
My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

Meet Erika Walters, a woman who left her wealthy family and expensive lifestyle, hid her identity just to marry the one man that she loves. A man whom her family had warned her not to chase if she doesn’t want to be heartbroken. Turning a deaf ear towards her family, Erika married Adrian Hart. Adrain was against the marriage due to the fact that he never had feelings for Erika. However, the both of them got together because of the Matriarch of the Hart family. Grandma Elizabeth. A marriage was supposed to be a sweet journey for a woman who had just been accepted by her in laws but Erika’s was the opposite. Being treated as a servant wasn’t one of the roles of a married woman. Her in laws all treated her like dirt. Her husband continuously cheated on her with his lover, Felicia Evans whom his grandmother had always looked down on. After witnessing her husband having sexual intercourse with his lover in their matrimonial bed, Erika couldn’t take the torture anymore. She has reached her limit of endurance. She couldn’t let her heart to be continuously played with as if it was some toy. Erika reached out for the divorce papers, signed her name and left the Hart mansion with a promise that she would come back and make them loose everything they had ever worked hard for. Love? She has three elder brothers who dote on her. Erika went back to her family and started her plot against her ex in laws until she met Ethan, her childhood friend whom she had bumped into years ago. **** Excerpt “You really are a slut”, Adrian spat in disgust. Erika calmly looked at him. “The last time I checked, Mr Hart. We are not longer related so why is it such a bother to you if am a slut or not?” She coldly questioned him. “Since you have such a good eye at identifying who is a slut, why haven’t you figured out the main slut in your family yet?” She questioned him back. **** Will Erika successfully get her revenge? How will Adrain react when he sees that she has moved on? Will Adrain and Felicia have a happy ending? Will Erika feel any regret after getting her revenge? Will there be more secrets that she will discover on her journey of revenge? Find out more by clicking the book; My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce **** Hi guys This is my first book Am still a newbie So I hope you will enjoy this book But don’t forget to give me your support and encouragement Thank you

Sour_corn · Urban
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"Come on Casey, can't you help your brother just this once?". Ethan was asking Cassandra to teach himhow to court Erika. Days has passed since the incident that occurred in the club. And since after that day, Ethan was being extra careful with Erika, he doesn't want to admit it but he is scared that Erika will beat him up the same way that she beat up that pervert at the club if he plays the wrong move on her.

Currently he is asking Cassandra to teach him how to court a girl, something he never thought he would ask his sister or anyone else in fact.

"Ethan, seriously now. I told you that I will only help you if you tell me the woman you want to court", Cassandra said. She has been asking him this question since he started asking her for some help but he wouldn't comply. "It better not be that obsessed Jasmine, she is a witch". Cassandra has always disliked Jasmine too and doesn't think she is good enough for her brother.

"It's not Jasmine, look i can't tell you who it is okay?", Ethan said. He does not want Cassandra to spoil his plan by going to meet Erika and calling her sister in law when he tells her because that would make Erika really uncomfortable. He has visited Erika in the office some other times and noticed that she only sees him as a friend although he acts weird around her most of times afraid that he would be beaten up black and blue but that was a progress.

Cassandra sighed, "Ethan, am your sister. This is the first time am seeing you being interested in a woman. I just want to make sure that she is not a second Jasmine, okay? Look, once you tell me who the lady is, I promise to help you woo her, I just don't want you to be cheated". Cassandra cared for her brother just the same way he cared for her too and she would do anything for him.

Ethan looked at his sister and sighed also. Cassandra is all grown up, he thought. Since she explained her reason for wanting to know he wouldn't hide it from her anymore. "Okay fine, I will tell you..."

Ethan told Cassandra who the woman was and Cassandra squealed so loudly that it hurt his eardrums.

"OMG Ethan, you found her. I really like her. You know at the supermarket, I felt like she has suffered a lot and she looked so pitiful. So Ethan, you love her?", Cassandra asked.

"Yes, I do. I love her so much", Ethan said lovingly. Right now, he does not look like the strict and cold CEO who would mercilessly fire his employees and increase his employees workload when he is not satisfied with their proposition.

Cassandra squealed again. Even more louder than the first one. She had always thought her brother was a stone iced stature who would probably marry when he is fifty but now she was seeing him in a new light.

"Hmm.... I see now, okay then no problem. I will help you to court sis in law." Cassandra said happily.

Ethan sighed in relief. He would have gone to someone else but he doesn't have any female friends apart from that Jasmine. He can't go to his mom, she would pester him from time to time to bring her to the mansion and his dad was also the same. The only people he knew was Erika's brothers. He can't possibly ask them to help him woo their sister, that would be weird. So Cassandra was an only option. She is young, modern and mature enough.

"So Casey, what should be my first move?", Ethan asked.

"Oh it's simple. Since you know her work place, all you have to do is bring her food, delicious food. And since you can cook, you can bring her some home made food for lunch. You know they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach well you might not know this but it also applies to women too". Cassandra said in one breath.

"Really? Are you sure it will work?", he wasn't sure if Erika was a eater so he hesitated a little.

"Of course, am super sure it will work now go cook. It will be lunch time in two hours, you have little time to prepare." Cassandra nudged him out of her room to go to the kitchen and she followed him to help as well.

They got to the kitchen and they started cooking. The two of them are excellent cooks. It was a gift they got from their mother so in less than two hours they finished. Ethan went to go shower because he smelled like food while Cassandra helped him to call the driver to get the car ready. She packaged all the food properly so that they wouldn't spill in the car. She was happy for her brother and she didn't want this to be ruined.

Ethan arrived at the Walters corporations ten minutes after twelve non. He was scared that she might have already left to eat at the cafeteria but still went to her office first. Luckily the secretary said she was inside and she led him in.

Ethan saw Erika in her office chair, working. It was already lunch time and she was still working. Erika raised her head up to see the person who was in her office and she was not that surprised that it was Ethan. She has started liking Ethan and seeing him in a new light. People always identified him to be cold but he was never like that with her.

She welcomed him and saw the food packages with him and helped him put it down. It was so many, it was like he was holding a feast.

"Hi, I thought that you would already be at the cafeteria. It's a good thing you are still here ", Ethan said which made Erika wonder why it was a good thing she was still here.

"Well, I wasn't feeling hungry so I stayed back to work some more", she looked at the food and asked, "Why do you have so many food with you?".

"Oh I thought that we could have lunch together", Ethan blurted out.