
Phosphorescent Friends

"Womblette you gotta be careful with that flashing you're turning into a lighthouse for creeps." Sumas said as they reached over to pet the glowing squirrel-like creature that was perched on their left shoulder. "I know you're looking for love, because it's that season, but you can't do that around me because the douche that's looking for me isn't my mate and he might notice you." They pulled a glowing seed out of their dark cloak that obscured their face and body shape and handed it to Womby.

Womby grabbed the seed with their hands, stopped flashing and started to chortle. Upon finishing the seed she crawled from Sumas's left shoulder to their right and back again begging with tiny whining sounds.

Sumas handed Womby a small bundle of blue grass and silver leaves and chuckled. "Hehehe Womby, why you gotta be so cute?"

Womby eagerly snatched the bundle, took a few bites and then angrily threw the bundle on the ground while chirping aggressively at Sumas.

Sumas smirked. "You are such a child not wanting to eat your vegetables. If you want a mate you can't sit around all day eating junk food. While I think the weight you've gained just makes you more adorable, you will suffer serious nutritional deficiencies if you don't start eating healthier."

Womby hopped off Sumas's shoulder to a nearby tree branch where she sat down and turned her back to Sumas, looking back only to scowl at them. When Sumas sighed and turned away Womby hopped down the tree, picked up the bundle and started begrudgingly snacking on it.

Sumas thought to themselves 'I gotta quit pampering her. She's gotten really spoiled. It's just so hard because she's so adorable.' They only stopped for a moment to think and then wandered off into the dense forest. Trees translucent and glowing with sweet smelling pollen enveloped them. In the densest parts, Sumas had to climb. After a several mile trek into the heart of the forest a massive crystal rock formation that looked like a garnet and pyrite geode protruded up between and through the trunks of some of the trees. It wasn't tall enough to breach the canopy, but it was easy to spot from inside the dense growth. Sumas slid and crawled down until they reached the forest floor. Then, walking around the geode, found where the crawling vines had cleaved it and entered therein.

Inside the geode was a stash of items, a crude bed made of silk from the giant spiders, what looked like a makeshift herbal apothecary, and a minuscule amount of food. Sumas took off their cloak and emptied the pockets out on the table. They quickly sorted the herbs they'd gathered looking at each of them through the lens made from a glowing crystal that made different etherial humming sounds. A frustrated frown found its way across their face. "Hyde, you piece of shit." They cursed to themselves as they threw the herbs down on the table and stormed off deep into the geode.

Emerging into a pool of crystal clear, amethyst colored, glowing water Sumas swam to the surface, took a deep breath, then dove down to a rock formation with a large, empty conch shell sitting on top. They forced all the air out of their lungs though the conch before returning again to the surface.

A mermaid was waiting for them there. "Need something?" She smiled mischievously.

Sumas looked with surprise and then delight immediately launching forward into the mermaid's arms. Making a clicking sound with their tongue to greet the mermaid by name Sumas then continued in English. "I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

"I was in the area already. So what do you need?" The mermaid asked with Sumas still clinging to her.

Sumas, realizing they were clinging, let go and said, "They have been spraying everything. I've gathered herbs for weeks now and they're all contaminated. I am not going back this time. I can't."

"How much time do you have left?" The mermaid asked concerned.

"2, maybe 3 days." Sumas said darkly.

"Why don't you make the blood elixr?" The mermaid was serious.

"That's not an option and you know it. I couldn't live with myself killing that many living things." Sumas was incensed.

"You're going you torture your best friend by ditching her to watch you die then? What kind of warped altruism have you been smoking, Uma? As far as you're concerned, it's them that's responsible anyway. They're forcing this situation on you." The mermaid was frantic.

Sumas softened. "You know how I am. I would feel it too much. I'd hate myself. You'd just watch me die another way."

"I know you being an empath gives you the ability to communicate with all kinds of life different from your own, but it seems to hurt you more than it helps." The mermaid paused and thought for a second. "Have you ever been with a merman?" she asked.

"No, why, do you have a story to tell?" Sumas playfully nudged their best friend.

"Hahaha well yes, but that wasn't why I brought it up. Maybe some of their DNA..." She was about to continue when Sumas interrupted her.

"I know where you're going with this, but I can't exactly force that. I need something more than just physical attraction." Sumas chuckled.

"There's an herb.." The mermaid tried again.

"You want me to take an aphrodisiac so I can fuck a merman in hopes of saving my own life. What kind of twisted porno are you trying to write here?" Sumas interrupted again.

"Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction." The mermaid giggled then regained her composure. "Promise me though, if it comes down to it...I know there's one merman in particular.."

"Are you his pimp?" Sumas laughed.

"Promise me?" The mermaid pleaded.

"Ok fine. 2 days from now, if another solution can't be found, I'll go to the pool in the grove." Sumas sighed. The grove pool was like a merfolk meet market. They inwardly cringed at the thought. While merfolk were the fairest of creatures, finding a lover was more complicated than that. As much as Sumas longed for that type of companionship, they never seemed to find the right chemistry with anyone. Likewise, as gregarious as Sumas could be, they were an introvert at heart. Large gatherings were emotionally exhausting. Surrounded by all those feelings...too much.


Suraci had never really liked uniforms. He understood their practical purpose, but one size never really fits all. Did this uniform really have to be so tight in the junk? Also who is he even going to tell about this without it sounding like bragging? His badge began to ring again. He answered with a deep sigh.

"Suraci, oh good, it looks like you're ready. I can lock onto your badge signal now.." Dr. Hyde couldn't finish before he was interrupted.

"Is there another size uniform?" Suraci blurted out.

"Why?" Hyde asked. "That one looks like it fits you just fine. They're supposed to fit a little snugly so as not to restrict movement, think of it as a second skin."

"Yeah it's fine in every place but one. I just need bigger pants." Suraci looked embarrassed.

Hyde burst out laughing "Suraci these aren't sized out like condoms. You're probably just not used to wearing something fitted."

"Why don't you look at my vitals then." Suraci said annoyed.

Hyde paused and pulled up Suraci's chart. Sure enough the crotch was too tight. Surprised he paused for a moment. "Have Neris find you a different suit. We have 6 humanoid species working on this base, one of them should fit."

"Thanks. I'll call you back when I'm ready." Suraci hung up quickly. This was turning into a disaster now he had to try to explain to Neris how his dick was too big for his uniform without it seeming like he was sexually harassing her. He was in another galaxy and he still couldn't go even a day without something awkward happening to him. The excitement was starting to wear off.


Neris received an urgent instant message from Suraci. She wondered why he didn't just call. Then she read it she laughed out loud:

'Dr. Hyde instructed me to contact you about issuing a different uniform. As you can see from my vitals this one does not fit properly. I apologize for the awkwardness of this situation. This communication is not meant to insinuate anything inappropriate. ~Suraci'

The rumors were definitely true this guy was all business and no pleasure, but Neris loved a challenge. This guy wouldn't respond to obvious seduction, so she was going to play it low and slow.

'Hi Suraci. I'm sorry the uniform doesn't fit. Can you send me your measurements so I can find a suitable replacement? Thanks, Neris.'

Suraci broke out into a cold sweat when he got the reply. It was almost laughable. Most guys would happily send their measurements unsolicited. He knew lots of women would love his size, but he never advertised. He wasn't interested in someone who was only interested in him for that. He also knew that women talked to each other and he really didn't want this kind of news spreading. He was here to work. He reluctantly took off his suit and let his badge measure him then sent the information to Neris.

Neris got the information and issued him a different suit. She smiled mischievously and thought to herself. She knew he'd be back and she'd be waiting.

Womby is actually based off a squirrel friend I have in real life who comes to my living room window and will eat out of my hand. The personality of the real Womby is not so far off from the one I've written here. The real squirrel has a very broad nose which resembles a wombat as well as a chubby body, so the name "Womby" seemed fitting. When I get a ******* set up I'll post pictures of the real Womby.

U53rn4m3creators' thoughts