
My father's obsessed with me .

His parents died at the age of 5 and he was taken to an orphanage wich is a dog eat dog place. He knew very well and adapted to the harsh conditions as he spent his 10 years there. Even though he was in a brutal place he still had a decent amount of morals. Some day a man came to adopt someone who was him. But he didn't know...

Mimiri2345 · Horror
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 4

"I'm surprised my baby's 'friend' found out..."

William stares at a computer as he sees the chip getting broken.

"But now I know that my baby's have asthma... I should be more careful with him from now on , don't you think ?"

On his side was a dead vice principal.

His neck was sliced and his corpse was slowly dragged away .


" The one who finishes this first gets a full mark !!"

After the signal was given everybody began running.

Some one was jealous of Cameron and tried to grab his hair but his hair was to slippery.

He immediately started to speed up.

"He's fast !!"

The other class looks as Cameron was in the lead .

Some one tried to push him but Cameron was as stern as a boulder.

Infront of them was a jawbreaker .

*Cameron will fall now for sure.*

Instead of falling and getting bruised he balanced his way and kept running.

" You need more than a jawbreaker to make me lose a full mark."

Was the only thing he said as he finished to the finish line.

" Wooow !! Even a jawbreaker can't bring him down !!"

As he finished Carter went towards him.

" Well done. "

But the only thing Cameron was doing was gasping for air till Carter helped him.

" Thanks ...."

The people there looks in confusion.

" He has asthma ."

The people who tried cheating was caught thanks to the school cameras .

" You two are in big trouble ."

Cameron was happy of having a full mark but hid his face in Carter's chest.

One of the boys who got caught saw it and asked:

" Why are you two so close anyway ??"

" We're from the same orphanage. "

Yes. The reason they didn't mind each other is because they lived in the same household.

Carter went first and a year later Cameron was adopted.

Carter seems to care deeply for Cameron since it was thinks to him he lived long enough to be adopted .

"Let's change. We have different classes after this."

Carter wanted to murder the boy but agreed.

They walk of and set different ways .

In another class was dissection of a toad.

" Ewwwww "

" What the fck ?!"

And more complaints were heard in the class.

Cameron didn't care and disected the eye from the toad.

" Well done ."

" Yeah yeah...."

immediately an eye popped from the teacher's head.

" An eye for an eye ."

The teacher screamed but he didn't realize it was a psychology trick.

Cameron's toad was never dissected and his eye never popped out.

" I'm not killing a living toad ."

His toad was still breathing, it was just paralyzed.

He undid the parazylation and putted the toad outside.

" He's still breathing. So let him be."

The toad ran away as Cameron looked at the teacher with anger.

" Do you know we're 15 ??"

" What ??"

" Only students above 18 are aloud to choose if they want to dissect a toad .I'm pretty sure we don't want to."

" ..."

The class stares at Cameron shocked.

" Unless you want to be fired or arrested you should give me the toads.

The teacher gave him the toads as he unparelyzed them and set them free.

The toads hopped off into a forest next to the school .

After that the bell rang, knowing that someone will still expose the teacher Cameron walked away satisfied.

Infront of the school was a limo and a smiling William.

But before William could say anything a teacher tries to walk to him but gets pushed away by bodyguards.

" Cam ~~ I've come to pick you up !!"

Cameron walks towards William as the school stares in second-hand embarrassment.

* He's also picking him up ?!*

Cameron refuses to get 10 steps closer but William knocked him out and almost pushed him into the limo.

But before he could enter the real William grabbed him.

" Get the F/CK away."

He kicks the fake and puts Cameron in a real limo.

The fake's wig fell and he fainted.

Cameron was asleep due to sleeping gas .

William went inside and almost ran over the fake in the process.

"Let's go home..."