

"Y'know what, don't even answer that. I already know. I'm going to substitute a question though, which is: does he have anything to do with your resignation?" Leira asked.

"Well, not really, at least not directly." Sumas stumbled over their words.

"Uma, I am honestly worried that you went and got yourself dick whipped. You have known this guy how long and he's got something to do with you leaving my side after all we've been through?" Leira's annoyance could be heard in her voice.

"It's not even like that. I just realized after meeting him how easy it was to be emotionally unstable, and create a scandal that could undermine everything we worked so hard for. You're different than me, you're more stable, more organized and more focused. And you're not on the run like I am. I mean he might have been proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, but that's just a testament to the fact that I was already overburdened. I'm more than confident you can do this without me and I think it's time I stepped back to figure it long term solutions to my own problems." Sumas tried to clarify.

"And he's a part of these long term solutions?" Leira asked cocking one eyebrow up incredulously.

"No...well I mean..maybe? I don't know. You know I'm skeptical when people make promises. I think he could help, but I'm prepared to do it without him if it comes to that." Sumas diligently strove to explain without giving their plan away to Leira. They didn't want her involved. While they knew she would want to do whatever she could they couldn't let her imperil herself that way. Leira would put heaven and home, the land and the sea, every moon and star aside for Sumas. Sumas knew this, but never wanted Leira to have to. The second the scientists from the base found merfolk Sumas knew the danger, how countless would be sacrificed in experiments and a war would be inevitable...a war which would stain the ocean with merblood. This was unacceptable and even more so Sumas could not bear even imagining if Leira was hurt at all in that process. This is why Leira couldn't know.

"Uma, you know you sound crazy, right? I mean let's just look past the fact that this guy works with your rapist and was sent to capture you and you got violently ill after you slept with him. Have you at least had him tested for communicable disease. Is either one of you even using contraceptives?" Leira asked.

"He saved my life. You know I was that sick because of the interaction between the herbs and the meds." Sumas interjected.

"I know that's what he told us, but we are talking about an organization that has been poisoning your food in attempts to get you crawling back to them. Sending someone who's pretended to defect from their ranks to poison you and then build trust is an excellent way to lure you back. I know I can't stop you, so I'm going to let you go, but I am going to send someone with you to ensure your safety." Leira just rolled out the checkmate.

"You're seriously going to give me a chaperone? What the fuck am I to you? A teenager? You know I wouldn't have let him touch me if I hadn't felt his feelings! You know how my empathy works!" Sumas was understandably annoyed.

"I'm sending you with a body guard. You've been abducted from me too many times now, and I let you roam free every time you returned trusting you had it handled. Still, each time you were recaptured. You said yourself you're not going back this time and I'm going to do my part to help you keep that goal." Leira was equal parts shrewd and conniving.

"You can't make me stay and you can't make me take someone with." Sumas scowled.

"You know how good of a tracker Cire is. You can't stop him from following you." Leira smirked.

Sumas knew this was true. This meant a change of plans, but there wasn't another option at this point. "You know I love you, and I know you're doing this because you care. I don't want us to part on bad terms though, so I'm going to table this argument and delay my departure to both put your mind at ease and allow us to spend some time together where we're not arguing."

"I think that's a great idea. I will have a dinner to send you off." Leira smiled.

Sumas gestured and left.


Suraci had spent the morning packing and was ready to leave when Sumas returned. However, when Sumas got back he was informed how plans had changed so they spent several hours reworking their plans together.

After the two had reworked their plans Sumas, sitting next to Suraci, leaned back on the large sofa to relax letting out a sigh. Suraci put his hand on their knee gently gliding his index finger back and forth on the inside of their thigh. "Did you want me to get some lunch?" He asked.

Sumas wasn't really used to physical affection. They often avoided touching others because of how it would intensify their empathy. This gentle stroking felt nice, but it also reminded them how they'd have company soon and Sumas felt the need to get something out of their system. They sat up with a gentle, lazy motion and rested their chin on Suraci's shoulder. "I would like some food, but I don't want you to stop what you're doing."

Suraci very nearly blushed. He wasn't even trying to be seductive, he was just being affectionate. Regardless he didn't want to turn this opportunity down. "You just don't want me to stop? Because I can order food with my free hand." He teased.

"No, I want to see where this goes." Sumas said nibbling on his ear and then kissing his neck.

"This will go wherever you want it to. But if you keep doing what you're doing, I'm going to pull you into my lap and fuck you until you get exhausted from cumming." Suraci said feeling his nether anatomy growing and stiffening as Sumas worked a hand under his shirt to caress his rock hard abs.

"What if that's where I want it to go?" Sumas said in between trailing kisses down Suraci's neck to his shoulder.

Suraci gently picked Sumas up and set them on his lap so that they were facing him. He engaged them in a kiss while stroking and fondling them. As he caressed, he removed Sumas's clothes so smoothly they didn't even remember when he took them off.

Not wanting to wait anymore, a completely disrobed Sumas opened Suraci's pants and revealed his large member. Upon seeing and feeling it, Sumas mounted it without hesitation eager to feel his girth inside them.

Suraci grabbed Sumas's ass instinctively and began guiding their movements as the two of them moaned and panted in ecstasy.