
My Fateful Decision

In the kingdom of Hartland, Kur, a young man with a mysterious past, finds himself entangled in a web of magic, loyalty, and war. As he battles against King Kahlan's tyranny, Kur discovers his own hidden powers and his love for Cara, the king's loyal servant. But their forbidden love is threatened by the war and the king's ruthless ambition. With the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance, Kur must navigate treacherous alliances, ancient prophecies, and divine interventions to overthrow King Kahlan and claim his rightful place beside Cara. Will their love prevail, or will the war tear them apart?

Abikoye_Emmanuel · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chuk's Little Debt

Chuk was born by the leaders of the Zethland, a little village located North-East of Hartland, Chuk parents were barren for fifteen years before they encountered one of the Writters, Zedd whose ability was to heal touched the woman on her womb and she was able to bare their first and only child. He was gifted with the ability to make people do whatsoever he wishes, Chuk had everything he wanted, he was served and loved by everyone, grew up to be a man of strenght. One day the some militant came to attack the Chuk's people, his father tried to settle things in peace but he was murdered at the spot, the village was brutally destroyed and nothing was left, Chuk and some others escape but every man was for himself and no one knew where every man fled to. Chuk got into a truck with no idea of its destination which brought him to Hartland, he stayed in the woods for some days and later on he entered the street so he could feed. Chuk got into the act of gambling and it became the source of his daily bread, he was lucky to have came to Hartland during the regime of King Khalan because alot of things were already developed including Cartels and Casino centers. Chuk was a good gambler, but whenever the game wasn't on his favour he manipulates the brain of his partners and suddenly he would be declared the winner, its became Chuk daily routine and he enjoyed it since he had nothing to lose.

 One evening Chuk decided to take his game to an higher level so he went to one of the biggest Cartel centre. The rules about suchs Cartel are simple, an ordinary man can't just come and win, you must have some kind of connection for you to win and leave with it, not even all men with connection leaves with the money happily, some has to fight for it so which makes it that one man can't go. Chuk went into the Cartel alone and he played with the most feared Cartel lord Jonny, Jonny a man of strong words he runs a drug factory underground and no one except his boys knows about these, no one dares crosses Jonny part and if you were lucky the first time then you can't cross his part twice. Chuk and Jonny started playing and fortunately for Chuk he was wining, Chuk doesn't know the rules of these Cartel, he wasn't aware of the fact that he can't leave with all the money won since he's alone, everything Jonny had on him finished so Chuk decided to leave instead one of Jonny men placed his hand on Chuk's shoulder and forced him back on his seat, " it seem you don't understand how the rules work here, the game isn't over for you". Chuk was surprise because basically Jonny was out of cash, Jonny collected the money with his men to place a bet again and again he lost everything to Chuk, Chuk forceful stood up and he tries to leave the place, but what he saw was really surprising and just immediately he understood the handwriting on the wall, Jonny's men surrender him putting him in a circle. At this stage Chuk would have used his power but instead he chosed to fight back, he wanted to win the money without the use of his power, he wanted to know that he can win such a huge amount of money even if he doesn't have his power, but no one would believe Chuk would survive because it was a one aganist six including Jonny battle. They had weapons with them and Chuk had no on him, the first man attacked, Chuk was able to get him and he punched him and collected the machete he had on him, now Chuk was a weapon but doesn't mean he was save, as the men got closer to him the more he feared for his life, he had no other choice then to use his power, he manipulated the brains of other Cartel lord and they all stood up for Chuk, it was Chuk had an army the entire time, " let the boy go" said another Cartel lord that was under Chuk influence, Jonny and his men were surprise because no one has ever stood up to them in the Cartel and these made them to have divided attention for Chuk, now they had bigger issue to deal with. The clash between Jonny men's and the Cartel lord was really brutal, Chuk saw the advantage and he left without a word, Jonny saw Chuk leaving and just as he was about to go for the pursuit someone hit him with a flat wooden object and just as he was about to fall he hit his head on the hardest part of the shelf and died.

 After two weeks of the incidence Chuk was out on the street again, he had more than enough but he knows one day it we all finish if he doesn't enter the street again, so he bagan his gambling again and things were going smooth for him till one night he was spotted by one of Jonny's men, the guy called others and they all secretlly tail Chuk till he got to a dark corner then they came out from the shadow, Chuk was surprise but he couldn't run because he was already surrender before he realised what happened. Chuk couldn't think straight, he knew the men were there to pay back for their boss and he could probably lose his own life too, he tried pleading and promising he would return the money if they would let him go, but Jonny's boys weren't ready to listen to any explanation whatsoever Chuk has to say. The men were with diferent weapons of all sorts and the Chuk was brutally beaten, Chuk could feel himself swimming on his own blood, then suddely a. strange man walk down the corner, the boys at first stop to observe the person coming but the person just stop at a junction and waited for Chuk to call for help, after some moment of waiting and it seem the perosn was clean they got back to business and started dealing with Chuk once again, Chuk was stylishly looking at the person just standing and watching, he thought his saving angle has appeared but he needed to call out to his guiding angle before it can help him, " please save him" Chuk shouted, the man now happened to be Kur the Soultaker, Kur fought with his physical strenght for sometime and when he saw they were giving him though time he casted a spell on all five men and they all started challenging each other, Kur walked upto Chuk and offered him a hand up which he accepted, Chuk was still amazed seeing what Kur did, he was surprise he wasn't the only human gifted with such ability as he intially thought, afterwards Kur brought out a towel and asked Chuk to come closer to him, Chuk took a step closer and by the time Kur pitch Chuk, Chuk was surprise and immediately he removed his hand away from the towel before his blood could drop on it and he ran away. Kur didn't bother going after him he knew one fate would bring them together, Kur left the place with the five men to his place.

 It was a painful incidence to Kur because no one has ever cheated him before, it was the first time he would help someone and he would not get the person soul in return, Kur had several sleepless night all he could think about was the face that cheated him, he even used Jonny's men to his advantage, they followed him whereever he goes incase he sees Chuk anywhere, he never knew Chuk was another gifted being and he was a gift from god to his parent that was why he was born with a special ability and any messenger of Rahl can't relate with a servant of god. one fateful night Chuk was spotted in a burger restaurant where he went to get what to eat, Kur waited for him outside the and he asked two of Jonny's men to go inside. By the time Chuk noticed the presence of the men, he recognized them almost immediately, he stood up and made use of the second exit, the burger receptionist tried to pursue Chuk because of the unpaid burger he ate, also the two men that went inside where also on the pursuit, the receptionist returned to her work after a little chase thinking that the men who chased Chuk were trying to help her get the thief. After a long chase Chuk ran into an old apartment where he once lived when he knewly came to Hartland, he felt safe because the place has been abandon for a very long time and probably no one would come looking for him there, he sat in his on the old chair and tried to observe if anyone was must have tailed him, but suddenly a hand touched him behind, " why are you running from your fate"

Chuk immeditely jumped up from the chair, he was in so much panic seeing all five men standing behind him, " will you return back to them or we you just let me have my way through you" asked Kur who stood at the entrace of the place, Chuk had limited option, it was either he goes to the men that wants to kill him or he has no other choice than to follow the strange that helped and now needs his blood for whatsoever he wants to do, both options weren't good for Chuk but he prefer to live, then once again beg Kur to save him but instead Kur freed Jonny's men from the spell he has kept them for a very long time, by the time they saw Chuk they wanted to attack again but Kur and Chuk disappeared into tin air. After several attempt of getting Chuk blood on the towel he bacame tired of the fact that the more towel he used the more towel that got burnt, he bacame frustracted and he decided to keep Chuk as a prisoner till he gets is answers.

 Now that was what brought Chuk, Cara and Kur all together, Chuk wasn't happy seeing Kur, and Kur either wasn't cool seeing Chuk and Cara together, " what are you doing here with this boy" Kur held Cara and pulled her to himself, Cara was surprise, from the expression of both parties one can say they both knew each other but the mysterious fact was what was a young man doing in one of Kur rooms. " what's going on here, why do you have these man locked in here" Cara asked, Chuk stood still to hear the lie or perhaps the excuse Kur might want to cook up, " cmon explain to her, how you sell people souls to the devil", Kur became angry but he could not do anything to Chuk, and yes of course he already revealed his biggest secret to Cara, "why are you speechless, have your tongue been cut out. You good for nothing messenger of the devil". As Chuk spoke these words he felt insecure because someone like Kur who could care less might end it up for him (probably kill him for revealing his deepest secret). Cara was shocked hearing these words, she couldn't believe her ears, the man she had been following was a monster in human flesh, " you're heartless, you know that right. You're wicked, I can't believe this is your true self, you're a monster. Yes, that what you are" she leaves the room with tears in her eyes. Kur wasn't sure what to attend to first, Cara went out to the hunting soldiers looking for them outside, or should he attend to his backstabbing prisoner who had just revealed what he truly was to his lover. " what have you done, why did you say those words to her. Did you think if I wanted her to know I can't tell her myself" Kur still in rage, " well she asked" Chuk tone sounded like someone that cares-less.

 A scream came from the outside and it sounded like Cara, Kur had to leave Chuk and go save Cara but he could not leave Chuk all by himself, " look, I can help you. You just have to trust me" Chuk requested.

 " only a fool will trust a man like you, remember you still owe me one" Kur said still in rage, the only thought he had on his head was what he was going to do to anyone that touched Cara. Chuk stood, he knew it would be hard for Kur to let go of his pride and allow him to help him, so made an offer which he felt was the best way to be free and also would make Kur swallow his pride. " If I help you, that way I won't owe you anything since you've tried several times to take my blood but to no avail. So it's a win-win for both of us, we rescue your lover and I don't get to be under your captivity anymore. So, what do you think?". Kur gave it a deep thought and he realised he couldn't take all the soldiers alone, of course he would need the help of someone but he never expected the person to be his long-time prisoner.

 Kur and Chuk stepped out of the room together, the soldiers never expected to see a third party because they were sent to arrest Kur and Cara, "Stand down, we won't repeat ourselves" " the man in charge of the arrest announced as Kur and Chuk stood outside the door. He spotted where Cara was kept and asked for the immediate release of Cara, but of course, the soldiers refused claiming that it was the King's command for both of them to be arrested. Chuk was a man of action, surviving in the streets of Hartland took Chuk through a very rough path, in which he had to do some bad things apart from manipulating people's brains just to survive. But Kur on the other hand spent years practising the magic given to him, so he became more like a wizard, no spell was above his power, but still, that doesn't mean that his superiority doesn't have a limit. So it was easy taking out soldiers that had just minor weapons on them, thinking that it would be easy to take in Kur. Most soldiers lost their lives while few were injured, by the time the head of the troop saw the turn of events he escaped to the palace with Cara.


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