
My Feelings For You, Park Jimin (my childhood friend)

It's been a lot of years since meeting her childhood friend. she meets him finally but is scared to meet him as she's worried if he'd remember her. They eventually meet and face problems in between. Tune in to find out what they were and how they overcame it!

Ruby093 · Urban
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68 Chs

Is it about...?

*two days later

Today was the day of their concert. I couldn't keep in touch with Jimin in these two days.

I was busy with my work and so was he.

"Is everything ready for today?" I asked Taehyun. He nodded.

"Let's get to work then. It'll be better if we start now." Mia said.

We started with our work. I checked if all their costumes were there and if everything was in place.

The boys entered. They seated themselves and were waiting for the makeup artists to start.

I kept their costumes in place.

*after sometime

One by one they came and finished their makeup. I helped them wear their costumes.

*time skip

They were ready to go. The countdown started and they went up.

I let out a heavy breath and sat backstage. I watched them perform.

"Tired? Have this." Hwan offered me a drink.

"Thanks." I said and started sipping.

"What are you thinking?"

"Umm- nothing." I said and got up.

"Y/n...." he said.

"Wh-what is it?" I felt scared of what he'll say next.

"Y/n, I need your help." Mia called. Thank god.

I quickly went over to her.

"Thanks a lot for calling me at the right time." I said to her.

"Your welcome. Anyways, did you talk to Jimin?"

"Not yet. I didn't get time."

"I wanted to say, Don't talk about it now. He'll get disturbed about it." I nodded.

We both watched them perform from the screen. They were all doing good.

*time skip

It was the rap lines turn. The vocal line were getting ready for their next performance.

"Y/n, can you dress up Jimin?" The stylist asked.

"Ok unnie. Which one is it?" She pointed out to a red shirt.

I went over to Jimin.

"Remove your shirt." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"You'll have to wear this inside and then the red on top. So remove." I said.

He removed his shirt hesitating.

"Now wear this." I handed him the shirt and he wore.

I helped him wear the red shirt.

"Wear this cap." I handed him a cap.

"You look good." I said smiling. He smiled back.

"Y/n, I wanted to tell you something." Hwan came.

Jimin's face changed. I didn't want this to happen.

"What is it?" I asked adjusting Jimin's dress.

I'm trying my best to avoid Hwan. But he gets more close. He's just a friend. I cant say him that close also.

"Hwan, Jungkook wants your help." Taehyung came and took him.

I sighed in relief.

"Do you like him?" Jimin asked.

"Not really. He's just a friend." I said. He nodded his head.

"You're up now. All the best." I said and they headed.

"Y/n." Hwan called me. I didn't tell anything.

"Hwan, whatever it is, later please." I said. He nodded and left.

*time skip

The performance was over. They did a great work. They felt happy. But they had to get ready for tomorrow's show.

We ate at the backstage and left and went to bed immediately.

*at the hotel

I flopped onto the bed.

I thought the time I dressed up Jimin. How Hwan came in between and his face changed.

"What are you thinking?" Mia asked.

"How Jimin and Hwan should stay away. It's getting worse."

"Don't confuse yourself or stress yourself on it. Relax for sometime and then think what is the best for you."

I nodded and slept.

*after few concerts

There was still two more places to go on tour for them. They were getting really excited.

I couldn't talk with Jimin. Hwan was with me so I got to spend time with him but I felt bad for Jimin. I could always see him staring at me and him talking.

Even though I tried to talk to him, he'd give excuses. I just concentrated on work. Not Jimin nor Hwan. Just work for now.

We were moving to Seoul. They had a last concert at Seoul. They were really excited but sad that their tour was gonna end soon.

I didn't talk to anyone nor did I feel like. I just thought what'll happen next.

We landed in Seoul and went to the stadium immediately. They had rooms at the stadiums and that's were we're staying.

We reached the stadium and got our things and went to our room.

"Y/n, why don't you stay with me?" Hwan asked.

"No thanks. I'll stay with Mia." I said and went with her.

We went into our rooms and rested.


Jimin's POV

I was happy when y/n was with me. But whenever Hwan came, I feel like I lost her.

She's got close with him. I avoided her and gave excuses when she wanted to talk to me. Later I regret it.

I just want my y/n back. The old y/n.

I just miss her so much.

I at least should go and talk to her. Before things get worse, I think it's better.

We were returning to Seoul for our last concert. We were staying at the stadium.

We reached and they went into their rooms.

"Y/n, why don't you stay with me?" Hwan asked her.

"No thanks. I'll stay with Mia." She said and left.

I smiled at her response. I crossed Hwan.

"Jimin." He called me. I turned back and faced him. He walked forward and grabbed my shirt.

"I don't care whoever you are or how famous you are. But y/n is mine."

"I'm sorry. But she gets to decide. Neither you nor me nor anyone but herself." I said.

He left my shirt and said,

"Let's see that." He went to his room. I just smirked and left.


Y/n's POV

*next day

Everything was set and I wanted it to be perfect cause it's their last concert.

They boys were ready and the stadium was already filled. They really had a huge fan group.

"Y/n, put some of this for everyone." Mia said handing over some lip tint.

I went over to everyone and put some on their lips.

While I went to put some on Jimin, I got stopped by Hwan.

"I'll do it." Hwan said.

"You don't need to. I can do it." I said.

"Please I want to do it." He whined.

"You're my assistant and you listen to what I say. Now just sit there." I said and put some on Jimin.

"All the best!" I said to all and they headed to the stage.

As they left, I sat down and took sometime to breathe.

*time skip

They came back down and it was a 5 min gap. They had to get ready for the next performance immediately.

I got up hurriedly and hit my leg at the table.

"Ouch!" I sat down with a flop.

"Hey, be careful. Are you hurt?" Hwan asked as he sat next to me.

"I don't think so." I said and looked at my leg.

"Where does it pain?"

"Here." I showed. He pressed at the hurt part more.

"Ouch! Hwan, stop it. It hurts." I said. He laughed.

"I'm sorry. Wait here."

He bought some ice pack. I kept it and was chatting and laughing with him. I didn't realise the boys were there.

I felt better and got up.

The boys had gone to the stage and were doing their last performance.

I watched them through the screen.

I looked at Jimin and he wasn't bright like before.

Maybe he saw me and Hwan talking together. How do I face this?

He wasn't in mood. He looked sad.

*after sometime

It was the end. Each were talking how they felt and their experience on this tour.

Jimin was speaking. He wasn't really happy though. His mind was somewhere else.

They all finished and thanked ARMY's and came down.

I didn't say anything. I stood silent until everyone came in.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you." Jimin and Hwan came at the same time.

This was getting awkward. It felt like they were gonna clash. Before things could worsen, I made a choice.

"Hwan I'm sorry. Jimin, I too need to talk to you, so let's go." I said a bit nervous.

We went a bit away from all of them and talked.


"Is it about Hwan and me?" I asked nervously.

To be continued.....