

"Congratulations sweetheart,l didn't know you will look this breathe taking in this gown. Wow, my baby is so beautiful" Mr. Bombwe said.

Ivana smiled as she side hugged her father.

"I can't wait to employ you so that l relax from doing financial auditing," Mr. Bombwe said.

"Dad what do you mean employ me?,l want to be the CEO of the company, not a mere employee," Ivana said with happiness.

"Haha! Not so fast baby relaxes, when you get married l will leave the company in your husband's and so that you don't tire yourself managing it alone," Mr. Bombwe said.

"Dad!" Ivana exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes sweetheart," Mr. Bombwe said.

It was Ivana's graduation, she has graduated with second-class upper with honors in Economics and finance in Karatina University. It was a happy day for her so she didn't want it to end on a  bad note so she had to change the story.

"Dad, why did you come alone? Where is Elizabeth, Uncle Mukhong,o, and my cousin Mish," she asked. 

They went to Greenwood to look for funding of the company they didn't make it to your graduation," Mr. Mukhongo replied.

"But dad, l talked to Mish yesterday and she told me she will make it to my graduation. Dad, are you hiding something from me?" Ivana frowned.

"No sweetheart, come to the car now stop asking many questions. l know you are hungry and you need to eat and celebrate,  don't you like my presence huh?," He asked jokingly.

"It's okay dad let's go," Ivana said as he hopped in the car. It was a range rover sport car and accelerated to Omega gardens hotel. He had planned a surprise for his only daughter.

They alighted from the car, then Ivana was greeted with a banner. "Congratulations Ma'am Ivana you made us proud," Those were the words written on the burner.

Ivana looked at her dad and smiled before hugging him. They walked to the reception Ivana, that was when Ivana was welcomed with her entire family that's Mish and her parents. Amidst them, there was a guest family that she didn't recognize.

They congratulated her with different gifts and the celebration started with Ivana cutting the cake and feeding it to everyone in the room. Food was served accompanied by expensive alcoholic drinks, champagne, red and white wine, and scotch whiskey.

 When the family was concentrating on eating, Ivana got a perfect chance to sneak at his father and enquire about the visitors amidst them.

"Dad I want to enquire something from you," she said.

"Anything for you princess," Mr. Bombwe replied.

"Who are they, dad? That guy and that woman?" She questioned as she secretly pointed at the table they were seated at.

Mr. Bombwe looked in the direction she had pointed and said, "Ivana don't worry they are family, l mean soon they are going to be a family."

"What do you mean they..." She was cut short when the guy she was talking about walked towards them and extended his hand for a greeting.

"Hi l am Paul Wechuli and you are?" The young man said.

"My name is Iv...Ivana,...Ivana Bombwe" she didn't know why she was stammering.

Nice to meet you Miss Bomber. Hope you don't mind me addressing you that way," he said with a chuckle.

"No, not at all I am fine with it," Ivana replied.

"Do you mind if we go and have a seat at that table?" Paul asked while pointing at a round table with two seats.

"Sure, why not?"Ivana answered like someone who has been hypnotized with him.

He was smelling good and Ivana could not resist him, he had a perfect mustache with sidebands. Ivana found herself ogling at him.

"Do you mind me calling you Ivana?. It's a gorgeous name just like yourself," Paul was flirting with her without knowing.

She smiled at him while nodding.

"By the way congratulations on your graduation day you are such a genius type of girl," Paul said while smirking at her.

"Are you kidding me? She chuckled. l didn't attain first-class honors and you are saying that I am a genius? drop that whatever it's is a joke or an act," Ivana said.

"Really, but you did well, unlike me who never stepped on campus," he mumbled to himself.

"You said something?" Ivana asked.

"No, don't mind it," he replied.

"What are you doing here? I mean it's the first time seeing you," Ivana said while maintaining eye contact with him.

"Your father is a close friend of my mother so l accompanied Mum as her +1.  l think your father is the recipient of that questions," Paul said.

'How rude Ivana thought' "Anyway don't mind my question am just curious," she said.

"Attention !! please, today we are celebrating two things in one" Mr. Bombwe said capturing the attention of the people.

Mish and Ivana turned and looked at each other surprised as they waited for what he had to say.

"I am a happy man because my daughter has finished school. Not just finishing but with graduation."The room was so silent as the family listened to Ivana's Father.

"The second celebration is that finally my daughter can get married," he said proudly. Ivana almost choked on her wine, when her dad said that she had no idea what he was talking about.

"So please can you all join me in congratulating my daughter? Hahaaa hahaha..."

Clap! clap! claps the rest of the people clapped as Ivana gasped at his dad.

"Ivana and Paul kindly come forward" he beckoned on them. Ivana was reluctant to stand up from her seat. But her dad was looking at her sternly, a look of warning don't dare embarrass me.' She stood up reluctantly as she followed Paul who was already in front. She forced a smile as she stood facing her family.

The look on Mish's face was not happy as she turned to look at her parents for explanation only to receive expressionless faces from them.

Paul's Mother was the first person to congratulate the 'couple'. "Congratulations my soon-to-be daughter-in-law, you are such a Beauty," Mrs. Wechuli said to a surprised Ivana.

Instead of Ivana replying Paul is the one who replied. "Thank you, Mum," paul responded.

'What is the meaning of this? Ivana asked herself as she looked and Mr. Bombwe who was ignoring her intentionally. The rest of the party was joyous except Ivana who was burning with anger, as she wanted a vivid explanation from his dad.

She didn't finish school so that she can be married off. She has her goals to acquire and accomplish. 'What is dad thinking by marrying me off I am  barely 22, isn't that early to be someone's wife?' she thought

She is being engaged to someone she has no idea about, someone she barely knows, someone she had just met at her graduation party. Only to turn to be engaged to him. 'Is dad joking or what? has he gone crazy? What is wrong with him?'

She wanted her dad to answer badly, badly that she was crying because of anger. The party ended without Ivana talking to her dad. She didn't know why but she couldn't stand his presence, it annoyed her. She went to her booked room in Omega hotel, a room she decided to share with her only cousin Mish. She wanted to talk to her, to know if she had the idea about this marriage. Mr. Bombwe, Mr. and Mrs. Mukhongo,  Mrs wechuli, and Paul were left seated the entire night drinking.

Immediately when Mish and Ivana went to bed, Mrs wechuli brought out legal papers to be signed. That she had notified to carry them. They signed them and one copy was left with Mr. Bombwe, another one with Mrs. Wechuli, and the other one with a lawyer. After that Mrs. Wechuli and the lawyer, left for their booked room in Quest guest hotel.

"Hahaaa that man has no idea for what he has just signed, he thinks l will invest in his company?. I will have to fulfill my desires, hope he doesn't realize this early, and demand to back out," Mrs. Wechuli said.

"Relax Mum, they can't back out they already signed. If they want to breach the contract then we'll they will have to pay us handsomely," Paul said then chuckled before," I can't wait to be the CEO of that acting company and on top of that marry that useless girl of his hahaha!" he murmured to himself.


In the morning Ivana and her family flew back home from Nyeri county Airstrip to Bungoma. She sighed when she stepped out of the helicopter and walked towards their car that was already waiting for them. She didn't wait for her dad, she sat at the back seat of the car and concentrated on her phone. Her dad came and sat beside her at the back.

The journey back home was a quiet one, it only took them twenty minutes for them to arrive at the mansion. She opened the car door and stepped outside, she was walking away when her dad called for her attention.

"Sweetheart, you have not talked to me since yesterday what's wrong with you?," Mr. Bombwe asked as he walked towards her. "Are you not happy with my surprise? I thought you will be happy being married to..."

"Stop iDaddad," Ivana yelled. "l need a good explanation right now, why did that without my consent."

"Ca-n can we talk in the house?" he asked.

Without any answer, Ivana walked into the house, then climbed the stairs to her bedroom. She was not ready to listen to the lies.

Mr. Bombwe walked to the house hurriedly, he looked across the house porch, sitting room, and dining but Ivana was not there. He knew that she had gone to her bedroom so he climbed the stairs.

He knocked to Ivana's bedroom while calling out her name. Since she didn't come to open it, Mr. Bombwe pushed it open as it was not locked.

Ivana was seated on her bed as she said, "Will you mind telling me now?."

Mr. Bombwe cleared his throat and walked to her bed and sat at the edge."Ivana, I am glad that you finally graduated, you made me proud."

He then turned and looked at her, "Ivana the reason l want you to marry Paul is for your benefit. I am making things easier for you, I don't want you in future you and my grandchildren to suffer."

"Dad go straight to the point, I have no patience," Ivana said.

"I am marrying you to Paul because of economic reasons, that's the only way Mrs. Wechuli will invest in my acting company."

"Dad! don't you think you are being selfish?" Ivana asked as she yanked her hair.

"Why are you using me as a scapegoat for your gain dad?. Don't l have a say in these matters?" she chuckled.

Mr. Bombwe bowed his head as he didn't know what to say to his daughter. He didn't want to lie to her, that's why he told her the truth. 

Ivana wiped away her tears then said, I now understand why you refused to approve my relationship with Samuel. You even threatened me that you will kill him after l introduced him to you. If I don't break up with him."

"Ivana it's not what you think my dear, you will come to understand it later," Mr. Bombwe said.

"What if...what if l refuse to marry him huh?" She asked.

"No! You can't do that Ivana we already signed the agreement if you refuse Luhyahood will be no more! I am doing this for your own benefit Ivana please bear with me. Dor a favor by marrying him doesn't embarrass me," Mr. Bombwe said.

"l can't marry someone whom l don't have a feeling for! l don't love him Dad, even I don't know him," Ivana said angrily.

"I told you Ivana you are not marrying for love but economic reason, you don't have to love him. Just some silly agreement on paper and you will live the way you want. What l need sweetheart are you signing marriage papers," Mr. Bombwe said.

"No dad l can't be married to him. Let's find another way of saving the company, not by these means," she said then walked outside the room.

When she reached the door she asked," Dad if mum was still alive will you have done this to me?"

She didn't wait for his answer as she left. She needed to clear her head about these damn things. She picked up her mobile phone and called Mish, she needed to talk to her. They decided to go clubbing in club oval.

"Are you sure about this Ivana? you know you have zero tolerance for alcohol. Let's buy the needed alcohol and go back to the mansion Ivana l don't want to get wasted here," Mish said when they arrived at the club.

"Do you want to stay with me or not if you don't want you are free to leave," Ivana replied.

Mish had no choice but to follow her to the club. They sat on the table as they beckoned on the waiter to bring them their choice of alcohol. Ivana started drinking like a prowess without even thinking. Mish was cautious because she didn't want to get drunk.

"Hello, lovely ladies do you mind if l join you?" A man approached them. Before they could answer the man-made himself comfortable at the table.

"Ivana, we need to l...." before she could finish she was disrupted with a call.

The lecturer was calling Mish so that she could submit her research project. She looked at Ivana apologetically as she left hurriedly and promised to return if possible.

"Why are you drinking this strong alcohol, it's not ladylike," The Man seated at the table said. Before Ivana could reply he asked, "Do you mind if l buy you wine?, Okay let me get them from the counter," he left with a smirk on his lips.

Ivana was already drunk and didn't know what time it was. She tried to wake up and leave when she staggered back to her seat. She was feeling dizzy all of a sudden after taking one glass of wine. The man knew that the plan was effective, he smiled devilishly as he beckoned his men to come and carry her upstairs.


An hour ago Paul has visited Ivana's home. He wanted to take her out so that they can get to know each other as 'planned' before marriage. But he was informed by the maid that Ivana left a while ago and she didn't know her destination. Paul left with his car without knowing where she could find her.

He decided to go to club oval so that he can have some 'two bottles'. When he stepped into the club he saw a woman being carried upstairs, with a smirk he made himself comfortable on the table. With a second glaze, he tried remembering where he had seen such kind of hairstyle recently. His mind refused to comply, he beckoned the waiter for a drink. He sipped twice before cursing himself that woman! that woman was Ivana! oooh shit?!!! He exclaimed as he stood up.

Ivana was led into the room and put on the bed. The men left leaving that strange man with her. He locked the door and then started undressing her leaving her in pants and bra. 'She has perfect boob,' he thought as he looked at her chest.

He was already hungry for carnal desires, his eyes were filled with lust as he looked at her perfect body. He undressed and remained in boxers he debated internally where to start. Before he could rest on the final decision a knock came on the door.

"What do you want? Stop disturbing me!" he roared. 

"Boss there is something urgent," Paul said loudly.

"Who are you? Kelvin?," He asked knowing that Kelvin is the only person allowed to disturb him. What he didn't know was that Paul had already dealt with his hunch men.  He tied a towel around his torso before opening the door only to be welcomed with a punch on the nose. The blood started oozing from the nose as he lost balance and fell on the floor. Paul wasted no time as he continued punching him and kicking him until he passed out.

He looked on the bed when he confirmed his gause that indeed the woman was Ivana. He hurriedly dressed her again and carried her outside club oval.

'What was she thinking when she came here dressed like a slut' he thought as he placed her at the back of the car. He drove back to the mansion and when he arrived at the mansion there was no one outside. He carried Ivana to the sitting room and placed her on the couch. No sooner had she lied down than she puked on Paul's shirt.

Paul frowned before calling for the maids but luckily Mr. Bombwe came from the bedroom hurriedly. He was surprised and embarrassed at the same time, he thought that Ivana was maybe chilling at the swimming pool. He had no idea that she had left for the club. Without saying anything he went back to the bedroom and came back with a clean shirt. He gave it to Paul to change.

Ivana was still sleeping, she had no idea what was happening. Mr. Bombwe commanded the maid to carry her to the bathroom and open the shower. She was awakened, when she felt something cold on her body.

"Where am  Mi...Mish stops pouring water on me! Mish stop it!" She shouted.

"Ma'am, You are drunk please let me bathe you," her maid who is her agemate said.

"Milka? No, leave I will take bath myself," Ivana said.

"No ma'am, Mr. Bombwe said that I bath you," Milka replied.

She was changed to new clothes before she was tucked into bed as early as 4 pm. Ivana's hungover dramatically ended when she opened her eyes and saw him seating by the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me we are already married?" she looked at herself under the duvet when she realized she is naked downwards.

"What did you do to me you monster, get out of the room," she yelled.

Paul moved out without looking at her. He pumped into Mr. Bombwe who was climbing stairs. He looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "The next time you allow your daughter to go to the club and behave like a slut, we will back out of the deal."

"You don't have to.." Paul climbed the stairs down without listening to his reply.

Paul strolled outside the mansion towards his car, anger surged in his heart, and zoomed off. Ivana's dad went straight to her room.

"Ivana from today onwards you will do what I say. From today you will not go outside these compounds, no I think that one is easy. You will not step outside this room you are grounded. l won't allow you to go berserk like a madwoman," he commanded.

"No dad you won't do that to your only daughter,l can't marry the man who has forced himself to me dad you have to sue him" Ivana cried.

"Are you listening to yourself, young lady? he is the one who saved you! Think about it you are going to get married tomorrow l don't care what you will think of me but it's for your benefit," Mr. Bombwe said.

Paul drove back home, luckily he found his mum by the fireplace. "Mum, you won't believe what that girl was doing! Will this marriage work?" Paul asked as he walked into the house.

"Why can't you invest in the company without having greed desires?" He enquired.

"Hey! Watch your tongue young man l know what l am doing,"  Mrs. Wechuli butted.

"You are going to marry that girl Paul, and you are going to be a CEO whether you like it or not. If you won't do it tell me so that l can re-write my will," she said as she stood up and left for her bedroom.

Paul was left standing there like a statue, not knowing what to do next.'I need a plan a good plan so that l can gain my freedom'.