
My Favorite Fanfics

This is my collection of my favorite fanfics from different websites such as fanfiction, wattpad, spacebattle and etc.

Woaron · Others
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55 Chs

Yu-Gi-Oh GX

Title: The Samurai Kid by patattack


Jeremy goes through life at Duel Academy with Jaden and the others.

Genre: Adventure & Friendship

Rated: T

Words: 348k+

Status: Haitus 😭


Chapter 1: Jeremy Meet Jaden

He was fast asleep on his bed, dreaming about Duel Academy. He was supposed to go to the entrance exam in the morning. "Jeremy," the examiner said. "Jeremy," he said louder, "JEREMY WAKE UP!" He then fell out of his bed and onto the floor.

"What? I didn't fail the exam did I?"

"No, not yet." Jeremy got up off the floor and took notice that he was in his bedroom.

"Good morning dad. What do you mean, not yet?"

"Why don't you look at the time to find out?" He turned towards his bedside table to look at an alarm clock, which happened to be a little battered from being hit on the top. Squinting at the digits, he finally realized what time it was.

"HOLY SHIT! How could I have slept in this late? Especially since it's the entrance exams in half an hour."

"Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you stayed up so late arranging and rearranging your deck to prepare for the exam. Anyway, you should get dressed and come downstairs to have a quick bite of breakfast. Then your mother can drive you to wherever it is you have to go."

"But I'm already dressed." Though this was true, his clothes looked as if he had slept in them, which in fact he had.

"Yeah, but if your mother sees you wearing stuff like that, she'll probably dress you herself."

Preferring to wear clothes of his own choosing, Jeremy quickly shooed his father out of his room while he put on a white and light blue colored t-shirt, a pair of deep blue jeans and his black sneakers. Sparing a glance at the mirror, he quickly studied his reflection. He was about 5 feet 9, had short blonde hair that dropped a little in front of his face, brown eyes and was quite fit. He then picked up his deck in its case and attached it to his belt. Then he checked his backpack to make sure he had his duel disk as well as everything else he needed. Instead of taking the stairs, he sat on the ramp and slid down, passing within a few feet of his mother.

"Jeremy, how many times have I told you not to do that?''

"Ummm, I don't know mom. I think I lost count after the 10th time,'' he said, smiling broadly.

"Alright. Now sit down and have a quick bite before I drive you to the exams. Jeremy sat down and began wolfing down pancakes his father had made.

"You know what dear?'' the woman asked her husband. "I agree that it's normal for him to look like you and act a little like you, but having him eat like you? That's just… gross.''

"Well you know what they say, like father, like son.'' Soon Jeremy finished eating, though it took him a very short time to do so.

"All done. Now can we get going?''

"Sure thing Jeremy. Just hop in the car and let's go,'' his mother said.

"Bye son. Good luck.''

"Thanks dad. But I don't need luck when I've got my deck with me.''

"I meant for getting there on time.''

"Oh ok. Thanks anyways.''

Finally after a long drive, they arrived at the building where the exams for Duel Academy were. "Thanks for the drive mom.''

"No problem. Just go out there and do your best.'' He then jumped out of the car, gave his mother a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off to the entrance.

As he got nearer, he crashed into something that knocked him to the ground. Quickly getting up, he saw a young boy about the same age getting up beside him. "Sorry about that.''

"Don't worry about it. Hey, are you going to the exams too?''

"Yup. I sure am.''

"Sweet, my name's Jaden. Jaden Yuki.''

"I'm Jeremy.'' They both got to door where a guard was standing.

"If you two had arrived a minute later we might not have let you in.''

"Then it's a good thing we didn't,'' they both said before running into the building. They arrived at the arena just as a student in white was finishing his duel against one of the examiners.

"I activate Ring of Destruction.''

"A trap card!''

"Yes, this card can destroy one monster in attack mode and then that monster's attack points are dealt to the both of us as damage.'' A metal ring with grenades appeared and attached itself around the kid's Vorse Raider. The ring exploded and destroyed the monster, causing both duelists to lose 1900 life points.

Kid: 3200-1300

Proctor: 1900-0000

"Good move applicant, you passed. Welcome to the academy.''

"Thank you, O wise proctor.''

Above in the bleachers, were three boys in blue uniforms. "Hey, that guy is pretty good, don't you think Chazz?'' One of them said to the kid in the middle.

"Maybe he really is a whiz kid,'' the one on his other side said.

"Pah! We went to dueling prep school for the past three years. We'll be ready for duel academy. They won't know what hit them.'' Chazz grinned.

Jaden smiled when he saw the kid finish his duel. "Wow, that was a great duel.''

"Yeah, he's pretty good. Who is he anyway?''

"That's Bastion Misawa.'' A small kid said beside them. "I heard he scored highest on the written exam.''

"Really? I barely passed.''

"Same here.'' Jeremy nodded.

"I'm Syrus, by the way. Nice to meet you guys. I get so nervous whenever I'm taking a test, I'm surprised I even won my duel.''

Jaden put a hand on Syrus' shoulder. "So you passed. Congratulations! We'll go to the academy together, just as soon as I pass.''

"There's nothing we can't handle,'' Jeremy said, as he put his hand on Syrus' other shoulder.'

"Uh guys, I hate to point this out to you but… That duel was supposed to be the last one.''


In the teachers' area Dr. Crowler was going over the list of students who had passed. "Good. Very good. This has been an excellent year for recruiting.''

The guard that had been at the door walked up to Crowler. "Mr. Crowler, we have a problem. Two late applicants have just arrived and-''

"Don't you go calling me Mr."

"Oh sorry. I'm new here Ms.-''

"I have a PhD in dueling. My title is Dr. thank you very much. Now go tell those two kids that they'll just have to come back next year.''

"Come on Dr. Crowler,'' one of the proctors next to him said. "We've got enough time for them. Why don't we give them a chance? They were only a little late.''

"Too bad for them. They were late and that's that. I don't have time for slackers that can't even-'' Crowler stopped as his phone rang. "Hello. Who's calling me at a time like this?''

"It's Sheppard.''

"Ahh. Chancellor Shepard.'' Crowler's voice was noticeably less harsh.

"Just checking to make sure everything going well. We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time, would we? When you refused entrance to a third of the student applicants for some absurd reason. What was it? Calling you Mr., or Ms.? Whatever it was, just give everyone a fair shot.''

"Of course.'' Crowler hung up. "Furry chinned windbag. Alright, it seems that Chancellor Sheppard wants to give them a duel. Now pardon me gentlemen, I'll be right back.''

"But whose going to be their proctor and what exam decks should we use?''

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this.''

In the mean time, Bastion was sitting down, when Jeremy started to talk to him. "Hey man, that was some awesome dueling back there.''

"Thank you.''

Jaden walked near him. "Yeah. I'd say you're probably the second best duelist here.'' Bastion, Syrus and Jeremy all turned to face Jaden.


"Jaden Yuki, please report to exam field four. Jeremy Wheeler, to exam field six.''

"It's time to rock. Come on Jeremy.''

"Wait. If I'm the second best, then who's first?'' Bastion asked Jaden.

"That's me of course.'' The two of them went down to their assigned fields, both with an air of certainty around them.

Syrus moaned. "Wow they're really confident. I wish I could be like them.''

As Jaden stood facing Dr. Crowler, Jeremy was waiting for his opponent to show up. "What gives? I hope they didn't chicken out when they saw me.''

"Who are you calling a chicken?'' Jeremy saw a kid enter the field. He seemed a year older than him, dressed in a blue Jacket with a sneer on his face.

"What are you doing here?''

"I'm you're opponent, dimwit. Name's Erik. One of the top students of Obelisk blue.''

"That's great. I've been looking for a good challenge for some time.''

"Challenge? Hah! This duel won't last three turns.''

"Really? I didn't know you were that bad.''

"Can it you slacker.''

"Chill out dude.''

"Whatever. Now let's duel.'' Jeremy inserted his deck into his duel disk and activated it as his opponent did the same. "Crowler doesn't want you at the academy and neither do I. I'll make sure you fail.'' Erik thought to himself as they both drew five cards.

Jeremy: 4000

Erik: 4000

"I'll go first.''

"Fine with me.''

Erik drew a card and looked at his hand smiling at the cards he held. "I summon Marauding Captain (1200) in attack mode. Now I use his special ability to summon another Marauding Captain in attack mode and thanks to his other ability, you can't attack any other warrior but him.''

Syrus and Bastion's attention was momentarily focused on Jeremy's duel. "This bodes ill for Jeremy.''

"Why is that?'' Syrus asked curiously.

"Since Erik has two Marauding Captains on the field and they're both warrior type monsters, Jeremy's not allowed to make any attacks.''

"That's not good.''

"I end my turn by playing two cards face-down. Your move.''

"I may not be able to attack, but I can still defend. I summon Chamberlain of the Six Samurai (2000) in defense mode and then I'll also play two cards face-down.''

"Your monster may have good defense points, but he won't be able to defend you against my next move. I play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Then I activate Tribute to the doomed, so by ditching one card in my hand, I can destroy one monster on your side of the field.'' Jeremy's monster was wrapped by bandages and grabbed by a big hand which dragged it under the ground. "Now I sacrifice one of my Marauding Captains to summon Cyber-Tech Alligator (2500).''

"That's a pretty though monster you've got.''

"He's about to be joined by another one just as powerful. I activate one of my face-downs, Ultimate Offering and by giving up 500 life points, I can normal summon another monster. So I sacrifice my other Marauding Captain to bring out Summoned Skull (2500).

Erik: 4000-3500

"Now my monsters, wipe-out his life points.''

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen.''

"What are you talking about?''

"This. I reveal the trap card Nutrient Z. When I'm about to lose at least 2000 life points, this kicks in and gives me a 4000 point boost.''

Jeremy: 4000-8000

"Yeah, but you'll still lose a chunk of them.'' As he said this, Cyber-Tech Alligator slashed at Jeremy, followed by Summoned Skull who struck with lighting.

Jeremy: 8000-3000

"Now that that's done, it's my turn.''

A smile appeared on Jeremy's face as he saw the card he drew. "I activate my face-down Swiftstrike Armor and since the card I just drew is a Six Samurai monster, I'm automatically allowed to summon him. So meet the Six Samurai Nisashi (1400).'' A Samurai in green armor with two swords appeared on Jeremy's field.

"Next, because I still have a Six Samurai in my hand, by discarding Shadow of the Six Samurai, I can summon the Six Samurai Yaichi (1300).'' A Samurai in yellow armor holding a bow in one hand appeared next to the other.

"But that's not all. I activate Card of Sanctity, so we both draw cards until we each have six in our hands. Then I summon the Six Samurai Yariza (1000).'' Another Samurai joined the two. This one in black armor, wielding a spear.

"Now because Yaichi's on the field with his friends, instead of attacking, he can destroy one of your face-downs.'' The Yellow Samurai took an arrow from his quiver and shot Erik's face-down card, which was revealed to be Mirror Force.

"Even with my trap gone, none of your monsters even come close to beating mine.''

"Maybe so, but this card's about to change things. United We Stand. By equipping this to Nisashi, it gives him 800 attack points for each face-up monster I control.''

"That means his monster gains umm…''

"He gains 2400 attack points Syrus.''

"That's right Bastion.''

"Thanks to this, my monster's attack power rises all the way to 3800.'' (Nisashi: 1400-3800 atk)

"NO WAY!''

"What's better is, his ability allows him to attack twice in one turn. Now go Nisashi, take them down.'' The green samurai then jumped in the air and drew both his swords. As he fell, he split the enemy monsters vertically in two.

Erik: 3500-900

"And for the final blow. Yariza, attack him directly.'' Erik put his arms in front of him, but he was still knocked down by the slashing spear.

Erik: 900-0

"That's impossible. I can't have lost to some lame slacker.''

"Yes! I won! I guess you were right. This duel didn't last three turns.''

Later, Jaden and Jeremy met up with Syrus. "Way to go guys. Those were some awesome victories.''

"Thanks Sy. Duel Academy, here we come.''


Search for the title and the author, If you want more chapters.

Yugioh gx is the best series


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