
My Fan Girl is a Gangster

Cendria Froster is an avid fan of Jaudon Myens, a Canadian-Filipino superstar known in every corners of the world. Behind her fan girl image lies the dark side of her being a renown gangster of the Black Castle Gang, the most powerful gang in the Philippines. They met in such a ridiculous way, making them annoy each other. Jaudon Myens made Cendria Froster his Filipino tutor as a favor from his Mom. Until they fall in love with each other. Having the risk of being involved in the gang world, Cendria rejected JM to protect him. They parted ways but the odds are playing them as they met again as sworn enemies. Will Cendria choose to let her heart prevail as a fan girl? Or let her mind prevail as a gangster?

friesnijustin · Teen
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33 Chs

Moving On


"JM, is it true that you've formally introduced your fan girl to your mother?"--Reporter 1

"Yes." I answered briefly.

Annoying stupid reporters.

"Is she that special that you've introduced her to your mother that quick?"--Reporter 2

Yes, she is special because I love her.

But I can't answer that because I know she will be molested by reporters and crazy fans.

"No, my mom just wanna meet her."

"Are you still in contact with Ms. Froster?"--Reporter 3

"No, not anymore."

Which is really true. She's always out of coverage when I call her. She doesn't reply to my texts. She really wants me out of her life.

I shook my head because of that thoughts.

"Oohh. JM looks sad because of that fact." a reporter whispered.

That's why I try to enlightened my face to everyone to proved that I'm not affected. Tss! Stupid JM! Just think about your memories on Marin's Isolated Resort!

"Last question JM. Are you planning to stay here in the Philippines permanently?"--Reporter 4

I was stunned by that question.

I want to stay and look for her. But I cannot moved on completely if her memories hunts me here.

"Ahmm, no. I'm planning to go back to Canada the day after tomorrow."

"Aalis na siya? Sayang naman." a girl said. But I can't understand it.

"Thank you everyone for coming! We do hope that we satisfy you and do your job by publishing what happened here. If ever we find any bluff statements about this interview, we will not hesitate to find and file you an arrest case." Firmy said.

At last, the press conference is done! I'm so tired!

"Hey JM. You haven't told me that we're leaving immediately." Firmy surprisingly

"Sorry Firmy. I forgot to tell you..Well, start packing your things." I said.

"Seems that my JM is kinda sad of leaving here." Firmy teased.

Firmy really knows me. He used to call me "My JM" or "Baby JM" coz he treat me like his child.

"Well honestly, I'm gonna miss this place. And her." I whispered. It's good that Firmy didn't hear it. It's embarrassing you know.

I guess this is the right thing to do. Start to move on.

I think the last update is kinda short (like Josh, LOL!) so here's a bonus update for you! Thank you so much for reading MFGIAG~

Gonna loiter on my SB19 stan account after this hehehe

friesnijustincreators' thoughts