

"MY EX BOWS TO HIM" is a captivating tale that unfolds in the glamorous yet cutthroat world of the entertainment industry. Alexander Gareth Hilmpton, a stoic billionaire CEO with a heart of ice, crosses paths with the stunning but underrated star, Kim Mun Ho, at a party. Their encounter sparks a whirlwind of rumors, fueled by a mysterious incident the night before, leaving Alexander clueless about a supposed lover. As the truth unravels, Kim Mun Ho grapples with the consequences of his intimate encounter with Alexander. Faced with the daunting reality of Alexander's influential background, Kim must decide whether to confront the powerful CEO or conceal their connection. The story explores themes of love, secrecy, and the unexpected twists that life in the spotlight can bring.

Beverly_Spare · LGBT+
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115 Chs

7. The Reveal.

Kim Mun Ho.

He was turning red as seconds passed

With eyes still fixated on his reflection, completely oblivious to his actions, he slowly, took his eyes back up, suddenly catching himself in a frenzy as he jolted like a maniac with panic, losing his balance briefly, before regaining it back.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" He mumbled to his reflection, picking up his toothbrush aggressively before placing the toothpaste on it.

He was mad and confused at his thoughts all at once, wanting to get his head out of whatever this was.

Quietly, he put his toothbrush in his mouth and moved it upwards and downwards, slowly, before picking up the pace. This had got to stop! After all, he wasn't even in his right state of mind when the "so-called" kiss happened. He was obviously acting under the influence of alcohol. He wasn't sober! And that bastard wasn't either so let bygones be bygones. Besides, he could be a nobody.

"... That's right". He muffled, staring at his reflection with the toothbrush in his mouth before taking it out and spitting into the sink, airing out his thoughts. "Let bygones be bygones". He exhaled.

Rinsing his toothbrush, he placed it back in its place and headed to the washroom. He had already spent enough time thinking about shit and Diane was on her way already.


It took a while, but he was out of the washroom anyway. That was what he needed all along, in fact, that was what he need from the start because damn! He felt so much better.

In a blink, he was in his closet, and out, looking as hot as ever after covering his eye bags which were less swollen now with a little foundation.

He was good to go and ready to head out when his phone buzzed. Grabbing it immediately, Diane's text popped on the screen. ' I'm downstairs '

"Just in time". Was all he said before heading out.


Just as the elevator dinged open, he stepped out, her narrowed eyes fixed on him.

"Hey, manager". He called out up close as she rolled her eyes at his words, getting in the back seat of the car before he got in and they started moving.

With an awkward smile on his face, he continued. "... So, any idea why Ahn Jae Hyun wants to see me?" He asked, keeping his smile as polite as possible, even if he was faking it.

"From your question, I'm guessing you haven't seen the news yet?" She rolled her eyes, clearly uninterested in explaining anything to him.

"The News? What's with the News?" He asked with a raised brow, taking out his phone instantly, and going on the web. "And why didn't I get notified if something was happening?" He furrowed, looking at her.

"... Because I turned it off".

"What? Why?... He was still talking when the phone in his grip started buzzing nonstop as notifications came through.

Dragging his eyes from her to the screen, his breath was taken away instantly, with eyes widening with shock before the panic took his voice.

His heart stopped.

His head was buzzing for seconds... He was about to black out.

The headlines of the news left him speechless.

And to crown it all, the man on the News had his soul leaving his body instantly.

The stranger...

Make sure you add this book to your library and vote for me as I am in the competition. I promise to update as fast as I can to keep you guys entertained. Trust you won't regret reading.

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