

"Miss Rogers sign those papers now"said Blairio with impatience written on his face "what are they for? I can't sign them without reading through" said Kimberly in a low voice not ready to get the beast infront of her angry. "they are our marriage papers " When the word marriage come out of his name a gentle smile appeared on his lips. Yes he is getting married. "What!?!?!?!? And who is getting married". Oh no this can't be happening and a tear slipped from her eyes. Why did she have so much bad luck. First her dad then her aunt and uncle and now.....him. *What will happen when Kimberly Rogers tries to run from her relatives but a wrong room leads her to the handsome, rich and most wanted bachelor in city X. Blairio Charles. He is rich, handsome, cold hearted or as you could say has a heart of 'stone'and feared by all in country X. Just his name puts fear into the hearts of all. Will his stone heart be melted by the warmth of Kimberly Rogers?. Or Will she run away because of the fear unknown?? Will Blairio search for the beauty that stole his heart or will he give up. Join me in the story love of these two opposite people. One as cold as ice and the other as warm and welcoming as the early morning sun on spring.

DaoistC84ZRD · Urban
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3 Chs

Only 3 year

Kimberly's POV

After what happened in the living room I had to pull myself together because this is what happens when Annabelle wants to put me in trouble. My only problem now was my uncle. He will always listen only to his wife and daughter. A single word or excuse from me always earns me a slap.

l knew I could not concentrate on my studies so I went to the kitchen to help My aunt Josephine to cook.She was our house help. There was also Laura but she only came on weekends. Am sure Josephine was already making dinner.

"Oh Kim dear, sorry for what happened again dear. Don't listen to anything they say just focus on your studies and you will be free from here. okay ? "

I could see worry in her eyes . She was like a mother figure to me. She was the only person keeping me sane in this house.

"It's okay Josey" that is the name that I call her."I am use to all this. Okay" I told her with a sad smile

'i just need to complete my education in 3years time. In 3 up Year time I will be through with college'

I was only in my room because my aunty and cousin were not in the house of not am always the one doing everything thing from laundry to cleaning to cooking.

Josey usually covers up for me. I remember one day I was discovered that I did not do my chores personally, uncle had beaten me in a way that I was not able to go to school for 3 days. And even Josey's pay for a month was cut .

After some time when we were about to finish dinner, I heard uncle's car stop at the garage and my heart beat increased furiously. Only God can save me today.

"don't worry dear it will be okay"

Josey saw my stressed self and tried to console me.

"I hope so Josey, I hope so"

Soon I heard aunt and Annabelle talking to him. 'and am doomed'

"Kimberly Rogers" uncle Henry yelled"come out here this minute"

"Am coming uncle" and I ran to the sitting room."here I am uncle"

Uncle walked towards me in long steps and



"ahhh mommy"

"yes yell mommy because you are just like her. I thought you were intelligent but let me tell you, I will not condone any immoral act or lady in my home. If this repeats itself I will send you from my house to the street. You will not have food for today and tomorrow. Now get out of my side this instance. out!!!!

I know very well not to argue with him because of the last time.

"Yes uncle*sob,sob*"

Thank God I got only three slaps today. And Josey had forced me to eat earlier because she already new this would happen.

The picture I now was edited by Annabelle and her friends at school today. After school Annabelle had asked me to help her with her assignment which I always do. But I refused saying had a test to study for test and she got angry at me and said she would get back at me and tahdah here I am being punished. John was my class mate and friends with Annabelle. Am sure that was why he approached me today.

I will really have to warn him tomorrow at school .

If only mom was still alive* sob*

I went into my room and cried my my heart out that night. Wishing mom was still with me . Only 3years and am free.

Please my readers if you have any problem please let me know in the comments please

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