
My fairytale in another life

She woke up dizzy in an unfamiliar room, what is this? She was so sure that she already died because she was the one who shot herself after saving the new mom of her son. Yes, she saved the new mom of her son because that woman can love her son more than she could so now, what is this? Where she is? Then another wave of splitting headache came, what the fudge?! She transmigrated?! Wait, so the dream before she woke up wasn't a dream? She turned her head slowly to the other side of the bed, déjà vu.

jamila_de_guzman · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 25: Just you

Then another scene appeared in front of him. This time it was an orphanage. He saw a girl's back with two pigtails sitting with a nun and in front of them was a couple.

"Sister, we really like to adopt her. We understand that she is quite introverted but we are going to help her overcome it. We promise you that we will give her a good life"

"You heard that? You will have a family from now on" the nun said to the girl, the girl just nodded her head as a response.

"Very good, come here now, call me mommy" the woman said to the girl

"Mommy" the girl answered

"me, call me daddy"


The two laughed in joy but for Hades who already saw different faces, he can see the calculations that is hiding on the eyes of this couple.

"Very good! From now on you will be Nina Montenegro, our only daughter" the man said his wife took the girl from the nun and hugged her.

This time, Hades became stunned. When the girl stood up to accept the embrace, she turned around, this feeling… this was the feeling he was waiting to feel when he saw the Nina from the previous scenes, does it mean that the person in front of him is his Nina? The seven year old version of her?

Yes,Hades is sure this is her, Hades knew that if his Nina would turn back to the age of seven, this would be her face, the only difference is, this Nina's hair is straight, while the Nina he is with has curly hair, but he can feel they are the same.

He followed the couple who took Nina out of the orphanage. They groomed her to become their family's young lady.

Then one day, they brought Nina to the playground in their subdivision. Her adoptive parents talked to a couple while they let Nina alone on the side. Nina doesn't like to play so she just sat behavedly on the bench until a ball rolled on her foot. Then a young boy appeared in front of her

"Hello, I'm Dion. Can I get the ball on your feet?" the boy asked politely, Nina just nodded so the boy picked it up "Do you want to play with us?" the boy asked

Nina was so surprised by the question but she just smiled then shook her head. The boy showed a sad expression "okay, but next time, try to play with us, it is actually fun" the boy said before running back to his friends

Nina just followed the boy using her eyes. Who was that boy?! Hades wanted to walk towards that boy to bully him to death!

"Nina, have you met Dion?" Nina's adoptive mother asked, Nina looked confused at first, then she nodded

"Good! Nina, someday you are going to marry that boy okay?" the adoptive mother said, Nina, who is only seven years old and doesn't even know what marriage is, nodded her head!

"Very good! We didn't make a mistake in adopting you!" the adoptive father said in his happiness

Hades wanted to barge in and stop the couple from corrupting the young Nina's mind, but he can't!

All he could do was to just watch as the couple poisoned Nina's head into believing that that boy is her destined husband. That as a way of giving thanks to her adoptive parents for giving her a home she should do her best to make that boy love her.

Hades really wanted to stop her from doing that, he can't watch Nina this way, like she was begging to be loved by a stone man. He saw how the years passed by and how Nina planned her life in accordance to the boy's life. He enrolled in a prestigious high school as a scholar and she did the same. He entered a club and she followed him. He went to a foreign country to study for college and she did the same. He chose to be a civil engineer so Nina chose to be an architect. Everything about her life has that boy's mark. But the boy never saw her efforts.

Good thing Nina still knew her limits, she didn't follow what her adoptive parents told her to do. That is, to seduce the boy to bed. Maybe that was the last piece of respect she has for herself.

But the calculative parents whose company is now on the brink of bankruptcy made the decision for Nina. They asked their nephew to drug the boy and Nina.

Hades wanted to shout and stop what would happen next, this is his Nina, he is sure this is his Nina, but he can't do anything to protect her!

They succeeded in their operation but Nina already has an idea of what her adoptive parents are planning, they are going to force the boy to marry her to help their company. Nina doesn't like to force the boy so when she found out that she was pregnant she planned to remove the child but her adoptive parents found out.

They threatened Nina that if she tried doing that again, they were going to send the boy to prison. Nina will never allow that to happen so she agreed to marry the boy who doesn't even have the tiniest feeling for her.

Hades saw her making herself believe that when the child comes out, the boy will love her but Hades knows that that would not happen. A man will love a woman with or without a child. A man who doesn't love a woman, even if the woman gives him a dozen children, will always be resolute not to love her. He can play, but never love.

He can no longer watch how Nina slowly loses herself day by day, but he doesn't have the power to make what he is watching to stop.

He wanted to hug Nina and tell her not to care about that boy anymore. That no matter what happens, he will be with her.

Hades is now really frustrated. Why does he need to see Nina like this? Why does he need to watch Nina suffering but he can't do anything?

Nina gave birth to a son and like what Hades was expecting, the boy didn't love her still. This made Nina angry, she threw her morality and helped her adoptive parents to steal money from the boy's company.

Nina hid in a foreign land and waited for the boy to catch her, but the boy let Nina's family escape.

Years passed by when the boy finally looked for Nina, but not to make her pay, he looked for her for divorce. He can see that Nina already gave up her ideas about the boy but her adoptive parents poke her emotions, making her decide drastically.

Nina made the boy's woman know about her, that the woman was technically a mistress. The woman who was kept in the dark by the boy left, making the boy and the son of the boy from Nina look for the woman.

Nina saw the scene which made her realize that she can no longer bring her family back and that all of the things she did was for the sake of her adoptive parents.

Hades then saw Nina became crazy. She took the woman and let her drive the car with a gun pointing on the woman's neck. He heard the painful confession of Nina.

How she regretted not being the mother that her son needed. That she was happy because the woman treats her son like her own and she is now giving up all her rights to the woman.

The woman looked shocked when she heard Nina said, she wanted to stop Nina from whatever she's planning, but Nina just gave a bitter smile before making the woman fall asleep.

Their car fell on the cliff down to the sea. Nina still has consciousness to put a life vest on the woman and let her float on the sea. When she saw the woman safe, Hades saw Nina put the gun on her head. Hades wanted to take the shot for Nina, he tried with all his might to stop it*

Nina! Don't!


"Hades!" Nina called Hades.

Nina doesn't know what to do with Hades. When they went home 5 days ago she took a nap after thinking then when she woke up, she prepared dinner for her and Hades but when she called him to eat, he didn't answer, which was a very unusual thing so she opened his room and saw him sleeping on his table.

She tried to wake him up to eat but he was not responding. This made Nina nervous so she shook Hades' body, but there's still no response. He was still breathing but Nina can't feel him, like the body she's holding was just an empty vessel.

Nina tried to be rational, then she thought of her space. The last time she got sick, her space was able to heal her so she planned to bring Hades inside, but her space wasn't even responding to her. She can't get inside. Then she remembered that Hades' guards were just outside. She called Jerry, the one Hades always talks too, to bring Hades to the hospital.

They ran different tests to Hades but all the test says he is just asleep, but why the hell he can't wake up?

For the past five days, Nina was just beside Hades, waiting for him to wake up.

This morning, Hades finally showed an expression, but his expression wasn't good. It was like he was trapped into something he can't get out and he was calling her name desperately. Nina just held Hades' hand to let him know that she's just with him.

The doctors told her that it was already a good sign. They said that at any time, Hades will wake up so Nina fought the urge to fall asleep just to wait for Hades to wake up.

"Nina don't!" this was the scream that Nina heard from Hades then she saw him sit up like he just woke up from a nightmare.

Nina saw Hades look around him then finally settling his eyes to her. He tried to reach out his hand to touch her face so she sat on his bed to make it easier for him.

"I can touch you now" Hades said like he felt relieved, then he used both his hands to cup her face and it seems like he was still not content with that so he pulled her to him and hugged her tight

"Nina, remember that whatever happened to you in the past and whatever will happen in the future, I will just be by your side"

"What happened?" Nina asked him, why is this man saying this kind of thing?

Hades looked at Nina's eyes like he was trying to read her soul, then afterwards he just shook his head "I just found out that even in another world, my only choice will only be you, just you"