<CONGRATULATIONS 10 100 on completing the main quest, BREAK AMARA GOLDSTEIN's heart! Rewards! 000 EXP! Evil Points!>
I blinked.
I had to be honest here. Even though I was devoid of useless emotions and only thought logically, I couldn't comprehend what was happening.
Probably, any logic in this world wouldn't be able to comprehend what was happening right now.
I hadn't even bought that [Handsome Elixir] yet. I hadn't even done anything to make her fall in love with me and break her heart . . .
. . . Unless . . .
My head whipped over at Amara, my eyes wide as they could stretched.
I caught her looking at me with shaking eyes while clutching her arm and biting her lips like she was repressing her tears.
Her face was flushed, and she had that expression like she was longing for something . . . or someone but couldn't have it . . . unless . . .