The Hunters were shouting at each other, but they didn't have time to argue. The Grendelkin was still alive, and it had a lot of HP left.
Teacher Fey raised her staff and began chanting in a last attempt to save her life. She cast a spell that would increase the power of two of her allies. Rather, it was the only spell she could perform right now.
That didn't help, for they were surrounded and cut off from everyone. Their initial plan to kill the Grendelkin swiftly and pincer the goblins from behind also didn't come to fruition because of that.
The Mages most devastating spells was supposed to decide everything, but who knew that the Grendelkin wore a specially crafted magical item that protected it from magical damage. And instead, the damage that should have reduced its HP to zero only added to its HP.
<Whoever made that magic item is surely an incredible magical user or Alchemist>