
My Ex Wife: A Fearless Heart

Melissa Pritt was married to a famous business man Robert Hanks. Eight months later, they divorce under the pressure of Hank's family. Years later, Melissa comes back as Melissa Bloom, a very famous bodyguard, with her own security company and two little fellas. Will she take revenge of her past misery from her ex husband and family, or will she learn to love again?

Fiffywm · Fantasy
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4 Chs

You Can't Touch This

A yellow and black car halted in front of Melissa's car which was parked in the middle of the road. A middle-aged man got out of the car. He walked towards Melissa's car and slightly knocked at her window. Melissa rolled her window down. In silence and with a cold face, she observed the man.

He looked rugged in some old blue jeans, a white vest and a leather jacket. He had worn sunglasses so one couldn't see his eyes. His hair was shaggy and he had a cigarette in his mouth.

For a moment, the man was dazed by Melissa's beauty. He had met all sorts of women; the tall and the short, big chested and small chested, those with big derriere and those with small derriere, the likable personality and the detestable personality. However, all of them were imperfect.

The ones with likable personality were not well formed, shape wise or beauty wise, and the ones with ugly personality had the best shape and beauty. According to him of course, he believed that he had the best eyes when it came to women.

However, looking at Melissa, it was like his eyes were open. Her beautiful skin matched with her beautiful hazel like eyes. Her pouted lips and her black hair in ponytail made him drool.

Her aloofness and the icy air surrounding her didn't bother him at all. In fact, he instantly got turned on.

Just when he wanted to observe her some more—

"Can I get the chip that you took after you are done staring?" Melissa asked

"What? I have no idea what you are talking about beautiful" the man answered back.

Melissa snorted.

"Pirate. They call you Pirate."

Pirate's jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

"How did you–"

"How I came to know your identity is not the issue at hand. I just want the chip. Give it to me and we will forget that we ever met,"

"What if I refuse to give the chip?" Pirate asked trying to flirt with Melissa.

Melissa laughed. Pirate became delirious with her laughter.


Melissa opened her door in a very swift movement and hit Pirate's face.

"Aaaaah! Bitch! what the devil have you done?" Pirate screamed in pain as he held his nose. His nose was broken!

Just then, three more men came out of the yellow and black car. They looked fierce. Pirate was in so much pain but still then he couldn't help but look at Melissa in mockery.

"Come on. Get her!" he ordered.

The three men ran towards Melissa. What could one woman do to three strong men? Nothing right? Wrong!

"Paw! Swish! Boom! Bang!"

One by one, Melissa took each down and piled their bodies on each other.

"You can't touch this!"

There was scarlet blood on the ground but it did not matter whose it was. When Pirate saw that his best men were taken down by just one woman, he was filled with fear. He swallowed a non-existent saliva.

"Who exactly are you?" he whispered his thoughts loud.

Melissa heard him quite well. She tilted her head and looked at Pirate.

Pirate trembled in fear. He could swear that he wanted to pee his pants.

"P-p-p-please d-d-d-don't hurt me," Pirate pleaded for his life.

His egomanic status could not help him now. He was not ready to meet his maker yet.

Hell! he loved his life!

"The chip!" Melissa commanded this time. Her eyes were cold and fierce.

"It was a job I was sent to do. Can we discuss–"

"The chip!"

Pirate was in a dilemma. If he does not take the chip to the Prime Minister, he is going to be killed. If he doesn't hand over the chip to this woman in front of him, he will die.

"Last time. Give me the chip!"

She started moving towards him. Slow but steady steps. She was very domineering.

Pirate felt like a calf in front of a tiger.

"Okay okay. I'll give you the chip. I'll give you the chip,"

He put his hands in his pocket and removed a handkerchief and handed it over to Melissa. Melissa took the handkerchief and unfolded it.

And there it was. A tiny red device that was meant to destroy the President of Country M. A chip that was meant to bring two nations at war, declare the President incompetent and then the Prime Minister would become the President.

Melissa sneered. She folded the handkerchief and put it in her pocket.

"Bunch of idiots!"

She took one last glance at Pirate then went to her car and drove off.