
My Father!!

Nora is a young medical doctor who grew up in a Christian home where both parents focus more on the church then their daughter . Been a teenager she came across the ugly face of life, having been sexually and physically abused by the man she calls father . Things took a drastic turn as she tries to move on,making her to losses trust in people and faith in God .Her past comes back haunting her down leaving her in a traumatized state. It's a psychological story filled with love, hatred, family, paranormal, sexual abuse, murder, spirituality,

Amy_Priscy · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter One

(...Girl screams!!...) alarm rings...

Nora :(Panting) I keep having this dream all the time! (uses her palm to rub her face) Oh gosh!!

(..."Alarm continues to ring"..)

Nora: (uses her hand to Stop it ) you know! For a clock, you don't know how to do your job well... (chuckles)

Linda :(enters into the room) hey girlfriend rise and shine!! (sits on her bed) so how was your night?

Nora: Normal but I keep having the same dream that always wakes me up making the alarm clock useless (sighs).

Linda: wow! So... care to share your dream with me!

Nora : (looks at her with a surprise on her face) wait! What's the time?

Linda: (looking at the clock hanging on the wall) it's 5:00 am, what happened? (looks confused)

Nora: And you're awake!! Wow am impressed, I guess my teachings are finally paying off (smiles)

Linda: (gasped) your teachings !! You mean your teachings, oh my word!! (gets off from the bed) ..

Nora: You know, you don't have to be dramatic about it...

Linda: ( quickly interrupts her) yes I have to be dramatic about it cuz you think that your "teachings " made me wake up early today! ( laughs hysterically)

Nora: Then (also gets off from the bed and folds her arms)  why are you up this early?, cuz the Linda I know... would never wake up this early even for work (looking at her suspiciously )

Linda: well... I was thinking maybe you could drop me off at work today,  that's why I woke up very early today so you won't say no.

Nora: what happened to your car?

Linda: Brokedown late night while returning from work

Nora: Linda!

Linda: what!!

Nora: what is wrong with you? , why didn't you tell me about it last night? , so that I could change my schedule for today...

Linda: Com'on girlfriend! Me waking up early today ain't gonna be in vain !!

Nora: okay! ...okay!! Just give me thirty minutes to get ready OK!!?

Linda: (excited) OK... Thank you (hugs her)  .when you are done I'll be in my room sleeping (yawning)

Nora: whatever ( goes into my bathroom) make sure you close the door (said loudly)

Linda: yea sure (leaves the room).

(Nora and Linda both dressed up for work, majestically made their way to Nora's Black canary, they both enter Into the car, fix their seat belts then Nora starts the car engine and drives off first to Linda's fashion house where she works as a fashion designer...)

Nora: (driving) girl! So how are you gonna come back home after work?

Linda: well I was thinking you could pick me up from work when you close from yours

Nora: (stops the car) hmm ...

I don't think that would be possible...

Linda: why?

Nora: night duty today and will be back tomorrow morning. By the way, you've arrived at work (points outside)

Linda: ugh! (forcefully opens the car door and steps out) Doctors!! (bangs the car door and walks into the building).

Nora: you're welcome !! (drives off) .

(...After one hour of driving, Nora finally arrives at her workplace " the general hospital" where she works as a medical doctor, she parks her car then enters the building

   It's pretty clear that it's a busy day, after all, it's the first working day, doctors and patients and some other medical personnel moving up and down, all attending and minding their business. She walks to the nurse counter to sigh in...)

Nurse Kelly: Good morning doctor Nora, how was your night?

Nora: it was good and what about yours?

Nurse Kelly: normal as always,  You know!! we medical officials  barely sleep, our eyes are always open because we need to attend to our patients (laughs)

Nora: well that's true because saving lives is our main priority in life.

Nurse Kelly: speaking of patients, here is Mrs. Chloe's file (takes a file from the shelf and hands it over to Nora).

Nora: thank you (takes the file and opens it). I'll go see her in her ward now.

Nurse Kelly: sure (walks away.

(...Nora enters into her office which is well decorated with beautiful flowers and office furniture with a bed by the side and the lady's room.

  She drops her bag on the table, puts on her doctor's coat with her Stethoscope placed around her neck, leaves her office, and walks into the women's ward with Mrs. Chloe's file in her hand...)

Nora :( entering into private ward) Good morning everyone hopes you all are doing well?...

Angel: Yes doctor Nora.

Nora: (smiles and walks over to Mrs. Chloe's bed) good morning ma'am how are you doing now?

Mrs. Chloe: well doctor, as you can see am getting better all thanks to you...

Angel: (stands beside the bed) yes doctor, my granny is right. Thank you so much doctor, Nora, if it wasn't for you I wonder where granny would be.

Nora: (smiles ) well granny also played a good role.

Angel: yea (laughs)

Nora: (sighs) OK then, hmm... Mrs. Chloe I would like to check you up OK (looking at her file).

Mrs. Chloe: Sure.

(Nora checked her heartbeat and blood pressure and gave her an injection)

Nora: hmm (writing on the file)

Angel: Doctor!! is any problem?

Nora: No! not at all. Mrs. Chloe is as healthy as she can be and also her blood pressure is normal unlike yesterday (smiles)

Angel: That's good news(said excitedly ) so when is she gonna be discharged?

Nora: Well... once the test results are out and it shows that her sugar level is moderate then she is good to go

Angel: OK doctor

Mrs. Chloe: Thank you so much doctor, Nora, for everything

Nora: You are welcome but always remember to take your drugs on time once you are discharged OK!!

Angel: Sure (nods her head in accordance)

Nora: Excuse me

(...Nora leaves the ward and walks back to the nurse's counter to drop Mrs. Chloe's file. There she comes in contact with one of her fellow doctors... )

Nora: Hey doctor smith (moves closer to him) how are you doing?

Doctor Smith: Am not OK (loosen his tie)  I feel suffocated!!

Nora: Yea I can see that, but why? (looked curious)

Doctor Smith: There is a little girl that was brought in almost an hour ago...

Nora: Where is she?

Doctor Smith: In the theater room...

Nora: What happened to her?

Doctor Smith: She was pierced by an arrow at the left-hand side of her lower abdomen, she's bleeding a lot but yet still stubborn

Nora: I don't understand! I thought she should be sedated by now so that she can be operated on?

Doctor Smith: Yes, but that's the issue on the ground now! She doesn't want anyone to inject her or do anything to her. She has been yelling and shouting at everyone in there including her parents.

Nora: What about doctor Nicole is she there?

Doctor Smith: Yea, she is there alright!! with two nurses and surgeon Steve with her parents

Nora: What about professor! Have you guys told him what's happening?

Doctor Smith: I wanted to, but doctor Nicole said no, That she can handle it.

Nora: So where are you heading to now?

Doctor Smith: Blood bank. She would be needing blood once doctor Nicole "handles it"

(chuckles softly)

Nora: Ok, one more thing...

Doctor Smith: Yea?

Nora: Which theater room are they in?

Doctor Smith: You wanna go there?

Nora: Yea!

Doctor Smith: Well if that's what you want, theater room three

Nora: (smiles )Thanks

(...Nora enters the dressing room and changes into operation clothes then walks to the theater room.

From the hallway you could hear the screams of the girl, gosh!!...)

Nora: (entering into the theater room) hi everyone

Doctor Nicole: What are you doing here? Please leave now! (pointing at the door )

Steve: Doctor Nicole! Calm down. ( moves closer to Nora) Doctor Nora, what are you doing here?

Nora: Well I heard what's happening in here so I decided to come over and see how I can help

Doctor Nicole: Well your help isn't needed!!

Steve: Doctor Nicole! We need all hands on deck and if doctor Nora said she can help then let her at least try. The life of this little girl is more important than anything right now. (looks at Nora) you may proceed.

Nora: Thanks.

(...Nora moves closer to the bed where the little girl was laid and looks at the injury)

Nora: (In her mind "oh my goodness I'm sure she is in pain but I don't get why she doesn't wanna get treated, (sighs) what do I do now!!?" (looks at doctor Nicole )

Doctor Nicole: Have you suddenly became speechless!

Steve: Doctor Nicole! Let her concentrate

Nora: (clears throat) hmm ... (bends down and moves closer to the little girl) so what's your name?

Doctor Nicole: Oh my God!! I can't stay here and watch this (walks out of the theater room)

Nora: So tell me what's your name?.

Lucy: (sobbing) Lucy! my name is Lucy (said weakly).

Nora: So tell me Lucy Why don't you wanna be sedated?

Lucy: (sobbing) Well... Injections are painful, I hate them so much.

Nora: You're right baby girl. But can you compare it to the pain you're in right now?

Lucy: (looks at her injury ) I guess not (said sadly) 

Nora: (grabs a chair and sits close to her) you see Lucy, injections are painful quite alright but they are useful and guess what!?

Lucy: What!! (said weakly)

Nora: The pain only lasts for five seconds

Lucy: Really!!

Nora: Yea. But if you don't allow the nurse to inject you so you can be sedated, the pain caused by your injury would increase. Am sure you don't want that Right?

Lucy: No!!! ( Slowly nodding her head)

Nora: So can you please allow the nurse to do their job so the surgery can commence?

Lucy: No I won't

Nora: But why !!?

Lucy: Cuz  I ain't gonna wake up

Nora: what!!!, what gave you that impression?

Lucy: This was the same thing that happened to my granny two months ago. The doctors injected her so that she could undergo her surgery.

Nora: Then what happened?

Lucy: She never woke up (tears rolling down from her eyes) after the surgery was done

Nora: Look dear ( Cleans her face with tissue paper) do you wanna know something?

Lucy: Yea (sobbing)

Nora: How old was your grandma?

Lucy: Ninety-seven!!!

Nora: And how old are you?

Lucy: Am thirteen

Nora: Hmm... Interesting (rubbing her chin). Do you know that when someone becomes old the person's entire body including the organs becomes old making the person weak

Lucy: But my grandma was strong

Nora: Yes, but she couldn't do things you can do right!!?

Lucy: Yea

Nora: And also she wasn't able to eat the kind of food you eat

Lucy: That's true

Nora: I guess that settles it. Lucy the chances of you dying during or after the surgery is very low cause you are younger and healthier than your grandma. And if you don't allow the nurse to sedate you so you can undergo the surgery, you might end up bleeding to death leaving your mom (looks at Lucy's mom) and your dad all alone in this wicked world (sobbing)

Lucy: (gasped) No! I don't wanna leave my mom all alone. I would  like to be sedated, please

Nora: (signifies the nurse to inject her) Lucy here (gives her a candy) take!!

Lucy: But mom said I shouldn't have candy or chocolate because it will damage my teeth (said sadly)

Nora: Your mom said that !! wow. Well, your mom is right, but this is no ordinary candy it's a candy specially made for young brave girls like you and (whispers in her ear) for young adults like me who still got their sweet tooth (smiles), and it got calcium in it which will make your teeth and bones strong!!

Lucy: (chuckles softly) OK I'll have one then (smiles painfully)

Nora: Here (gives her the candy) and don't force the smile so you won't hurt yourself OK!?

Lucy: Sure (puts the candy in her mouth)

Nurse: All done

Lucy: Really!!?

Nora: Yea (smile)  sleeping time (checks her wristwatch) by 9:00 am and you would be awake by noon tomorrow.

Lucy: Really! (said sleepily)

Nora: Yea it would be like you are having a long nap after an exhausting day at school

Lucy: ( falls asleep)

Nora: Well my job here is done (gets off from the chair)

Steve: You never cease to amaze me doctor Nora (smiles at her)

Nora: Well I'll leave you guys to do your job

Steve: Thank you doctor Nora. Lucy's mom can you guys go to the hallway, we would like to commence the surgery now

Lucy's mom: Sure(moves close to Lucy and pecks her cheek)

Nora: I hope you wake up after the surgery... ( She whispers to herself)

(...Lucy's mom opens the door and sits on the bench in the hallway while Lucy was been placed on oxygen and everything was been set up for the operation..)

Doctor Nicole: (enters into the theater room) what! How!!. She is asleep?

Steve: Yes and I would like to start the operation, so please excuse us

Nora: Sure (opens the door and walks out )

Doctor Nicole: Surgeon Steve do you need any help?

Steve: No thanks. Nurse hand gloves please ( takes the hand gloves from the nurse and wears it)

(..doctor Nicole leaves the room and follows Nora..)

Doctor Nicole: Doctor Nora (yells out her name)

Nora: yea...(turns around to see who called her )