
My Ex, His Boss and The Office: A Workplace Romance

A tale of intertwining lives marked by secret affairs, betrayals, romantic encounters and an unexpected proposal that leads to the unveiling of vulnerabilities and a connection between two individuals amid their complex circumstances.

Helenena · Urban
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10 Chs

A girls’ night out

The air in the bar was alive with laughter and the buzz of conversations weaving through the crowd.

Ava carried an effervescent air, distinct from the composed elegance that often graced the bar. Her aura of positivity and warmth provided a vibrancy that swirled and danced with every movement. Dark, Lucious curls cascaded around her shoulders, framing a face that exuded curiosity. Her eyes, a deep shade of hazel, held a glimmer of adventurous spirit, a sense of seeing beyond the ordinary. She looked out of place surrounded by socialites who frequented the high-class bar but that didn't matter. She could fit in anywhere.

Seated at the high table, Ava was a picture of relaxed confidence. Her infectious laughter and the way she engaged with those around her seemed to draw others in, painting her as the heartbeat of the bar.

As Sophie, her vivacious best friend, voiced her exasperation, Ava's laughter tinkled through the air. She had a way of radiating positivity, even in the midst of teasing banter.

"Ava, seriously, how could he forget it's your anniversary? He's your boyfriend! He hasn't even texted!"

Ava laughed, "Relax, Soph. He's probably planning a surprise or something. You know that he loves making grand gestures."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I swear, if that boy forgets, I'll give him a piece of my mind!"

Their banter was interrupted as Sophie's attention wandered toward a group of men gathered by the bar. With a playful smirk, she excused herself and sauntered over, leaving Ava to watch with an amused shake of her head.

Ava sensed a shift in the energy around her. A prickling awareness tugged at her, drawing her gaze across the room. There, amidst the pulsating crowd, sat a man who seemed to exist in his own sphere of allure - a magnetising presence that caught her eye.

Their gazes collided, a silent connection sparked between them, a fleeting moment of unspoken communication. Ava's heart fluttered at the intensity of his gaze, his eyes holding a depth she couldn't quite fathom.

As quickly as the connection was made, Ava instinctively looked away, feeling the blush creeping up her cheeks. She couldn't shake the feeling that those captivating eyes had unravelled something within her.

A beat passed, and Sophie returned with an impish grin, "I just met a charming someone," she teased, sliding back onto her seat.

Ava chuckled, the memory of her brief encounter lingering in her mind. "And who might that be?"

As Sophie divulged details of her conversation, Ava's gaze wandered, briefly scanning the bustling crowd, hoping to catch another glimpse of the mysterious man. However, he had melted away into the lively throng, leaving behind an enigmatic impression that lingered in the air.