

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Fantasy
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30 Chs

15: Prejudice and Old Men


Name: James Stormblood

Lvl: 6

XP: 210/600

EP: 240

Health: 360/360

Mana: 100

Race: Lizardfolk

Class: N/A

Height: 7ft 9in

Weight: 310lbs


Strength- 18

Dexterity- 9

Intelligence- 7

Wisdom- 5

Constitution- 24

Charisma- 4


Active- Rage, Primal Intimidation

Passive- Hand to Hand Combat


Dragon Eyes, Iron Stomach, Monster Eater, Strong Body, Tracker

Aspects: Blood of The Dark Blood Wolf

Free Attribute Points: 50


James walked over to Romania and as he got close she started to shake and jumped into his arms starting to cry a little.

James gently petted her head and softly spoke, "Romania it's alright, I know you want me to stay but I need to go. Your father isn't kicking me out, I'm leaving of my own accord. I need to find my place in this world but I promise I'll come back one day so till then please wait for me and please promise not to get caught again or your father is gonna fall apart."

Romania hit his chest still lightly sobbing, "You're so mean...it's not my fault I got caught so how can I promise that...more importantly can't you find your place here...with me...?"

James petted her head a little more before using a claw to lift her chin and look into her eyes, "Maybe one day but not yet, that's why I want you to wait for me. If I'm not back in ten years I want you to forget me but I promise I'll be back before then so please just wait for me, we'll meet again."

James then pulled her off and put his hand on her head before walking out with Serena following behind till they arrived at the castle gates.

"It's a shame you have to go my dear, we could have had such fun together~"

James without even turning around swiftly smacked Serena's beautiful round ass with the tip of his tail making it jiggle and Serena jump up, "Then you wait for me too and when I get back we'll have all the fun you could ask for~"

Serena was taken aback by this but quickly regained her composure and giggled mischievously but now with a noticeably red flush to her dark complexion and ears, "What a naughty boy, I can't wait for you to fill me with that sword of yours so till you get back I'll make sure to think of you and that thick sword of yours when I need a release~"

With that James left the castle to go into the town for supplies and some armor, the town is separated into 3 districts with the castle and the wealthy living in the central district in the middle of the town, next was the commercial or shopping district full of all the businesses in a ring around the central district where it was always bustling and busy even at night as some businesses stayed open after nightfall, then lastly the outer district is where the common folk and the majority of people lived also known as the residential district which takes up the majority of the town with a few small shops and necessities close by as well. Overall the town of Dragontooth was quite large to the point it should be considered a city with the few thousand people that lived here.

Surprisingly the town had no slums with very few homeless around even in the dark back alleys, as James roamed the shopping district looking for the shops he needed many people looked at James with fright or contempt. By this point everyone had heard the story and rumors of the liaxardman who'd saved Lady Fulgurn and a bunch of other women from the goblins but most people didn't care cause he was a "savage" and thougt he'd attack them at any moment. James was getting annoyed with all the stares and hushed curses and bad mouthing but he knew he couldn't give in or he'd only prove them right so he stayed in the moral high ground as he finally found a shop to his liking, more specifically a smithy and armorer. He'd seen several similar shops that were more fancy but they all would refuse him entry much to James' frustration so he'd moved on. Upon entering this small shop he'd immediately noticed a shorter man around 4'10" who looked in his 50s with a large grey beard with shorter but messy hair and bronze skin snoring in a chair leaned back about ready to fall over but James felt something was off, actually the old man was awake and secretly observing him and he only noticed because of [Dragon Eyes]. James walked around the shop that had weapons and and armor covering the walls and racks of the shop in all different makes and sizes. Upon observing the weapons and armor which all were of poor quality barely useable with dull blades as well as just generally being brittle almost snapping when James held one of the bigger blades but James could see faint magical energy sticking to every brick, weapon, and piece of armor within this shop so something wasn't right. James walked over to the front desk where the old man was "sleeping" his clawed feet scratching and thumping against the stone tile before standing there and just silently staring almost boring a whole in the old man's head as he nearly glared with small rumbling internal growls being just barley audible in the shop.

The old man finally moved and quit pretend snoring, "You gonna buy something or you gonna keep creeping me out yuh funky lizard?"

James just curtly replied, "You were staring first old man."

The old man was surprised but then burst out laughing as he spoke, "You could tell huh hahaha! You're a strange one aren't yuh, if you noticed that then you must be able to tell how all that you see in my shop is junk. So tell me Mr tall and scaly why are you still here then?"

James was slightly amused by this guy since he didn't seem to treat him like a disease like most people have so far, "There's something special about you and this shop, none of the other fancy smiths or weapon shops are coated in mana like this."

The old man immediately was more curious about James, "Ooohoho you can tell huh, I imagine it's cause of those weird eyes of yours. Most wouldn't notice but they remind me quite eerily of a dragon's which definitely isn't normal for a lizard like you to have even if dragon's are just big ass lizards hahaha!!"

James noticed how he was getting swept up in idle conversation and got to business, "Nevermind all that, you're not normal smith but you obviously don't care to deal with normal people and keep all this here to deter any common idiot or snarky noble with money to blow from coming in. So just in a guess you don't care so much about the money as the actual craft and making sure your true craftsmanship is given to someone who deserves it."

The old man immediately quit laughing and got super serious sighing deeply as he stood up picking up a large hammer from under the desk that looked like a Warhammer but it was nearly black as obsidian with an amethyst scaly leather grip and small stones of varying colors imbedded in the side of the head that gave off so much mana in the old man's hands it almost seemed alive, "If you want something made you're gonna have to earn it, you don't know my skills but frankly I don't know you or if you're worthy of having anything custom made so until you can prove you're worth my time I ain't making you shit got it."