
My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After Our Divorce

***ON HIATUS.*** Emily Tinsel's life is about to change drastically after ending her two years married with her husband, Jake Hilton. She was the perfect wife, but no matter what she did, he just would never love her. "Hey mother, I've ended things with Jake and I don't know where to go…" Emily had said with tears in her eyes. "Go to your aunt's place there in the city. Find a job and manage your life there. Don't come here to embarrass me, please!" Her mother had replied coldly. Emily's mother was a drunkard, a lousy spender, and had used all of Emily's savings to settle loans and series of debts, rendering her broke with no money and a place to stay. With no friend or money, she was forced to move in with her aunt and cousin who hated her with passion. She got herself a job and just as fate wanted it, Jake was transferred as the new CEO of the same firm. Now, he wants her back because all he has been trying to do was to find her ever since she left. Her cousin however becomes madly in love with Jake, and will stop at nothing until she can have him wrapped in her arms. Even if it meant getting rid of Emily from the picture.

Blackrose_9388 · Urban
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53 Chs

The Real Me.

"Security! Help us!" Verona cried out. Jake tried to separate them but they were nearly impossible to separate.

May rushed out.

"Stop it, Emily!"

This made Emily a little bit relaxed. She stopped and glared at May with her eyes wide opened. May looked down as if the ground was more important.

"Aunt May? You called me Emily, right? Why is Verona here pretending to be me? Even if Jake doesn't believe this, why aren't you acting surprise like me!"

Verona shot devil's eyes at May, and for the first time in forever, Emily could sense fear in her eyes.

What was she so afraid of??

"What nonsense are you talking about?" May forced herself to speak. She was now staring at Emily. "This is Emily here and I was talking to her. You're Verona. Is that so hard to understand?"

Emily moved forward like a warrior ready to charge in battle. Even the frown on her face made her scary. "What are you saying? What have you told Jake? This is absurd!"