

"MY EX BOWS TO HIM" is a captivating tale that unfolds in the glamorous yet cutthroat world of the entertainment industry. Alexander Gareth Hilmpton, a stoic billionaire CEO with a heart of ice, crosses paths with the stunning but underrated star, Kim Mun Ho, at a party. Their encounter sparks a whirlwind of rumors, fueled by a mysterious incident the night before, leaving Alexander clueless about a supposed lover. As the truth unravels, Kim Mun Ho grapples with the consequences of his intimate encounter with Alexander. Faced with the daunting reality of Alexander's influential background, Kim must decide whether to confront the powerful CEO or conceal their connection. The story explores themes of love, secrecy, and the unexpected twists that life in the spotlight can bring.

Beverly_Spare · LGBT+
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115 Chs

3. Gathering Of The Wealthy.

Kim Mun Ho.

If there was a subway to disappear from the surface of the earth without a trace or a living record, he would definitely be the first in line with a ticket to another realm and he wouldn't regret his decisions.


Oh, nothing much, just he is a dead man.

Dead man?

Pretty much, yes.

How so?


He stepped out of the black GTS moving lightly and calmly just as he appeared. With eyes scanning bluntly at his environment, he moved towards the entrance of the humongous hotel with his manager catching up to his steps slightly beside him.

"Remember to mingle..." She mumbled with a fake smile on her face just as they got into the large ball-like room filled with people after presenting the invitation card to the valet attendant guys guiding the entrance. "And smile while you're at it". was all she said before she disappeared into the room, leaving him with options he wasn't accustomed to.




Hell, he didn't want to be there in the first place. He wasn't even invited, his label was. He didn't even know who was hosting the party. So why the hell was he the one filling in? There are pretty much other people dying to be in the position he was in but no... They brought in the most unwilling individual in the label.

His narrow eyes twitched lightly to the elegance and exquisitivity he stood amidst but just as he had been trained never to show much expression to the public, he remained solely calm and appeared unbothered.

It was his first time being invited to a party he didn't fit in which was odd because, he fits into any room, considering how influential and popular he is in the entertainment industry– he was what they considered 'Hotshot ' with a rising Career that skyrocketed with each passing day mostly because of his soft features and natural elegant beauty.

No one could match the beauty he exhibited. As a matter of fact, he leaves an impact such that when he enters a room full of people, he leaves them in an unfathomable trance that takes time to recover from but for some reason, no one in the room gave a shit. They didn't even look his way... Which was weird and unreal. Everyone was just focused on whoever they spoke with, talking in groups of duos and threes.

It caught him off guard, bruising his ego in a certain way. It was another world on its own– more like the gathering of the wealthy.

But Oh well,

That was the least of his problems at the moment. The fact that he felt very uncomfortable in this space wasn't a good sign to begin with. He needed air, a space to breathe...

A place where the air wasn't filled with the mixtures of different expensive colognes.

Holding onto that thought in his head, he grabbed a glass from one of the chauffeurs passing by, gulping down the first glass, before settling for another. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing being invisible after all. No one would notice him being stupid, and no one would also notice if he was gone.


With a hand in the pocket of his pants and a glass in his grip, he strolled into the crowd.


Where was he going? Not a clue!

But he kept walking into the hallway... more like a large corridor, like a balcony, except it was large, wide, bright, lengthy, and breezy, with an open space where you could see the entire estate from just one wing view.

Hell, this place was massive.

With a satisfactory sigh, and a slight grin on his face, he rested his elbows on the balcony ray taking the last sip of the liquid from the glass in his grip when heard the sound of a shattered glass, followed by a loud cuss.


Hey lovelies, this book is on the competition, please do well to support me and you won't be disappointed.

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