

This story is about a youth who just turned 18 and was innocent but very smart. one day, when he woke up in the middle of the night due to thirst, he went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water. when he was drinking water, he heard some noises from his parent's room, and in his half-awake state, he decided to see what was going on. The door to the room was closed but wasn't locked so turned the nob and opened it slightly and what he saw changed his life in a way he never thought possible. He saw them going at it but they were facing in the opposite direction so they didn't notice him. For a few moments, he just stood there and watched as his foster parents were making love to each other, then he came back to his senses and immediately closed the door and went back to his room to think about what he has just seen. join SAHIL on his journey as he turns from a boy into a man and much more. Nothing is fixed for this novel. It will have twist and turn according to the choice/request of my readers. At least 3-4 chapters a week

arhan_malik · Fantasy
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10 Chs


I went to my room upstairs and lay on my bed to think about everything that's been going on recently.

it all started a month ago when I accidentally peeped on my parents when they were having sex. I have been a model student in school but never hung out with other students particularly much, either they came to my home to study together, at which time I was the 1 who taught them, or we went to the library. if by any chance we ever went someplace else I was always accompanied by my sister. I had studied about intercourse in biology but the teacher hadn't taught it and just said we should study by ourselves. so I did know but only the basics that a man's penis ejaculate semen(which contains sperms) which fertilizes the egg cell present in a female's womb, after which, it develops for about 9 months before a baby is born.

I always thought that's all there was to sex and I was always a sheltered kid in our family, both parents always took care of our every need, and I was especially pampered because my sister also took care of me always whenever I was at home or going out with classmates.

I neither had any other friends except my sis nor I ever felt the need to make more. so that's another reason for me being dumb about sex and the pleasure it brings. I had never even masturbated as I always thought that we should only do it when we want to fertilize a female.

"AHH~ I think I am gonna go mad if I don't sort out my thoughts as sex is all theirs that been on my mind for the past month or so," I muttered to myself as I inhaled a deep breath to calm myself down and decided to go over my whole life once and then decide what to do afterward to solve my wet dreams problem and my thoughts that are always about or around sex.

so I don't remember much before coming to my foster parents who adopted me when I was seven years old, but from what I remember and was told, I was a good kid who always did what was told to and expected of me.

I was told they found me outside the orphanage when I was around 1 year old on 23rd July, so they decided to use that as my birthdate in all my documents. they give me a name, food, shelter, etc. my name given by the orphanage is just SAHIL but during my adoption time, I also adopted my foster family name which is KHURANA.

I live in the capital city(DELHI) off our country(INDIA). it is a very prospering city with much-advanced technology which arent present in many parts of our world(EARTH) yet. my foster parents were rich but if we go by the standard of our society, we were only an upper-middle-class family who had the money for everything they needed, and even after that, there were some savings. my dad worked as a deputy manager of the main headquarters in our country of an international corporation. my mom started her designing and wedding planning business, it started as a small business but now it has grown considerably.

my life was monotonous like an average nerd except I was never bullied by anyone in my class and I later learned the reason for this was my sister who was very beautiful from a young age and no one ever dared to mess with her as our parents had her in almost all self-defense classes from the age of 4.

So I had grown to 18 years of age without any particular events. I was very good at learning everything I ever tried to.