
My Ex-Husband Fell in Love with Me

Sheng Xiangsi, consumed by jealousy, pushed her husband's pregnant lover down the stairs, causing her to miscarry and bleed to death. Rumors spread like wildfire in Jiangcheng, portraying Sheng Xiangsi as arrogant and malicious. To vent her anger at Bai Yueguang, her husband threw her out of the country, turning a blind eye to her fate. Four years later, Sheng Xiangsi returned to Jiangcheng. She and Fu Hanjiang exchanged smiles and buried the hatchet, going their separate ways thereafter. When they met again, Sheng Xiangsi became the top performer in the dance hall, with countless men willing to pay a fortune just to catch a glimpse of her. Fu Hanjiang couldn't sit still. He blocked her path and said, "Life is tough. Why not come back to me?" Sheng Xiangsi smiled faintly, "Mr. Fu, are you asking me out? Please take a number, join the line behind, thank you."

david_lee_1509 · Fantasy
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259 Chs

Choose a Plump One

Was she venting her anger on him?

"What does this have to do with me…"

Fu Hanjiang, almost losing his temper, was about to blurt out that it wasn't his fault they couldn't be together. However, as he spoke, he caught sight of Sheng Xiangsi's clear, piercing eyes and couldn't refute anymore.

Yes, it was his fault.

The biggest "stain" on her was caused by him!


Sheng Xiangsi let out a cold laugh, glaring at him coolly. "It's you!"

Then she thought of Xinian in Philadelphia and her Junjun.

In a sudden surge of emotion, she grabbed his tie. "Why are you so horrible? Why won't you let me go even after our divorce?"

Because of this marriage, she probably wouldn't have any future relationships!

Originally, it didn't matter. Love wasn't a necessity; she could live well with Junjun!

But then Zhong Pei appeared...

He didn't mind her past, didn't care that she was an orphan, and went to great lengths to get her back into the dance troupe.

She had never felt so cherished by anyone before—yet she ruined it for him!

Sheng Xiangsi's eyes reddened, tears welling up as she glared at him.

Fu Hanjiang was stunned. This time, she was really crying.

His anger dissipated in her tears.

Fu Hanjiang stood there, not daring to move. He even bent down slightly to make it easier for her to hold onto his tie.

He reached into his pocket for a handkerchief. "Yes, it's my fault."

He handed her a pure cotton handkerchief. "Don't cry… If you like Zhong Pei that much, rest assured, with me and the Fu family around, he won't dare to abandon you…"

"What are you going to do?"

Sheng Xiangsi looked at him with tear-filled eyes. "Don't do anything rash! My business is none of your concern!"

"What did I do now…?"

Fu Hanjiang's anger flared again but quickly subsided under Sheng Xiangsi's gaze.

Frowning, he sighed in surrender. "Fine, I won't interfere. Is that good enough for you?"

Did she think he wanted to meddle? Trying to help her was like a dog biting Lü Dongbin!

If he meddled in her affairs again, he would be a fool!

Fu Hanjiang looked around. "It's hard to get a taxi here. Get in the car, I'll take you back. I won't meddle in your affairs anymore!"

He turned abruptly.

Behind him, Sheng Xiangsi brushed back her hair and suddenly covered her eyes.

In front of her, Fu Hanjiang, noticing she hadn't followed, turned back to urge her. "Hurry up! What are you doing?"

He saw her covering her eyes and wasn't sure what was happening.

Fu Hanjiang: …

Should he help or not?

He walked back in a few strides and leaned down to ask, "What's wrong with your eye?"

"I don't know." Sheng Xiangsi shook her head, still covering her eye. "Maybe an eyelash got in or some dust."

"Let me see…"

Fu Hanjiang raised his hand, reaching for her face.

Sheng Xiangsi instinctively resisted, but Fu Hanjiang persisted. "Don't move! What are you avoiding? What? Do you think I'm going to eat you?"

He pulled her arm away and forced her eye open.

Muttering, "Even if I were to eat someone, I'd choose someone plump! Do you have any meat on you? I wouldn't want to break my teeth."

Sheng Xiangsi: …

Why was he so frightening with his words?

"I see it. Don't move, I'll blow it out…"

"All done."

Feeling the coolness on her eyelid, Fu Hanjiang let go, looking at her anxiously. "How is it?"

Sheng Xiangsi blinked, moving her eye. She tried opening it. "It's fine… Thank you."

Fu Hanjiang smiled broadly. "No problem."

In the car, Fu Hanjiang drove her to the entrance of Wenchang Road.

"Thank you."

Sheng Xiangsi thanked him and opened the car door.


As she stepped out, Fu Hanjiang called her back.

"Hmm?" She turned back, looking at him. Was there something else?

"Uh…" Fu Hanjiang pointed to her eye. "Don't forget to apply ice. Otherwise, it won't be easy for you to perform tomorrow."

Just for that?

"Got it, thanks."

Sheng Xiangsi got out of the car and walked into the alley.

Watching her back, Fu Hanjiang squinted slightly, feeling a strange itch in his chest, like thousands of ants crawling.

Just now, he wanted to ask if she and Zhong Pei were really over.

But the words didn't come out.


Even if she and Zhong Pei were over, what did it have to do with him?

Yes, what did it have to do with him?

Fu Hanjiang looked away and drove off.

As Sheng Xiangsi walked down the alley, as if by some premonition, she saw Zhong Pei from a distance!

He had somehow gotten there before her and was waiting at the building entrance!

Suddenly, Sheng Xiangsi's breath caught. "Zhong Pei…"

She should have known he wouldn't give up so easily.

Suddenly, Sheng Xiangsi turned and ran out of the alley.

Zhong Pei, unaware, continued to wait below…

Sheng Xiangsi ran all the way to Wenchang Road, clutching her forehead in confusion. What now? She couldn't go back to the apartment, so where could she go?

She hadn't gotten the keys to the house Fu Hanjiang gave her yet; real estate transfers were more complicated than money transfers.

After thinking for a moment, she took out her phone, flipped through her contacts, and dialed a number.


On the other end was her colleague from the dance troupe, Bai Ran.

"Bai Ran, it's me, Xiangsi."

"I know, what's up?" Bai Ran laughed.

"Well…" Sheng Xiangsi hesitated. "Can I stay at your place for a few days?"

"Sure, no problem."

Bai Ran agreed without hesitation. "I'll send you my location. Come on over."

"Thank you."

"No need to be so polite."

After hanging up, Sheng Xiangsi received Bai Ran's message and hurried over.

Bai Ran's place was not far, similar to the old apartments on West Twelfth Street where Sheng Xiangsi lived.

"You're here?"

When she arrived, Bai Ran opened the door, laughing as she pulled Sheng Xiangsi inside.

"Come on in."

Inside, there was a plastic mannequin at the door and a table piled with needles, threads, and fabrics, some cut, some uncut.

Bai Ran was indeed her colleague but not in the same role.

Sheng Xiangsi was a dancer, while Bai Ran was a costume assistant.

"Sorry about the mess," Bai Ran said with a smile. "It's quite chaotic."

"It's fine," Sheng Xiangsi smiled. "I'm the one imposing on you, so I should be the one apologizing."

"Haha." Bai Ran laughed. "Let's not be so polite."

Her personality was great, and she didn't ask Sheng Xiangsi what had happened. She simply said, "As long as you don't mind, you can stay as long as you want."

Thinking for a moment, she joked, "But I don't provide meals."

"Hmm." Sheng Xiangsi relaxed a bit. "I'll take care of the chores then."


In her pocket, Sheng Xiangsi's phone buzzed with two incoming messages.

One from Zhong Pei, the other from Fu Hanjiang.