
my ex fiance's brother

a little teaser before you start

venus_chuma · Teen
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4 Chs

chapter 3

after a long hour in a meeting the girls walked over to their desks as they sat down chatting and finishing of some paperwork. Cassy who looked a bit better seemed to be happy but not for long when they spotted Stacey walking towards them with the most enormous smile ever.

"so Cassy you didn't show up at work yesterday, but l wanted to ask what you think about this dress that l bought for your engagement" Stacey said raising her phone to show the two girls who stared at each other

"Umm .... Stacey"

"Wait you know l was actually thinking of getting a blue themed one with a little bit of white just to meet with the color code, probably and some glass heels, its going to be ama..z.ing"

"Stacey the wedding is cut off, lm sorry "Sam said in a low tone

the girl whose expression was once happy turned into darkness, misery and guilt. she didn't understand why she was feeling this way she wasn't the one on fault. what had happened they used to be the cutest couple, and everyone adored them, he used to always bring her favorite dish the nights she worked late, kiss her good morning every morning , write and sing poems for her but it all changed in a blink of an eye. Cassy who stood at the edge of the desk walked hastily out of the office whipping of the tears on her cheeks as she walked to the back of the office where no one would see her in this condition. Just near the bin she noticed a child approximately 5 to 6 years seated on the floor looking as if he was crying. she bent down so that she could be the same height as him and asked the little guy if he was okay but got no answer instead of giving up she sat besides him turned to face him then she tickled the little guy until he cried because of laughter. the liitle boy was really adorable, cute and chubby.

"what's your name "

"Shain and yours "

" call me aunt Cassidy , what you are doing here"

"my daddy is working, and he refused to let me visit my mother, he barely has time for me" he said pouting

"Take me to him"

Cassy picked the little dude up and carried him back into the company. when she entered all the girls looked her with jealousy. she was so used to this, so she ignored them as she continued walking following Shain's directions they got into the elevator and got off at the CEO's office. she was shocked but didn't think much of it must be the renovators or a PA because there is no way the CEO could have come within a short notice. she barged through the door only to meet a tall slender but muscular guy; he wore a black suit that fit him perfectly she couldn't help but notice his alluring lips never had she ever met a guy with perfectly spaced eyes he had a prominent chin and a perfectly shaped jawline. Cassy was sin daze until the little guy spoke

"Sir no matter how prim or proper you consider yourself you have a breaking point and let's face it, why would you treat this poor child like this no one forced you to open your little dangling thing in between your legs and impregnate his mother let the child see his mother....."

"Excuse me, please leave my office"

"well listen to me first composure pays you know "

"don't t...."

"don't even try lm not yet done talking what are you even doing here , your suit looks like its from a thrift shop or from a give away just give the child attention" she said walking away leaving the door to close itself . shain who now stood besides his father looking at the man who was still shocked to what had happened.


what a great way to start of my first day at my company , l literally bought this suit for 40 500 usd and she calls it cheap. Shaun his cousin walks in smiling to what a lovely scene he had seen

"are you okay you look like you died and came back"

"who was that is she mad"

"hm she's actually the best architect you have in the company"

"does my suit look cheap"

"why do you care"

"there is something l like about her , l don't know she's just unique"

"l like her too daddy" Shain answered seated in his father's chair drinking a milkshake

the two guys looked at the child emotionless, he quickly dunked under the table afraid of what his uncle and dad would do to him. Antony walked over to the desk picked up his son and placed him on his laps.

"why did you do that?"

"lm sowy ,"

"Not until you give me a reason to why you told her, l told you your mother doesn't want you"

"She called yesterday, and l .. l felt like aunty Cassidy was just someone l could talk to since you always busy for me" Antony stared at his son feeling like the worst father ever but at a point he felt something different about that girl.