

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Fantasy
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30 Chs

21: Serve and Mutation

James' intimidation tactic seemed to be working a little based on how even the red challenger looked nervous but he wasn't backing down nonetheless much to James' disappointment but after thinking about it this was even better since after killing him he'd take a chunk out to eat away from prying eyes and see why this one seemed different than the other Lizardfolk and if he could apply it to himself.


[Quest: Lizard Leader]


1. Defeat the Red Lizardfolk

2. Become Chief of the Tribe of Bluescaled Lizardfolk

3. Secret- ???


200XP, 100EP, Rare Skill: Leadership lvl 1, 3 Free Attribute Points, Secret: ???


James backed up a few steps and got in his stance ready to end this as swiftly as possible while the challenger also readied himself. They squared off slowly circling one another, James started to smack his tail against the water at random times but slowly picking up the pace to distract the opponent the sound of the metal and scales snapping like an iron whip causing splashes and small waves across the water rippling out.

The challenger was getting annoyed and kept losing track of James for split moments thanks to the splashing distracting him which James quickly took advantage of and charged him circling in his blind spot which startled and surprised the challenger and the battle truly begun as James made the first strike severing the left arm of the challenger that held his shield before he could parry or block in time sending waves of pain and adrenaline through his now injured body as anger boiled up inside but also fear.

The challenger lunged at James mace in hand aiming for his head hoping to cave in his helm and crack his skull open. James merely dodged with a evil toothy grin which combined with his now blood stained dark armor and brutal style of fighting looked menacing as hell and made him seem like a monster to these otherwise savage lizards.

James strolled over to the severed arm in the water floating with the shield and set the blade of his axe on it and said in a deep monotone voice that all present heard and the challenger and his entourage all were shaken by what they witnessed, "Devour", the axe springing to life the blade opening in a jagged maw as it crunched down on the arm slowly pulling it in seemingly nowhere as it devoured every piece crunching on bone and scales as it finished it's meal the blade reforming to it's normal shape leaving nothing but the shield behind.

James suddenly shot his eyes towards his opponent slowly walking step by step through the water holding the bloody axe in both hands taking his time which to the challenger felt like an eternity as he felt certain death approaching for the first time in his life and he was petrified incapable of moving as he froze like a deer in headlights waiting to die.

James was disappointed by the frailty and how weak the red scaled Lizardman is especially in mentality when his life is on the line, but he just let it go as it just meant this would go quicker. James raised his axe as he got closer and swiftly beheaded the red scaled causing his body to wobble briefly then fall splashing into the water dying the water surrounding him red. James picked up the head that James guessed anyway was stuck in a terrified expression raising it into the sky and let out a roaring warcry from deep within that shattered any remaining morale the green Lizardmen had left after watching their champion die so pitifully.

James picked up a semi sharp stick impalingbthe head upon it and brought it before the chief stabbing it into the ground the head at waist level.

The blue scaled guards and warriors were all chanting "Stormborn!!!" repeatedly and the chief again kneeled before James causing the others to as well which stunned the demoralized green scaled not understanding who he was if he wasn't the chief since he brought the kill before the one kneeling.

The chief looked up and said, "Great one born of the Storm please...lead us...I am undeserving as my people have been slaughtered under my command and we are running out of food. You are strong and blessed by the blood of ancients so we will serve you with all we are in hopes to reclaim our glory as descendants of the dragons."

James was stunned and didn't know what the fuck the chief was talking about but just rolled with it and asked him and the rest to stand and accepted the role of chief and leader of the tribe but first they needed to deal with the losing party still standing at the door and to find the rest of them.

James walked over and had the gate guards and warriors stand behind him in case they needed to fight more but the green Lizardmen all started to back down wanting to run away.

James cracked his tail against the surface of the water and said loudly just shy of a yell, "Surrender or die! You will serve and join our ranks along with your village or I will cut you all down and your families afterwards! Now make your choice! Any who run will die!"

The Green Lizardmen all wanted to flee or fight but they feared James and knew even their chief stood no chance just like their best warrior who still floats in the water with his head on a pike and they couldn't bear to know if they failed their loved ones would die because of either their stupidity or cowardice so they bent the knee to James all but one fool who was too prideful and stepped forward weapon up and ready and was instantly cut down by James without a second thought reaffirming his strength.

James and the guards took the weapons from them all and they escorted them to a small part of the village where they kept prisoners putting them all in there for now and putting half of the guards for the village on them because of how many there were.

James had hung back to take a bite out of the red and green scaled Lizardmen he killed and as he was walking through the village to the chief's(now his)hut he checked the system for his gains.

[You have killed a Red Lizardfolk]

[You have killed a Green Lizardfolk]

[You have gained 45XP]

[You have gained 30XP]

[You have gained 35EP]

[Total XP: 135/700]

[Total EP: 275]

[Monster Eater activated you have gained 4 Free Attribute Points]

[Mutation Detected!!]

[Absorbing & Evolving Mutation]

James didn't have time to understand what it meant when suddenly a horn started growing at a rapid rate from just above his snout like the Redscaled Lizardman but also his tail grew spikes out of the sides near the end of it which the armor adapted to the new growths but James was startled and knew he'd be getting questions but also appreciated this as it meant he could change and adapt even before evolving fully.

"System what was the cause of the mutation of the red lizardman?"

[He was long descended from a dragon bloodline but based on the mutation a form of lesser dragon and it had been dozens of generations since then so the traits had been mostly lost and only showed up as a mutation very rarely in his family]

"Okay...then are my scale color and pattern a form of mutation as well?"

[No master, but I am unable to tell you more as the information regarding that topic is restricted]

"Well shit...whatever...I already got enough shit on my plate especially now that I'm a leader somehow."

James chocked it up to them being kinda stupid as well as the weakened state of the village as a whole plus whatever they meant by him being "Stormborn".

He kept walking and once he arrived at his new hut where the elders and previous chief plus the scarred warrior were waiting he went and sat where the chief was before and the elders seemed eager to kiss up to him and the other two simply kneeled before him waiting for his command which still weirded out James a shit ton but he got right to business, "Before we make our move to subjugate and take over their village I need you all to fill me in on as much as possible, the name of our village and people, the surrounding area, any problematic beasts or races in the area and how strong the remaining warriors were have are and the problems plaguing the village."



Name: James Stormblood

Lvl: 7

XP: 135/700

EP: 275

Race: Lizardfolk/???

Class: N/A

Health: 360/360

Mana: 250/250

Height: 7ft 9in

Weight: 310lbs


Strength- 25

Dexterity- 20

Intelligence- 25

Wisdom- 15

Constitution- 24

Charisma- 8


Active- Rage, Primal Intimidation

Passive- Hand to Hand Combat, Axemanship, Mana Circuit

Spells: Lightning(evolveable)


Dragon Eyes, Iron Stomach, Monster Eater, Strong Body, Tracker


Spiked Tail and Nose Horn(Unknown Lesser Dragon)

Aspects: Blood of The Dark Blood Wolf

Free Attribute Points: 7
