! "

Lan Jianqiu, who had given birth to three sons, was green with envy. She also wanted to have a cute daughter.

Presently, Qi Yingfang's delivery room was extremely lively. Because she had finally given birth to a daughter, many relatives and friends of the Shen family had come to congratulate her. After all, flattering the baby was equivalent to buttering up Shen Guangsi for his power and status.

In addition, Shen Guangsi's seven sons were clamoring to hug their newborn sister, so the entire room was very noisy.

However, in contrast to the noise, a beautiful little boy was extremely quiet. His willow-shaped eyebrows and peach-shaped eyes made him look like a dignified snow lotus. However, upon closer look, the boy's pupils were indifferent, distant, and emotionless, like a machine.

His expressionless gaze met the baby's, and the latter broke into laughter.

Stunned, Xue Chenkong clutched his clothes helplessly, his eyes as anxious as a thief who had been caught red-handed.