With another PoOofFf, a cloud of pink fog appeared and disappeared as quickly as it came and revealed Yuko in a . . . child's form.
Her breasts were gone.
<That's the first thing that Host noticed?>
Her white hair became shoulder-length. Her phoenix eyes turned big and childlike. She was short, too, just around my knees in height. She was wearing the same kimono, only smaller to match her frame. Her ears were still there, and only one bushy tail was left protruding from her tail bone.
"How about this?" she asked. Her deep voice was now high-pitched and a little bit childish.
I looked at her with a confused expression on my face.
"What?" she asked. "You don't like it?"
"No, I mean . . . ," I said. "It's not what I expected."
She pouted, and her brows crumpled together. "You're a very hard man to please. Do you know that?"