
My fairytale in another life

She woke up dizzy in an unfamiliar room, what is this? She was so sure that she already died because she was the one who shot herself after saving the new mom of her son. Yes, she saved the new mom of her son because that woman can love her son more than she could so now, what is this? Where she is? Then another wave of splitting headache came, what the fudge?! She transmigrated?! Wait, so the dream before she woke up wasn't a dream? She turned her head slowly to the other side of the bed, déjà vu.

jamila_de_guzman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 2: Cleared

Before sleeping, using the knowledge of the previous owner, Nina hacked the satellite that was used to store the data of the hotel she went and made sure that all of the marks she left there were deleted. Good thing that the previous owner was still vigilant that time she didn't use her real name and paid in cash instead of card so, no need to go clean too much, just the CCTV footage and then everything is clear, now Nina can finally sleep in peace. 

Probably due to tiredness from last night's escapades, Nina fell asleep almost instantly. But not long after Nina fell asleep, she heard someone calling

"child, open your eyes" 

Nina was immediately frightened by that voice because the voice was kinda old and creepy but she braced herself and opened her eyes only to see a barren land around her. Now, what is this? Did she transmigrate again? 

"child, this place would be yours from now on" 

"huh? Who are you?" she asked while looking everywhere

"I am one of your ancestors, the spirit of your previous ancestors were contained on the jade necklace that you were wearing before you ended your life but because we knew that you lived a bitter life we decided to exchange the lusciousness of this land to make you live once more, even though this is not your real body and this is not the world you know we hope that it could make up with your previous life's bitterness. As the only remaining seedling of our family, we hope for your happiness. If you can, pass this place to the next generation, if not, don't make it your burden. My child, live a happy life"

And after that the place became quiet. So the reason why she transmigrated was because of her ancestors? And the jade necklace, that jade necklace that when it's far from her body she feels sick and uncomfortable is the link to her ancestors. Finally, after many years she felt she was loved by a family. Her tears uncontrollably fell down from her eyes, she was just unlucky to have such adoptive parents but she was loved by her true family. 

"don't worry, from now on I will live a happy life." 

But, how can she go out of this place? When she thought of going out, there seemed to be an invisible force that pulled her out then she saw the room where she was before sleeping. Then she felt that familiar cool feeling on her chest. She hurriedly grabbed that place and saw the piece of jade she had before, so it was not a dream. She thought she wanted to come inside then an invisible force pulled her again then she saw the barren land. 

"hahahhahahahahhahahah! I didn't just transmigrate! I also received a space, how cool is it? Don't worry my dear ancestors, I will try my best to bring this space back to its former beauty" she solemnly promised. 

Based on her estimation, this space is about the size of a basketball court. There is nothing interesting to look at right now so she planned to go out but before turning she saw a small puddle of clear water she went near it and found out that the puddle of water was almost the same size of a bathroom sink. The water looks so clear, is it the legendary spiritual water? Looking at it, she felt thirsty, well, she will never know if this is spiritual water if she will not drink it, right? So, without thinking of the consequences faced by the heroines when drinking spiritual water on the novels she read, she drank using her both hands. She felt refreshed and energized after drinking the water suddenly, she felt pain from the middle of her stomach then it spread throughout her body, f*ck why did she forget about the pain felt in the novels? She doesn't know when she started rolling on the ground to turn her attention away from the pain. She felt that all her  bones and muscles  were tearing apart then after like forever, the pain gradually subsided. Nina was trying to catch her after the intense painful experience. 

When the pain was finally over, Nina tried to stand up, now she feels that her whole body became lighter and nimble, nice, but the sudden joy was replaced by disgust after she found out that her body was covered by the legendary black, slimy, and smelly substance so she decided to go out. She noticed that when going outside, she will only come back to the place where she first came in, that means, her body landed on her bed so all the sticky substance was rubbed on her beddings, she decided to throw that beddings away later after she finished cleaning her body. She took a shower while filling the bathtub. She scrubbed herself until she saw that her skin was already red then she soaked her body in the tub and scrubbed her body once more before rinsing. 

She took the clothes she used and the beddings then threw them all out, she also looked for any other marks of that smelly thing and every mark she saw she just threw it out unceremoniously. Once she was content, she sat down and thought of her future plans. 

She doesn't want to stay in this place anymore. First of all, she's worried because of the assh*le ex boyfriend of the previous owner, based on the memory, that guy is not just a simple person and she doesn't want to be a tool for that guy especially now that she has an incredible space with her. Next reason is that she wanted a place she can call her own, this is the previous owner's property not hers. And lastly, she's not sure if the guy from last night's event won't come after her because as she can remember the way the guy tried to resist on the first hour of their encounter shows that he was somehow an upright person but gradually his body became hot which shows a drug related lust coupled with emotional lust after seeing a naked woman in front of him so there's likely a chance that the guy will think that she is an accomplice of whoever person behind the drug he drank. She will never carry that pot again so might as well leave this place and live a new life. 

Since the owner is no longer here, she will take in charge of her properties, she will no longer come back here so she's planning to sell this house. She glance at the clock beside her bed, it's only 1:30 in the afternoon there's still a lot of time to sell this house and because she was born an activist she went in front of the computer surfed for the best broker to sell the house, after filling out the forms, she modified the broker's site a little to make sure that the house would stay on the first line to have a higher chance to be sold. 

While waiting, she tried to sort out the things she would need before moving, then she realized that nothing interests her so she just packed up the few jewelries of the owner and some clothes. She's planning to donate the other clothes and books to a foundation tomorrow. 

When she was done sorting the things she will take and the things she will donate it was already around 4 pm, now she knows why her stomach is already screaming. 

She looked through the fridge and found out that aside from chocolate drinks it is basically empty. So Nina has no other choice but to order take away food. While she was ordering food, she also found out that even the groceries of the previous owner were bought online, how introverted was the previous owner? How was she able to survive by isolating herself too much? No wonder she felt she found light from her ex boyfriend's "care", well she got the legendary high IQ low EQ. Because her parents knew that their child is a genius they tried to nurture her disregarding the fact that as a child she needs to develop her social skills first so at a young age, she already skipped several grades making her classmates older than her and because her classmates are older than her already they tend to get jealous of her brain and beauty making her isolated but she didn't cared at first then as time goes by, the feeling of isolation made her feel inferior and when her parents died, she doesn't feel the security anymore that's why she wore eyeglasses to cover her uneasiness when talking to people and she bundled up herself with hoodie sweater so she can hide her shaking hands and body due to nervousness. 

Maybe, due to the childhood respect that Phillip had for the original owner, he didn't tried to break the "security" that the original owner built so instead of facing the problems, the original owner just built more "walls" and the only person she will allow on that wall was Phillip, unfortunately, he wasn't worthy. 

After half an hour, Nina's order came so she hurriedly went outside the house to get it but she doesn't know why the delivery man stood like a tree while giving her food, but she didn't mind, she just paid and took her food. 

She ate leisurely then she tidied up all the things on the table and threw everything that needed to be thrown then she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth but she was stunned when she saw her appearance in the mirror.

She didn't bother to look at her face when she cleaned body due to the dark slimy things because she was thinking that the remains of that thing on the house would be smelly and disgusting so she hurriedly went out to clean but no, she almost forgot what her original face looks like because the girl in the mirror seems like another entity. 

Her original big eyes look like that of a doe which seems to cry at any moment. Her previously chapped lips now became moist and red. Her yellowish skin became white and pinkish and her hair that was yellowish and brittle now looks like very dark seaweed due to the natural curl at the ends. 

Now she seems to have an answer to why the delivery man was standing like a tree a while ago, this face is topnotch, like an elf who hasn't seen the world. 

Well, she's not like the previous owner who needs to cover up herself, she is going to parade this face in the future but now is not yet the time because she's afraid that the scumbag ex would appear in front of her and she knows how visual animals men are, so might as well keep this beauty to herself for the meantime. 


Who the hell provoked this great god again? This is the question that is running through the heads of the subordinates of  Hades, the king of the underworld… Kidding, they just added the king of the underworld to their boss' name due to his ruthless means in the business world coupled with his oh so cold temperament that makes his ethereal face scary and more mysterious thus making him like the king of darkness. 

"so, you are all telling me that you don't know who's behind the medicine last night and also can't find a little girl?" After a long creepy silence, this was the king's question which made the hairs on their body stand. 

"Y-young master, we tried our best to look for the person who put medicine on your food and we already have a lead but the girl, the only lead was the name she left on the reception of the hotel but the problem is, when we tried to look for that name on the database it was not existing! We tried to check the cctv footage around the area but all of them didn't show the girl you are looking for, it feels like that girl vanished out of thin air! " Tom tried to explain to his boss, being the secretary of this great buddha feels like he is always on the brink of dying

"Yes young master, our people already tried searching since you told us this morning, they didn't even blinked just to make sure that they didn't miss even a second but the problem was there are some parts of the footages that was deliberately deleted and we have an intuition that that missing footages hide the girl" Jerry added to his brother's explanation

"you have 3 days to confirm your intuitions, if after that you still can't give me a satisfactory answer I will both send you to the coal mine for you to reflect on your unusefulness." the great god said before dismissing them.