

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Fantasy
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30 Chs

3: Go Away You Pests!

James was ecstatic with his gains and what he learned, "I leveled up awesome! This is all amazing, but also just sounds like an absolute cheat to be honest. Granted I don't have any idea just how strong other people or creatures are compared to me."

James realized he'd have to eat the creatures though, "I really don't wanna eat him raw, can I cook him and still gain the evolution progress or the traits and aspects?"

[Yes that is possible master]

"Good cause otherwise this would suck."

Then James begins cutting off meat from the wolf's body, and halfway through getting what he would eat he remembered the short sword stuck deep in it's body. He examined the hole in it's back and tried to pull the sword out, but it was super stuck even for his brute strength.

"Damn I guess I'll have to leave it behind! I really wanted to bring it with me even if it does seem like a dagger in my hands."

James finished cutting off some meat from the wolf's body and started gathering sticks and broken branches from him beating up trees earlier, now the only thing he needed was something to try and spark a fire. Just then he heard more noises from the bushes around him and strange gross voices in incoherent grunts in the same places and James could already tell this was gonna suck.

Out of the bushes all around were a group of 12 small goblins no bigger than 3ft tall trying to surround James with most of them carrying daggers made of bone and leather or the occasional rarity of one carrying a short sword like the one the wolf had in it's back.

They all kept encroaching upon him waiting to jump on him and stab him to death.

"You bunch of little pests think you can kill me just cause you have numbers with how few of you there are! You're all kinda stupid aren't you even for your kind."

The goblins couldn't understand him, but the could tell by his movements he's probably mocking them so they all charged at him so they could fill him with holes.

"Go away you pests you don't stand a chance!"

James rushed towards the 4 in front of him kicking one goblin in the head sending it flying into a tree killing it instantly as it's head burst open from the impact exploding brain matter and dark blood all over the tree while James grabbed another one by the neck with his left arm and crushed it's neck.


The other two goblins in front continued to try and stab James not even making a dent in his scales while the other 8 rushed forward to help them.

James just lifted his right leg and stomped on the third goblin crushing it underfoot gross dark blood covering his foot then whipped his tail forward with force at the last goblin in front of him and with the power you'd expect of such a large tail.


James' tail being whipped at the goblin on impact you could hear the bones throughout the goblins body breaking as it was thrown to the ground bleeding all over.

The other 8 goblins all stopped in their tracks filled with fear as to the strength they've witnessed only their chief has ever made them this scared before. They were frozen like statues not making a sound as James turned around and looked their way then before they could even register what was happening he was before them and not one of them could move until suddenly one of them fell to the ground dead with their head missing.

The 7 remaining goblins looked up to see James holding the 8th goblins head just as James smashed it into one of the other goblin's skull which caused both heads to split open and the goblin who was hit now squirming on the ground screaming as it's head kept bleeding profusely. The 6 others now trying to escape and run away from James at all costs.

"Where do you think your going?"

James shoves his hands through 2 goblins impaling them on each hand before he throws them away then grabs another smashing it into the ground before stepping on it's skull. 3 goblins remain as they rush through the forest heading for their village not far away, but James won't be letting them get away. James rushes them down like a T-rex chasing it's prey.

James kicks the slowest of the 3 goblins knocking him into the one just ahead making them tumble down. James cuts their throats open with his claws, picks one of them up, and chucks him the direction of the last goblin.

The last goblin running for his life sees a shadow overhead as he looks up he sees one of the other goblins fly over him and hits the ground a little bit ahead. The goblin avoids the body of its tribe member as it sees the cave that leads to it's village and the guards outside awaiting their return.

The goblin guards outside the cave see a goblin in the distance rushing their way it's face twisted in fear and they're confused why until they notice the giant lizardman behind him covered in goblin blood. Before they can do anything James grabs the little goblin by the head and crushes it between his claws with all his might covering his hands in blood and brains.

James looks towards the goblin guards at the cave entrance and without realizing locks eyes letting out deep audible growls scaring the goblin guards shitless as he slowly walks back towards where he left his food.