
My Ex-Bestfriend

Throughout Azalea Bennet's childhood, and up until her middle school years, she relied on the very presence of her two best friends, Kate and Will. They were the tres trio, the three musketeers, and inseparable. That is, until, Will found himself in the "in crowd." He ultimately ditches his childhood friends. And to make it worse? He's later the sole culprit of their ruthless bullying. However, before a blame could be properly placed, he moved away--disappearing mysteriously from their lives and taking away the memories of a true betrayal. Or so they thought. Just when Azalea thinks she may be able to graduate high school and forget about the painful history of torment, Will returns to hotter than ever. Suspiciously nicer than ever. The only question remaining: Revenge or revenge?

MerlinMadisonLove · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1


I'm not sure which piece of news was worse. Finding out that the Luxens had moved back, or that my mother was planning a 'welcome back' dinner for them. I'd have to toss a coin on that one.

"It's not that bad, Azalea." My mother—whom I'll often refer to as "The Wicked Witch of the West"—sets down the ceramic plate she was inspecting. She reaches her arm across the kitchen table and grips my hand, squeezing it in what I'm sure she thinks to be a comforting way. Instead, it feels as if she is trying to crush the bones in my hand.

"I understand why you're upset," No. No you don't. "but you have to learn to move on from the past and and just throw away this crazy grudge you have against his family." She finishes, trying her best to plaster an overly-sweet smile on her face, but I can sense the impending snarl that lurks underneath.

I blow out a breath of hot air, trying to contain my irritation. I can feel the blood in my veins boil at her feigned-sympathy.

"Mom, seriously. I've told you a million times before that I don't have a grudge against his entire family. I only hate his sorry a-...butt." I would like to use a different word, but I stop myself at the last second. That would only upset her further.

She drops my hand with a scowl, receding back to the sink to continue scrubbing the few dishes left over from lunch. I watch with narrowed eyes as her movements become rigid, the yellow sponge that she's holding squishing tighter in her iron grasp.

"You really need to stop, Azalea. I know he was horrible to you and Kate for the last two months before they moved," three months, I mentally correct, "but before that all happened, you two were best friends. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

I bite my lip to stop the defensive responses that immediately come to mind. She doesn't understand. Not even the half of it. Yes, he was my best friend once. And we were the best of friends. However, that was before he became popular and bullied--no. Tormented us. He ruined our last year of middle school with his terrible 'friends.'

Mom's back is facing me, but I can sense the irritation radiating off her like heat from a laptop that was left on all day. Knowing perfectly well that no matter what I say, she will win this argument, I decide not to test her any longer. Instead, I rake my fingers through my matted mess of hair. "Mom, I know you and Mrs. Luxen are really good friends, but Will and I aren't, and you  can't force us to be," I say, trying to end the conversation.

"That's not my intention. Stop putting words into my mouth, Azalea," She shoots back, throwing down the hand towel she had draped over her shoulder to dry the plates. A part of me understands. I know why she is trying to grasp at straws. Her childhood best friend, Will's Mom, is moving back after years apart. Who wouldn't want to rekindle such a flame?

The problem was, she didn't want to simply rekindle and hang out together. She wanted to rekindle by trying to pair Will and I up. Mrs. Luxen and she had this bogus dream when they were younger that their children- Will and I- would end up together so they'd legally be family. Everything seemed to be working for them. We were best friends and did everything together. That was, until, Will decided to rain hellfire upon me.

I shove my chair back from the table and stand up.

"Maybe not immediately, but I guarantee Mrs. Luxen will try some group activity to get us together." I don't even give her time to respond before continuing. "I'll go to your dumb dinner tonight, but don't try anything. Will and I are history, and I'm sorry, but that's never going to change."

I cut her off once more by turning on my heel and retreating up the stairs to my room. I can hear her swearing under her breath and then the familiar sound of phone dials. She's probably calling Mrs. Luxen, but I'm