
My ex and I found out our spouses are cheating with each other

Secrets could be seductive and irresistible. But not every one of us would like to know secrets. Mia learned her husband's secret with his childhood friend on their wedding day. She needed more information to decide whether she should leave her husband. Things went south when she found out that the boyfriend of this childhood friend is one of her exes.

Bebebeaver · Urban
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5 Chs

The Ugly Truth Unfolds

This petite yet impeccable wedding touched all the guests who are glad to see this adorable yet mischievous lady walking towards her lifetime of happiness. Her father gently passed Mia off to Keith, her future husband as the duo joined together at the altar.

The couple finished all the traditional wedding vows as scheduled, and everything went smoothly. The banquet began as the guests started to mingle and enjoy their time.

Mia who just got back to her bridal suite, and was ready to get changed, saw her maid of honor looking at her nervously in the mirror. Mia was a little shocked as she knew her best friend was really good at managing stress and crises, and that serious look meant that it could be something out of her control.

Mia smiled gently at her hairdresser and make-up artist, "Thanks for both of you. Let's take a moment to get some rest, shall we? I don't really need to show up until 7."

The pair looked surprised but would love to have a little break on a hectic day like this. The bride looked at her maid of honor, signaling that they could speak freely as no one was in the room.

"I'm sorry to say that to you now, but the phone has been ringing non-stop from the moment you handed me that phone." Heidy couldn't hold back anymore.

Mia couldn't believe what she was told as she hid her face with her hands. The last thing she needed now is a ringing phone. Heidy looked at her hopelessly, while holding the vibrating phone in her hand. "I will take it." Mia pulled herself together and answered the call.

"Hello?" She greeted them with a quiet, hesitant voice.

"Thank god, you answered. Mia, I know it's a bit late. But you got to hear me out. You may need to take a second thought about marrying the man you're about to tie the knot with today." The voice on the other end of the phone sounded relieved, but dubious as well


"What are you talking about? How do you even know I'm getting married today? This is absurd. I haven't heard from you since you went to Europe for an exchange. And what? 10 years later, you feel like you wanted to give a call and tell me who to marry?" Mia raised her voice as she could no longer suppress her anger.

"Look, I know that is ridiculous. I am really sorry that I went away and disappeared. This is unarguably a very irresponsible act. I know there is nothing I could do to make it up to you. But this is about your future. You got to hear me out." Despite not hearing this voice for almost a decade, Mia could still recognize this euphonious voice, the voice she was desperate to hear even for now.

"Luke, that is too late. I have no idea why you feel this is so important to make this call, but I got married already. Happily married I mean." Mia was confused, but that is the only thing she needed to get off her chest now.

"Oh god. I knew it was too late. But I still need to tell you so that you can stay on top of it."

"What are you talking about? And why would you even care?"

"Your husband is going on a business trip next month, right? So you need to shorten your honeymoon just to make sure he could still attend, right?" Luke spoke definitively, which made Mia more confused.

"That is right. But how do you…"

"I know this sounds ridiculous. But the reason I know of it is because my girlfriend is a dear childhood friend of your husband. And she is leaving the city for a 'business' trip on the same date as your husband. I saw the tickets she booked, and there was another name under her booking." Luke paused. This awkward moment built even more suspense than he could imagine.

"It reads Keith Au Yeung."

Mia dropped her phone and she could not believe what she just heard. That is her husband's name, loud and clear.