The night steadily approached, and darkness consumed the sky. I could still hear the ongoing construction outside, although it was faint.
No complaints since I knew that they were working on finishing building my territory. Honestly, I even felt bad about lying here, resting, and sleeping.
<That's the job of Tokens, Host. They don't need sleep, so they might as well do their job.>
<Aren't you glad they slave away so that can have an easy life? Within a week, your territory will be finished just in time for the Blood Rain.>
Shut up. That just makes me feel guiltier.
However, my feelings didn't matter as my body succumbed to exhaustion, and sleep took hold of me.
I woke up to find myself back in my usual room. The sun shone through the windows, and it was morning — obviously.
My eyes were blinded as soon as I opened them, and whenever I tried to lift my eyelids, I failed. It was like they were glued together.
"You're awake!"