
My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

Meet Erika Walters, a woman who left her wealthy family and expensive lifestyle, hid her identity just to marry the one man that she loves. A man whom her family had warned her not to chase if she doesn’t want to be heartbroken. Turning a deaf ear towards her family, Erika married Adrian Hart. Adrain was against the marriage due to the fact that he never had feelings for Erika. However, the both of them got together because of the Matriarch of the Hart family. Grandma Elizabeth. A marriage was supposed to be a sweet journey for a woman who had just been accepted by her in laws but Erika’s was the opposite. Being treated as a servant wasn’t one of the roles of a married woman. Her in laws all treated her like dirt. Her husband continuously cheated on her with his lover, Felicia Evans whom his grandmother had always looked down on. After witnessing her husband having sexual intercourse with his lover in their matrimonial bed, Erika couldn’t take the torture anymore. She has reached her limit of endurance. She couldn’t let her heart to be continuously played with as if it was some toy. Erika reached out for the divorce papers, signed her name and left the Hart mansion with a promise that she would come back and make them loose everything they had ever worked hard for. Love? She has three elder brothers who dote on her. Erika went back to her family and started her plot against her ex in laws until she met Ethan, her childhood friend whom she had bumped into years ago. **** Excerpt “You really are a slut”, Adrian spat in disgust. Erika calmly looked at him. “The last time I checked, Mr Hart. We are not longer related so why is it such a bother to you if am a slut or not?” She coldly questioned him. “Since you have such a good eye at identifying who is a slut, why haven’t you figured out the main slut in your family yet?” She questioned him back. **** Will Erika successfully get her revenge? How will Adrain react when he sees that she has moved on? Will Adrain and Felicia have a happy ending? Will Erika feel any regret after getting her revenge? Will there be more secrets that she will discover on her journey of revenge? Find out more by clicking the book; My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

Sour_corn · Urban
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413 Chs


"So where is she?" Ethan asked Felix impatiently. Right now, Ethan is at the brothers mansion because Felix said he can track Erika down.

"Hold on", Felix continued working on his computer typing some codes. Felix was tracking Erika's phone. He had planted a tracker on Erika's phone when he got her one just in case. "I have got it".

"So where?" Ethan asked quickly.

"In some deserted area, I don't think that Erika would go to such a place. It's quite far from here," Felix was confused. Erika never really walked much so why would she go to such a far place and switch off her phone. Only one thing came up in his mind. Erika has been kidnapped. His eyes flared in anger and the only people who could do these were non other than the Evans and Hart's family.

Ethan didn't waste any more time and started heading to the location on the tracker with Felix following behind him. Felix called his brothers about what was happening and they also had the same thought of who could be behind the kidnapping. They called the police and headed there as well.



One of the hoodlums poured water on Erika to wake her up. It has been more than two hours since they kidnapped her and she has been unconscious ever since.

Erika opened her eyes but her head was spinning way too fast and she closed her eyes to calm down first.

"I SAID WAKE UP!" The hoodlum barked even louder this time causing Erika to feel annoyed with the noise.

"HEY! Will you quiet down, she is the princess here. That is not the way to treat a princess you dimwit", the leader said walking towards Erika who was tied up on the chair.

From what the tall bulky man whom she assumed to be the leader said, she realized that these were a bunch of crazy people. "That is not the way the way to treat a princess? Is kidnapping a way to treat one then?" She asked herself.

"Go tell the others that she is awake now", the leader ordered the one who poured water on Erika and he left to go inform them.

"Little princess, are you scared?" The leader asks Erika while smiling which ended up showing off his golden teeth.

Erika didn't respond and only stayed calm, looking back at him.

"Do you know whom you have offended for you to end up here? Do you also know what we have been asked to do to you?"he asked staring deep into her eyes to try to see fear but the only thing he saw was calmness.

The leader was baffled. Most of their female victims would be trembling in fear by now but this woman has not even said anything yet and she looked too calm.

"Well we have been asked to rape you, take a video of you and then upload it online. What do you think? It sounds exciting right?" The leader laughed loudly this time and the alcohol smell from his breath attacked Erika's nose and she quickly crunched her nose. By this time, the other hoodlums have already entered the same room they were in.

The one who hit her with the rod said excitedly, "Oh hey there sleeping beauty, you are finally awake. I actually got scared that I might have hit you way too hard and thought you wouldn't wake up".

"Boss, have you told her our plans already?" The one with the stick said. Looking at her like he was looking at his prey.

"Yes, I already did but it seems like she is acting tough", the leader replied standing up from his chair and walked closer to Erika. Caressing her hair and then sniffed it, "You smell so good". He whispered in her ear.

Erika grimaced and moved her head away.

"How much do you want?" Erika asked.

"Oh, she finally said something!" The leader exclaimed and his lackeys laughed. "Princess, we just want you to cooperate with us".

"Who asked you to do this?" Erika asked. She looked at the hoodlums one after the other imprinting their faces in her head so that when she gets out of there, the police would be able to track them down but she needs to get some information first.

"Don't you remember whom you have offended?..... Anyway, am sorry I can't reveal that information to you." The leader said.

The leader called his lackeys out to go have dinner but first served Erika and left. It was confirmed, those people are drunk. They brought her food but didn't free her hands to eat. Was she suppose to use her feet to eat? Erika asked herself. But even if it was possible, her feet were also tied up.

Erika didn't bother to ask them to free her hands because she saw a broken bottle on the ground, beside the table where the food was placed. Now all she has to do was to push her chair towards the table quietly else they will know something is up.