
My fate made up me kill my own family

A girl who is actress from well to do and powerful family feels something is not right from heart and she is so curious to know the hidden dark secret . She have to play with her life to dig the secret out and have to sacrifice her happy life forever will she sacrifice or will she be able too dig the truth out ?

Darshan_Magar · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter - 2

Maid heryona was just going to open the doors the phone on the table rings so she first goes to pick the call the call was from 'clark' she takes the phone to Emmet . Then heryona goes to clean the ashes when she enters the Emmet's room she does not sees any ashes. So she goes to ask to 'erisa' she was also the maid of that house.

Heryona askes to erisa ' did you clean the Emmet's room a while ago .'

Erisa replies saying ' yes I had cleaned that why are asking though ?' Heryona replies just to confirm that tarsh has been cleaned or not thanks for cleaning anyways .

In the night Valentina returns home from her shoot where her family was having dinner . Emmet says Valentina to be fresh and come to have dinner Valentina replies sure . Then she goes to her room and plays the classical opera songs singed by Mariana in a golden coloured phonograph with loud voice then she enters the bathroom . The music stops . Emmet gives towel and says come quickly for dinner the food will be cold and also says don't play the song it's too distrubing . When she hears distrubing Valentina becomes shocks cause her moms dreams was also too become the opera singer but she didn't succeed .

After a minute Valentina comes down for dinner and pulls the chair and sits. Grandmother asks ' how is your movie going on ? sweetie and also gives compliment by saying you are looking way more beautiful nowadays . Valentina takes sip of the wine and replies ' my work is going very great and thank you granny for

Your great compliment you must have been  more beautiful in my age '.

Then Valentina askes her mother to reopen and reinvestigate the case of singer marina . By listening Valentina's words Emmet slams her fork in the table and gives large smile to Valentina and says let's not talk about it while eating her grandfather also adds you don't know what type of women was she dear so don't talk about her from know on .

Valentina becomes silent but her grandmother puts slice of fish and tells eat this eats so delicious then all starts to eat normally .

After a while finishing dinner Valentina askes Emmet for the painting of marina which she had gave her before and says there is one mistake can I get it and I have to fix it .

But Emmet sweetly says it's beautiful for me well if that so I will give it to you tommorw and it's late so sleep well and take rest .' she goes to her room by saying goodnight then grabs the phone and calls.

Where Emmet goes to her room and reads her movie scripts but her mind and heart was thinking about other topics . So she keeps the script on the side and plays the opera songs in low voice in her phone . Soon she falls a sleep .

The door bell rings after some hours Emmet who is sitting on living room she hurries to open the door .