
My Ex Broke My Heart, But I'm A Hundred Billion Financial Stock God

Qin Fan was reincarnated and dumped by the school beauty. She had no idea that in his previous life, he was a god of the stock market. His net worth was more than 10 billion, and he could weather any financial storm. In his previous life, he did not care for his younger sister and caused her to fall ill and be hospitalized. Therefore, the heavens gave him a chance to make up for his previous regret. Now, he only wanted to make his younger sister a princess! In this life, it was not enough for him to have a 10 billion net worth. Even 100 billion was nothing. He wanted to create the Qin’s First Group and make it the top capital consortium in the world.

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I'm The God of Finance

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At the side, seeing Zhang Tao on the verge of tears,

Qin Fan curled his lips and sneered with a calm face. This was not the end, it was just the beginning.

He glanced at the private message sent by his platform account. Chen Xuerong, the beautiful live streamer, had already sent him the address.

They were obviously from the same city!

No wonder Zhang Tao took a fancy to her. What made Qin Fan smile was the agreed time and place to meet the next day.

Qin Fan: Let's meet at the West Plaza tomorrow.

Chen Xuerong said: Yes, yes. Sugar daddy, what would you like me to dress in?"

Qin fan: Your legs are beautiful. I like black stockings and suspenders

Chen Xuerong: Hehe. I'll wear whatever you like. I'll go buy black stockings with suspenders (shy).

Qin fan: Sure, Do buy more.

Chen Xuerong: Why?

Qin Fan: If it tears, you can change into it.

Chen Xuerong: You're so naughty. Big bad guy (grimace).

Qin Fan laughed out loud. It was really interesting to tease this little beauty. He looked at Zhang Tao, who was not far away, with a face that was on the verge of tears.

He felt extremely happy!

If Zhang Tao was in a bad mood, he was in an even better mood!

Of course, he had to earn more money for tomorrow's date.

Otherwise, how could he bring the beauty to eat good food!

Money was his true power, and he had to get more money!

Qin Fan opened his laptop in a good mood and checked the stock market trend today.

Zhang Tao's expression was ugly. He sent a private message to his goddess, but unfortunately, she did not open it.

His heart felt as if it was broken into pieces with the thought that his goddess was going on a date with someone else the next day!

However, he had no other choice but to cry silently at the side!


Now that he had bought a car, Qin Fan checked his assets.

The funds that he could use were about 4 million.

He kept a portion of the money and planned to use it for tomorrow's date.

Qin Fan could only take out 4 million yuan. There were too many places where he needed money now. He had earned 6.5 million yuan, but in less than a day, he had spent more than 2 million.

The speed of making money must follow the speed of his spending.

Qin Fan planned to continue to trade in the stock market.

However, before that, he wanted to set up a stock discussion group so that it would be easier for him to manipulate the stock market in the future.

It was also to create a group and collect a group fee!

He directly logged into the stock market forum, which was being discussed by hundreds of millions of people.

He posted a thread.

Forum post: Do you want to make a 100% annual profit? A few million in a day? I'm an experienced financial operator, and I invite everyone to make money together!

1st comment: I've been in the stock market for many years. I'm now opening a small group of 500 people and it costs 200 yuan per person. After the limit of 500 people is reached, it will be temporarily closed.

2nd comment: In order for everyone to believe me, I've added a few pictures of my operating profits from the past few days.

He put all the profits he had made in the stock market up on the forum

He took screenshots and posted them one by one.

He blocked a portion of the total funds.

He posted all of them.

The moment these screenshots were uploaded.

In less than ten minutes, the number of replies in the post had exceeded 1000!

There were quite a number of domestic shareholders, but there were only a few big bosses who could make money.

Generally speaking, there were many god-like scammers on the forum, but there were not many of them who really dared to post screenshots of their profits.

Now, Qin Fan had suddenly sent a screenshot of a terrifying profit. Although the assets could not be seen, the profit was rising in a straight line and it was just within a few days.

Some of which was even more than 10000% in a day!

These screenshots had already caused a group of people in the stock market to go crazy.

They immediately believed in Qin Fan, a true expert.

10th comment: What else can I say? Do you have to be so awesome? Big Boss, please accept me as your disciple!

100th comment: What am I seeing? Oh my god, Big Boss is manipulating futures contracts. He can make several times the profit in a day. Big Boss, are you human?

500th comment: I've been in the stock market and finance industry for so many years, but I've never seen such an awesome OP. You're too awesome!

10000 comment: Op, please release the group number, I want to join the group!

1,000 comments appeared, making Qin Fan very happy to edit the main thread and put the group number directly on the main thread.

He set up a group of 500 people and set a 200 yuan entry limit.

If one of them joined, he could earn 200 yuan as pocket money!

When Qin Fan posted his group number, he really did not expect that it would take less than ten minutes.

The group of 500 people was instantly filled to the brim!

He suspected that even if he opened a group with thousands of people, it would be enough to increase his popularity.

Some people directly joined the crowd, and the group was very lively. Some people even felt that the 500 people were not enough and their friends were not even added inside.

Group member 1: Group leader, I have a friend who wants to be added. Can you increase the number of people?

Group member 2: That's right. Group leader, open it for another 500 people!

Group member 3: Group leader, please teach us some money-making tips.

500 people were already enough to get 100000 yuan of income. Although he could still increase the upper limit and get more money.

However, that was not Qin Fan's goal.

The number of people in the group had already reached 500. It could be considered a small elite group, so it was best not to expand it for the time being.

Qin Fan directly sent a message to the group.

Group leader Qin Fan: I don't need any more people in the 500-member premium group for the time being. I created this group just to discuss the stock market. The purpose is to make money together.

Group member 1: You're too humble, Big Boss. We just want to ask you for advice. We don't need to discuss it.

Group member 2: That's right. I lost millions of yuan last year. I'm just waiting for someone to save me!

Group member 3: I still owe the bank a few hundred thousand. Please help us!

Qin fan watched with a smile. Of course, he was not a Saint. The purpose of creating the group was to better control the stock trend.

Some people believed that some stocks were rising, and only big capitalists could pull them up.

Unfortunately, they did not understand that in the huge financial market, the rise in prices did not rely on the individual power of the capitalists.

Instead, it was a huge number of domestic shareholders, and only the lower and middle classes could support it and raise it!

Relying on the power of capitalists to deal with the entire market, one could succeed once or twice.

After the third attempt, it would be the beginning of failure!

Qin Fan was still very cautious. He had created this group to help himself earn money, not to help others earn money.

Of course, when he was earning, he did not mind sharing some of his earnings.

Looking at the 500 people in the group, Qin Fan decided to make use of the strength of these people.

He was looking for small stocks on the market with a small total share value of only a few hundred million. Qin fan planned to operate on it.

Soon, he found one of them.

E-Citizen Enterprise's stock price of 8.5 yuan had been falling for the past few days, and many people had sold their shares.

This stock had been falling for a long time, but Qin Fan analyzed that it would definitely rise in the next few days.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately sent a message to the group.

Group leader Qin Fan: I'm going to introduce a stock. E-Citizen Enterprise stock. It's priced at 8.5 yuan. I estimate that the closing price of this stock will exceed 10 yuan today!

As soon as he said that, many people in the group started to get excited.