
My Ex-Husband Fell in Love with Me

Sheng Xiangsi, consumed by jealousy, pushed her husband's pregnant lover down the stairs, causing her to miscarry and bleed to death. Rumors spread like wildfire in Jiangcheng, portraying Sheng Xiangsi as arrogant and malicious. To vent her anger at Bai Yueguang, her husband threw her out of the country, turning a blind eye to her fate. Four years later, Sheng Xiangsi returned to Jiangcheng. She and Fu Hanjiang exchanged smiles and buried the hatchet, going their separate ways thereafter. When they met again, Sheng Xiangsi became the top performer in the dance hall, with countless men willing to pay a fortune just to catch a glimpse of her. Fu Hanjiang couldn't sit still. He blocked her path and said, "Life is tough. Why not come back to me?" Sheng Xiangsi smiled faintly, "Mr. Fu, are you asking me out? Please take a number, join the line behind, thank you."

david_lee_1509 · Fantasy
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259 Chs

Chapter 12: Living for the Fu Family

"What's going on?" Fu Hanjiang's brow furrowed deeply, an unmistakable irritation in his voice. "Out of battery?"

Putting his phone away, he grumbled, "Forget it, doesn't matter!"

She's a grown woman; if she couldn't wait for him, surely she knew how to get back by herself?

It was late, and after a whole night of running around, he was exhausted. Time to shower and rest.

Just as he raised his hand to put down the phone, he paused abruptly.

Frowning, he muttered, "Damn it, such a hassle!"

After a moment's thought, he dialed the landline at Yintan.

However, the call went straight to voicemail, no one answering.

"What's going on?"

Fu Hanjiang's face darkened. Could it be that Sheng Xiangsi hadn't returned yet? It was already so late... Could she still be waiting for him at the same spot?

How stupid could she be?!

He tossed his phone aside, feeling a surge of frustration. If she was really that stupid, he couldn't be bothered to deal with her.

He headed upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower.

As the warm water cascaded over him, his mind wouldn't stop spinning, constantly thinking about Sheng Xiangsi...

It was so late, and she was just a girl.

Even if he didn't like her, he was the one who had left her there in the first place.

"Damn it!"

Cursing under his breath, Fu Hanjiang turned off the water, quickly dried himself, and left the bathroom.

Dressing quickly, he grabbed his car keys and rushed downstairs.

On the way, he called the sanatorium.

The nurse in charge of Fu Mingzhu's ward answered, "This is Fu Hanjiang. Could you check if there's a girl named Sheng Xiangsi still there?"

"Sure, Mr. Fu."

The phone stayed connected while the nurse checked. She returned with the news.

"Sorry, Mr. Fu, there's no one named Sheng Xiangsi here, only our medical staff and caregivers."

Not there? Had she already left?

"Thank you."

Hanging up, Fu Hanjiang got into his car and sped towards Yintan.

"Sheng Xiangsi!"

Pushing open the front door, the house was pitch black, no sign of Sheng Xiangsi anywhere.

Was she asleep?

He moved towards the servant quarters at the back.

"Wait, which room is she in?"

Before reaching the servant quarters, he noticed a light in the first-floor bathroom.

Could it be Sheng Xiangsi?

The bathroom door was ajar, and he could see inside.

Sheng Xiangsi sat on a stool, checking the soles of her feet after removing her socks.

Murmuring to herself in relief, "Thank goodness, no blisters."

The hardships she had endured over the years had toughened her skin, forming protective calluses like armor.

Walking for two hours was nothing to her.

She placed her feet into a basin of warm water.

"Ah, that's hot!"

At the door, Fu Hanjiang frowned.

But Sheng Xiangsi didn't withdraw her feet. Instead, she sighed in comfort, "Mmm... feels so good. Hee hee."

"Sheng Xiangsi!"

The sudden shout startled her so much she nearly jumped.

Fu Hanjiang approached, his entire presence radiating anger.

Gritting his teeth, he jabbed a finger towards Sheng Xiangsi. "Where were you? Didn't I tell you to wait for me?"


Sheng Xiangsi was taken aback, then couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"!" Fu Hanjiang was stunned, his anger flaring even more. "What's so funny? If you had waited like I told you, would I have had to spend the night looking for you? And your phone was off!"


Sheng Xiangsi abruptly stopped laughing and nodded.

"You're right, it's my fault. I shouldn't have walked back by myself; I should have waited for two hours for you to come get me. I apologize, I'm sorry."

Her long speech dripped with sarcasm in every word!

"You're blaming me?"

Fu Hanjiang looked at her face, her gentle features now full of mockery.

"Do you think you're more important than Leyi?"

Yao Leyi was his sister-in-law, his elder brother's lover!

And Fu Hanjiang lived for his brother, for the Fu family!

Not to mention his own matters.

Fu Hanjiang said coldly, "In this world, the person who should unconditionally meet Leyi's needs the most is you! Don't forget, you owe..."

He was about to bring up the events of past years again.

Sheng Xiangsi didn't want to hear it. "I'm not blaming you, really. I'm this calm; I don't know how you heard any complaints."

Pausing, she silently clenched her fists.

Continuing, "Sorry to waste your time. It's late, you should get some rest."

Not waiting for his response, Sheng Xiangsi stood up, intending to change the water and continue soaking her feet.

She completely ignored him.

Fu Hanjiang sneered lightly. Fine, no need to argue with her; she was back safe, wasn't she? He'd wasted a trip for nothing!

Turning away, Fu Hanjiang suddenly stopped. Wait—how did she say she got back?

Was it... walking?

He turned back, pointing at Sheng Xiangsi's feet.

"Enough, no need to put on an act."

What? Sheng Xiangsi, holding the water basin, didn't understand what he was saying.


Fu Hanjiang sneered, looking at her with utter disdain. "You said you walked back? Afraid I wouldn't believe you, so you soak your feet in front of me? You think that'll make me believe you?"

Walk back?

How long would it take to walk from the sanatorium to Yintan?

Couldn't call a cab if she couldn't wait for him? Possible?

Expecting him to believe? She was underestimating his intelligence!

She wanted to use this trick to gain his sympathy! Such a clumsy tactic! She still hadn't given up on him.

Fu Hanjiang shook his head scornfully. "Sheng Xiangsi, your pity act doesn't work on me. Save it!"

With that, he turned and left.

This time, he didn't look back.

Sheng Xiangsi stood there, a breath stuck in her chest... It took her a long moment to recover. What a jerk!


The next day, Sheng Xiangsi received a call from Manager Wu, asking her to visit Misel.

Her costume was ready for fitting.

Additionally, Manager Wu took her to see the stage.

"Familiarize yourself with the stage and prepare your performance. Your first appearance is crucial. I have high hopes for you!"

"Got it, Manager Wu."

Sheng Xiangsi didn't dare slack off, earnestly walking the stage, confirming the dance and music for the performance with Manager Wu.

She needed to practice to ensure everything would be perfect.

By the time she finished, it was already dark.

She didn't return to Yintan because Fu Mingzhu had instructed her to visit Fu Hanchuan. She wouldn't have time tomorrow, so she had to go tonight.

For this, she even "splurged" on a bouquet of yellow calla lilies—symbolizing respect and admiration.

After all, she did want to visit him. She hadn't gone earlier because she feared the Fu family's disapproval.

To the Fu family, even to Fu Mingzhu, she was a "sinner."

She remembered when she first came to the Fu family, Fu Hanchuan was still well.

Compared to Fu Hanjiang, Fu Hanchuan was much gentler, like a gentleman in a book.

He was older than Fu Hanjiang and naturally played the role of an elder brother.

He was indeed very good to her. Sheng Xiangsi didn't have a biological brother, but she felt that even if she did, he couldn't have been better than Fu Hanchuan.

At the hospital, she followed her memory to find the ward.

However, she discovered that Fu Hanchuan wasn't in his original ward.

Having no choice, she called Fu Mingzhu.

"Grandma, did Brother Hanchuan change hospitals? I can't find him."

"Ah?" Fu Mingzhu said in surprise. "Did you go by yourself? Didn't you go with Hanjiang?"


Remembering her promise to Fu Mingzhu about her upcoming surgery, Sheng Xiangsi kept her word. "He's busy. I'm fine going alone."


Fu Mingzhu sighed. "He hasn't changed hospitals. The hospital built a new building. Walk towards the back..."

Turns out he had been moved to the new VIP building.

"Got it, Grandma. Thank you."

Ending the call, Sheng Xiangsi headed to the VIP building.


Opening the hospital room door, the air was filled with the scent of disinfectant.

Sheng Xiangsi walked to the bedside, looking at the sleeping Fu Hanchuan, her nose tingling with emotion. She raised her hand, gently holding his.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Brother Hanchuan, it's me, Xiangsi... I came to see you."