
My Feelings For You, Park Jimin (my childhood friend)

It's been a lot of years since meeting her childhood friend. she meets him finally but is scared to meet him as she's worried if he'd remember her. They eventually meet and face problems in between. Tune in to find out what they were and how they overcame it!

Ruby093 · Urban
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68 Chs

The gift (Jimin's P.O.V)

(This whole chapter is about jimin's p.o.v)


The first time i met her, i couldn't stop thinking about her. She looked just like y/n. Why can't i stop thinking about her. Then suddenly, the door opened wide with a thud. It was Taehyung. He had come running to my room.

I asked him with shock and curiousity,"Taehyung, is everything okay? Why did you come running?"

He replied,"H...h....h...hung, i.....i g....g...go hr n...n...name." I couldn't understand him properly. He was out of breath, so i provided him some water and asked him to deep breathes.

"Now tell me what it is.", i asked. He got back to the real world and said,"I got to know her name, but i forgot it again." "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Taehyung-ahh!!!!" I got pissed at him and screamed. Seeing me scream badly, he left till the door and turned back and looked at me and said,"Jimin-ah, i have an idea." With anger gushing out of my face i said,"What is it now??"

He got shocked while he saw me with anger and asked,"Anyway, why do you want to know her??" After hearing him, i didn't know what to tell him. Is it because she is my best friend, she has done a lot for me. Infact she was the one who never gave up on me and everyday she used to say,"You will become an idol. One day or the other we will meet then!" or because i had feelings for her. I didnt know myself. "Yahhh, Taehyung-ahh, will you tell me what your idea was??" I asked him curiously and eagerly.

He replied,"Why not you tell me her name and i will tell you if that is her name??" After hearing him, i was so excited. I thought to myself 'we can be together like old days!' I was into so much thinking, that it got disturbed by Taehyung's snap.

He looked at me and asked,"What are you thinking, hyung?"

I looked at him and said,"Nothing. Are you sure you can remember her name when i tell?" Taehyung nodded his head. "Okay. Her name is Y/N L/N." I looked at Taehyung. He looked surprised. I asked,"Is it not her???"

He replied,"No. It is her. Her name was y/n." I shouted,"JINJJA!!! Are you sure???"

He replied,"Really!! Her name was y/n."

I was soo happy, i had meet her. I jad her with me for few minutes. But i thought to myself 'why didn't she tell me that she was y/n. Why did she not reply when i said she looked familiar. Is there something she is hiding from me?????' Maybe i will ask her when i meet her again.

I was busy that whole week. I had a lot of practice as i had to go for world tour.

But i was free this wednesday. So i begged Jungkook and Taehyung to come with me to the coffee house. It was somewhat near our dorm. I didn't wanna go alone cause it'll look suspicious and akward.

But before going there, i thought i could give her something. Something she would remember. Then it struck me, the showpeice gifted by our mothers. I packed it and wrote a small letter.

While we came to the coffee house, i took the gift in my hand and walked while Taehyung called me and asked,"Hey hyung. Where are you going?? And what is that in your hand??"

I hid my hand behind as soon as he asked me. Then he asked,"Is it for that girl?????" Jungkook came out, heard him and asked,"Who is that girl??" Taehyung replied,"The girl at the coffee house. She is his childhood friend and he wanted to see her" "Ohhhhh, i understand. Someone has fallen in....." Before he could finish, i hit his arm and he acted like i hit him hard.

Then i saw y/n coming out. She came and sat on a bench. I went to the pathway and thought how to give it to her. I saw a small girl come out of a store near me. I called her and asked her,"What is your name???" She replied,"Eun-jung!" She was so cute. I said her,"Can you do me a favour??" She replied nodding her head. I told her,"Can you give this gift to that unnie who is sitting at that bench near the coffee house??" She took the gift from my hand, and said,"okay, oppa!"

She went and gave the gift to her. She suddenly pointed at me. I moved from the place, keeping her suspense who the person is.

But i could see her from a distance. She offered the girl a chocolate. It took me back to those days. I started recalling it myself.



We had gone to a candy shop. We got some candies. And later we went to an ice cream shop. We bought our favourite ice creams. But while we came out, somebody pushed me and my ice cream fell to the ground. Y/n saw my ice cream had fallen. I felt sad but i didn't show it in my face and i went and sat in a bench.

Then y/n came to me and gave me her ice cream. And she said,"Jimin-ahh i don't feel like eating ice cream. My tummy is aching so here you take mine and eat it. And don't tell mom i gave you my ice cream okay??"

"Okay!" I said and took it from her but i felt i should do something for her.

While we were at home, i offered her my candy, but she refused and said,"Jimin-ahh, jinjja i don't feel like eating candy now. I told you my tummy is aching so you can have it."


Those days were unforgettable. Then my dongsaengs called me so we went into the coffee house.

When we entered, i searched for her. She wasn't there. After sometime she came from the staff room and we had an eye contact. Taehyung shrugged my shoulder and said,"Enough of staring at her. It looks akward."

She came to the counter and whispered something in her friend's ear. Her friend came amd took our orders. While she was about to leave i asked her,"Hey, do you mind if i can know your name?" I looked at her. She was blushing. She answered,"M-my n-name i-is M-m-mia." She stammered a lot. I wonder why. Out of nowhere my mouth started talking on its own,"And do you mind if i can know your friends name?" Okay that wasn't supposed to come out of my mouth but anyways i wanted to check if it was her. She replied,"H-her n-name is y-y/n". I felt happy when i heard it was her. Then i casually replied,"Okay! Thank you for taking our order."

While we got our order, i asked Taehyung,"Can you ask her to come out for a minute." He nodded his head and we left. While he went to the counter and called her.

I came out and sat down at the bench near. I waited for her. When she came out, i grabbed her wrist and took her to a place where there wereno people. I pushed her towards the wall. I bangged my hands at the wall, not letting her escape. I heart started beating like crazy. I went near her ear and whispered,"I know who you are". I saod in a low voice. My heart again started beating like crazy. My dongsaengs called me to hurry up.

I left her there and went back. I sat down in the car when Jungkook said,"Hyung, i think i left my wallet at the cafe, i'll go get ot." He said and left.

I thougjt about the incident before. 'Why did my heart beat fast. What is wrong with me? Is this what they call is.... NO it can't be.' I said to myself. She is my friend, no i can't do it.

Taehyung got pissed of and said,"What takes him so long? I'll go check on him." He went and brougt back Jungkook with him and we left to our dorm.

When we gpt back, i thought about whether she had opened the gift or not. It was evening. She hadn't called me yet meaning she musn't have seen the gift. I went for practice. After practice, i checked my phone whether she had called or not. It was late at the night. I thought why not go check on her. I told my members i'll go for a walk.

I came to the coffee house. No one was there but it was opened. I heard someone crying so i went in. To my surprise, i saw y/n who came forward to see who it was and hugged me tightly and crying. Her tears made my dress wet. But it was fine cause i was happy we are back together. I comforted her. After few minutes she calmed down. But it was an akward silence for sometime. Then i remembered something, and asked her,"You knew it was me that day when i came. Then why didn't you tell me you were y/n. I had missed you so much. I think of you everyday, thinking where will you be, how were you, how grown you were?" I felt really concerned about her the time i saw her beautiful face. Wait, why do i think of her this way. She answered then,"C-c-cause i thought as you became a star...." she paused for sometime. I really couldn't understand what she said. "Cause i was a star????" I aksed her doubtedly.

She looked down and answered,"I thought you wouldn't remembet me as....". I stopped her. I was shocked she thought of me that way. I raised my eyebrow and replied,"You think i forgot you. Y/n you are my childhood friend and you still are my friend. We've known each other from the time we were born. You have helped a lot when we were young. I don't know even know what i should do in return for all the help you did for me."

She smiled. I saw her cute smile. Then cupped my hands to her cheeks, lifted her face and said,"This is the y/n i was waiting for."

When i said that, i could see her getting shy. She hit me and i acted like it pained. I missed this. I missed this so much. After a lot of laughing, she said,"You really became a star. It was your dream." I nodded.

Then she said,"You know, I kept up our promise too." I got shocked when she said that. I couldn't believe. Our promise. She would come to my concert. Omg, i couldn't believe. And i screamed,"JINJJA???"

After talking about the concert i remembered something,"Okay, i came here to tell you that i will be going on world tour from friday. So i am not available and you can contact me through the number i had given you, okay?" She nodded, and i was about to leave when she suddenly called me and asked,"Jimin-ah, i have exams starting on friday and this whole month. So maybe we can spend more time together while you come back." She told looking down. I thought because she felt guilty as she couldn't see me for so many years.

I came near her,held her shoulders so she could look up at me and i said,"Okay, sure. But don't forget. After i come back, you are mine, okay?" She agreed, nodding her head.

We headed out and i said,"Bye y/n." She replied,"Bye jimin". And we left in our paths.

To be continued.......