
My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After Our Divorce

***ON HIATUS.*** Emily Tinsel's life is about to change drastically after ending her two years married with her husband, Jake Hilton. She was the perfect wife, but no matter what she did, he just would never love her. "Hey mother, I've ended things with Jake and I don't know where to go…" Emily had said with tears in her eyes. "Go to your aunt's place there in the city. Find a job and manage your life there. Don't come here to embarrass me, please!" Her mother had replied coldly. Emily's mother was a drunkard, a lousy spender, and had used all of Emily's savings to settle loans and series of debts, rendering her broke with no money and a place to stay. With no friend or money, she was forced to move in with her aunt and cousin who hated her with passion. She got herself a job and just as fate wanted it, Jake was transferred as the new CEO of the same firm. Now, he wants her back because all he has been trying to do was to find her ever since she left. Her cousin however becomes madly in love with Jake, and will stop at nothing until she can have him wrapped in her arms. Even if it meant getting rid of Emily from the picture.

Blackrose_9388 · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

My Mother's Sin.

Emily did not even know when night came. Her day was a mess and although it started out fine from the beginning, May ended up ruining everything!

Who did she think she was anyway? May was not even that old than her brother, Jake. Just a few months further apart, and yet she acted like she was old and deserved the whole respect in the universe!

There was a bang on her door. Jeremy had gotten her a new phone on Jake's order, and he got her two. Just in case Verona tried to be funny again.

Immediately, she tucked one under her bed and hid the second one in a purse of hers. 

The banging continued.

"Who is it??" Emily demanded. There was no reply except for more banging. Emily rolled her eyes and went straight for the door. Only Verona could be barbaric like that whenever she chose to be.

"Hi, I really don't have time for this--" Emily was still saying when a hard grip tightened and pulled her hair tight. Emily cried out in pain as she tried to free herself from Verona.

"You witch, you bastard! How did you get promoted? You sucked Jake's dick, didn't you!" Verona would not let go of her cousin's hair. 

Emily did not want to fight back, but she had no choice. Before she knew it, her own hands too were gripped tightly on Verona's hair, earning a loud cry from her cousin.

"I have no idea what you're saying. Let me go!"

"Fuck you, you filthy whore! I hate you. I fucking hate you!"

Barbara had heard the screams from the dining table where she slowly ate her pie. She hurried and traced where the noise had been coming from. 

"You will leave my daughter at once!" She yelled out.

Emily quickly did as she had said but Verona was still raging with anger.

"Tell your daughter to let go of me!" Emily cried out but it did not seem to work. She noticed her aunt had gone silent! Emily would not allow her cousin to make her bald, so, she fought back.

It was in one fierce deadly slap that was bound to make Verona temporarily deaf. Immediately, she let go of her and began to sob from the impact of that slap. Her lips had burst open and was now bleeding by the side. She feared she would pass out from the slap.

Barbara did not believe her eyes. "Oh my goodness, do you want to kill her! Damn you, witch!"

Emily had not meant to hit her that hard, but she had not meant to grow bald too! Her head now ached from all the dragging but she could not complain.

"I'm sorry, okay." She said with a frown plastered on her face. "But you could have told her to stop instead, you were watching us!" She said to her aunt.

"My dear, my love, leave this filthy rag with me. I need to teach her a lesson." Barbara said to Verona who was still crying out loud. "It's fine, okay. Go put some ice on it. I'll join you shortly!"

Dragging her feet and moaning in pain, Verona soon left the room for them. 

Emily's head was still sore and her expression was sour. "Please, I want to sleep. What do you have to say, aunt Barbara?" She had to frown her face to convey just how angry she was.

"Seat." Barbara said, then made her way over to Emily's tiny bed.

Emily joined her shortly so they were seated next to each other that their gaze met. Emily looked away, then back again and saw that Barbara was still glaring at her.

She swallowed hard. "Well, we're here now so..."

"Your mother is an absolute disaster, and now she had infected you with her unfortunate bad luck." Barbara said, bringing a new wave of heavy frown on Emily's face.

"Can you please stop talking about my mother like that?"

Barbara scoffed. "That woman does not qualify to be a mother! Listen to me and listen good, Clara has made a very sickening offense, and guess who's paying for her actions now?"

"Me." Emily said though she had only meant for it to be in her head.

"Good. Are you ready to start paying for her crimes?"

Horizontal lines delineated her forehead. "Am I not already paying for it? Besides, what did she possibly do? And why does Verona hate me that much?" 

Before she knew it, a strong grip met her neck. Her delicate neck was now strangled by Barbara's hard hands. The veins in her grew strong indicating the pain she felt. Air ceased to flow through her nose and her vision blurred from the tears that had gathered in her eyes.

What are you doing, aunt Barbara?! Don't kill me!

Is this how I die???

With an ominous glare, Barbara continued to look into Emily's eyes, enjoying how she was whimpering in suffering. 

"Because of what your mother did, now you will suffer in my hands. I will do everything I can to make you cry the way Clara did to me! You will run out of tears, Emily!

"Because of the sins of your mother! She ate a sour fruit, and now, you will feel the taste of the rotten food she ate! Your lips will become soured because you will face the punishment I was not able to give to your mother."

Within a fracture of a second, her grip was loosen. Emily coughed and cried even more as she tried to inhale and exhale again. She feared she would gasp out and die of shortness of breath!

She thought she would die in the hands of her dear aunt Barbara.

I need to leave this house. I need to run away! Before they kill me, I need to leave!


Barbara had left but Emily was still shivering in fear. Her phone buzzed and because it was her second phone, she knew it would only be either Jeremy or Jake that would be calling. The other line was a more personal one even her mother did not have access to.

Her eyes were still soaked in tears but she was not about to let either of them see it. She wiped her tears and picked up. It was Jake.

"Hi, Em." He said. "So I was thinking uh, could you clear your evening schedule and spend it with me?"

Emily blinked. "With you?"

"Y-yea. Yes. I didn't want to spend my day alone so..."

"I'm busy." Emily said. She was about to hang up when Jake said again.

"Hey, okay then. But, you might want to step out for just a little bit."

Emioy frowned. "Step out? Are you outside of my house??"

"Maybe?" He said then brought himself to laugh. Why was he laughing??

"Is everything okay over there, Jake?" Emily had to ask.

Jake coughed then cleared his throat. "Just come outside, hmm?"

Emily felt like she did not really have much choice. Damn it, Jake!

She was already thinking of what to tell her aunt Barbara and cousin Verona when they tried to stop her from going out. Maybe she needed to see a friend...or...she was going to the hospital.

Well she would think of something once the time came. However, lucky for her, neither of them had been present at the moment. Emily slipped through the door and ran out.

She was waiting by the gate side for someone to walk forward and be Jake but only strangers were around at that moment. Except for a car that was parked at the opposite end.

Emily recognized it to be one of Jake's cars so she walked towards the vehicle.

Nothing was as it seemed because the moment she got closer, some men in suits circled her and threw her in the vehicle, then shut the doors and drove as fast as they could, leaving her screams unheard.