

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Fantasy
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30 Chs

13: Embarrassed and Pressured

All that could be heard throughout the castle and it's many halls was deep profound laughter that shook the castle walls as if a small earthquake was taking place.

James covered Romania's ears from the powerful laughter. Lord Cloud came out from the dark hallway wearing the same black clothes from earlier, but this time to James' eyes more specifically the Dragon Eyes he was radiating a golden aura with what looked like golden arcs of lightning dancing around it causing small thunder claps as he walked forward.

As Cloud got within 5 feet he said, "Well isn't this interesting you not only have the balls to make jokes with a blade to your neck but you also have quite the special eyes don't you my boy, now if you don't mind keep your fucking hands off my daughter!!"

James felt an enormous pressure almost crushing him emanating from Lord Cloud as he reached out picking up his daughter who'd passed out from the crying and sending a small green mist of light that closed all of James' wounds.

"Now the castle staff will clean this all up soon so you can go back to your room for the night and we'll talk in the morning...also please make sure none of the staff see you take a bite out of these mongrels..."

James was shaken to his core both at Cloud's power as well as at how he knew he'd eaten pieces of the previous assassins. James took a couple minutes to get himself together stuck kneeling on the floor as Cloud and Romania disappeared from view before he finally pulled himself together, took a bite out of each assassin gaining another 10 evolution points and headed back to his room to contemplate his next actions.

(The next morning)

James was woken up by one of the maids specifically a very beautiful dark elf maid who had a voluptuous figure that rivaled Romania's which seemed to have quite the effect on James as his male instincts couldn't be held back based on a certain place suddenly standing straight up to the heavens at quite an impressive length before the maid's view causing her to giggle mischievously.

"Well isn't someone raring to go so early in the morning~

Too bad I have work to do and my masters are waiting on you my dear so I will find you a change of clothes since you certainly aren't gonna be able to hide that monster on your own when you're this excited~"

James was obviously flustered and a little embarrassed upon realizing his situation but did his best not to show it which the maid very much noticed and giggled to herself as she left the room then after a few minutes came back with a pair of nice and sturdy black pants and a large black shirt that fit James surprisingly well.

"Much better now my dear, now you best get to the dining hall before Lady Fulgurn gets worried about you or starts pouting. I will say though if you ever want some fun later before you leave I don't mind spending some heated time with you my dark knight~"

James held it together as the maid turned slightly shaking her hips causing her ass and tits to jiggle right in his view as she walked out of the room and called to him to follow.

"Come on my dear we don't have all daaaay~"

James got up and followed her to the dining hall where Lord Cloud and Romania were waiting.

Cloud was the first to speak, "Ah there you are my boy, hopefully Serena didn't give you too much trouble. She can be quite the little devil when she wants to and I wouldn't be surprised if she toyed with you a bit. You look good in those clothes but now let's have a good breakfast and you and I will talk."

James did his best to say nothing in response to Cloud's comments about the dark elf maid which he now knows is called Serena but Serena merely giggled in the corner behind Cloud which made Romania puff up here cheeks and stare upsettedly at her as they sat down and ate their meal.

(After the meal Cloud dismissed Romania and brought James to his office as well as Serena who dutifully stood behind her Lord)

Cloud sat in his large and obviously expensive cushioned chair that had a large golden lightning bolt at the top of the back of the chair just above his head as well as on the the arms of the chair before speaking.

"James you my friend are already an anomaly to me as in my many years I have never seen a lizardman that speaks the common language but not only that you are without a tribe from what I can tell and you are very very far from even the closest tribe of lizardman yet you seemingly just appeared in the shallowest end of the Great Forest of Danevere based on what little info my daughter and the other women have given as well as the fact there are very view black lizardmen especially with that unique scale pattern of yours so there's no way we wouldn't have noticed you till now in the surrounding area, so before I give you your reward for saving my daughter twice as well as for being attacked within my home like that plus the bounty for the goblins the adventurer's guild posted even if you're not a guild member I want you to be honest with me boy, who and what are you really?!"

Cloud released a small wave of power pressuring James keeping him stuck in his seat leaving a small golden aura leaking out of him that James could see.

James responded, "I'll answer your question but first I have a better question which is what are you Lord Cloud, that golden aura of yours is either something your servants are used to seeing which I doubt based on how it didn't light up the hallway last night or it doesn't seem to be noticable to most people which is why my eyes could see it."

Cloud was slightly shocked but that only fueled his need to know who James really was and put more pressure on him as he answered, "That is none of your concern boy, I like you but I do not trust you. You are an anomaly and something my people will fear plus my daughter is taking a liking to you and that cannot stand. So answer my question then I will reward you for what you've done then I ask that you leave. If you have questions about the area or where to find more lizardmen I will tell you but if you decide to stay around here you will no longer be staying in my castle and will have to find an inn or tavern.

James responded with a strained sigh, "Huuuh...fine this is gonna take a bit and you probably won't even believe me anyway."